successful CP at NWD June 19th


Registered Users (C)
I landed at Newark Aiport last night. My CP was successfully done at NWD on the 19th. CP interview was a breeze. My interview date was scheduled for the 21st and I went to the embassy on the 18th and had it preponed to the 19th. They had no problems with preponing it by 2 days.

I will post details really SOON.

Feel free to ask questions in the meantime :)
Congrats Desert_boy ....!!

Did they ask for Local PCC? How much fees did they charge you $65 or $75?? Can you pay in $$$$ (cash)?
I am arriving 3 working days before the interview. Will that be ok for the medical and photographs?

Planning to go to Dr. Jain
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You do not need local PCC. I got a Local PCC (it was a pain in the @#$% and took 3 days) -- then I was told at the NWD Embassy that it was not required as I already had one from the US and had not lived in India for more than 3+ years. In terms of the fees you can either get bank draft for $65x the number of applicants (converted to Indian Rs @ Rs49/1$) or you can pay in cash (indian Rs or US$). I got my Medical done at Dr. Dawesar -- she was very good and you can get your report in 2 days -- photographs are availabe the same day usually. Hope this helps.

Desert_Boy --- I had my interview on the 19th as well. I guess I must have seen you at the Embassy. Do you think we will get our cards in about 4 weeks??

I was asked for local PCC and I submitted that. although the guy (counter 15) collecting the documents also said that if I didnt have it, that was fine too.

Rohtak... by any chance were you there with your wife??? I might have been the guy standing right behind you.. I was wearing a white t shirt and jeans. (congrats to you as well).. how was your interview??

Fees collected were $65 not $75

I went to Dr Jain He gives you the reports the same day itself. Here is what I did... I had my photographs done from the US itself. so I landed on the 18th and had the interview on the 19th
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thanks for the answers guys ....desert_boy where did u take the photographs from ??

I had taken photographs for AOS(eventually went for CP) will they work?


Congratulations on successful CP.

One quick question, you said that you got your interview preponed by couple of days. My interview is in August. I was also hoping to get it preponed by a week or so as I will be there anyways at that time. Do you think they will do that?
Also how and when did you request for the preponement. Did you get into the line between 3 to 4 PM or you spoke with someone over phone?

Please let me know.


desert_boy ... i have a few questions for you

Where did you take the photographs from ? I had taken photographs for AOS(eventually went for CP) will they work?

Also, I got my P4 today with a medical Appointment date ! I am assuming that we should ignore that ?

For the medical we need to have a photograph. Does it have to be the immigration photograph that we will be submitting to the consulate ?

I need you advice ... I have sent you an private message too.
desert_boy ... i have a few questions for you

Where did you take the photographs from ? I had taken photographs for AOS(eventually went for CP) will they work? Also, I got my P4 today with a medical Appointment date ! I am assuming that we should ignore that ? For the medical we need to have a photograph. Does it have to be the immigration photograph that we will be submitting to the consulate ? I need you advice ... I have sent you an private message too.
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You have to ignore what they say about Medical Appt. date ...
 Medical exam photo has to be REGULAR photo ... not IMMIG photo.
 There is a studio in South Ex II (near to Dr Jain ... known to his staff as well). Also that studio is closed on Mondays.

 I think photo\'s shld NT be more than six-month old ...u can check ur attorney..
As far as I have seen that NWD doesn\'t care too much on paystubs .....

only chennai seems to be perticular on the latest pay stub ....
desert_boy, How did you prepone the interview...

Did you go in line during the hours of 3 to 4 PM or the request for preponing can be made any time?

