How to track Plastic Card after US Entry


Registered Users (C)
Is there any way that we can track how long it will take to get Plastic Card after US Entry?? Is there a phone number to call etc. ? Any and all help would be apreciated. If there is an existing thread for such a discussion I apologize in advance and would appreciate anyone pointing me to that
there are a couple of threads if u search with "plastic card" ...there is a recent one

but that pertains mostly to POE of San Francisco ...

But what I have gathered from this board is that the Plastic cards are processed only by TSC and CSC ....

If ur POE was on the west coast, u will need to call CSC

If it was in the east coast you come under the dreaded TSC !!!!

What was ur POE ??
u should get ur card witin 4 weeks .... but if for some reason you have to track ur case then u will

if you have never dealt with TSC before .... trust me its a nightmare !!!

Its better that u don\'t bother for 2 months and if u don\'t get the card by then, you can try calling them (if u get through !!) ... but i think u will get the card within a month :)
one question for you ,,,,

how long did it take for ur P4 to reach the US ...mine has already taken 2 weeks and its yet reached me or the lawyer. ALso, what is the mode by which Delhi sends the P4 (Courier or Registered mail)?