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  1. M

    divorce pending and citizenship

    thank you JohnnyCash, the husband has already agreed to dismiss the case with the family court, the only thing is that the date to apply for citizenship is April 8th, 2007. If the divorce case is dismissed on the 6th or 7th of April, from a immigration officer point of view, does it still look...
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    divorce pending and citizenship

    Dckaraja: you mean the officer called her husband while she was at the interview?
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    divorce pending and citizenship

    thank you Gopalmn1965, I guess they can ask the court to dismiss the case, but if the background check showed there was a divorce case ever filed, Immigration officer would still not think they are in good faith.
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    divorce pending and citizenship

    Hi, if someone got permanent GC through marriage and she can apply for citizenship this month (3 year based), the couple have filed divorce a couple months back and the divorce is still pending(probably will finalize in August). Can she apply for citizenship thru the 3 year marriage now? Will...
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    China NP renew and back home question

    dreaming-flyer,,,, I've known people who got their GC through aylum have renewed their NP in the chinese consulate in Los angeles. and they also used their GC and NP traveled back to China before. The only thing is that you probably shouldn't renew your NP with the GC you have now, try to see if...
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    Catagory: AS8?

    Hi, guys, I have a quick question here. the primary applicant in the aylum case usually get their green card with the catagory: as6 on there. My friend is the primary applicant for her family and her daughter is the deriviative applicant. and her GC shows catagory AS8. is there any...
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    question about UK visa.

    Hi, guys, i just came back from the consulate of UK in Los Angeles for my visa. Everything was very simple, all you need is whatever documents they listed on their website and I think as long as you pay the visa fee they will give u a visa no matter what. Will leave tonight for London coming...
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    question about UK visa.

    Thanks, Cadel. I guess as long as you pay the visa fees then you probably won't have any problems gettting it. hehe
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    question about UK visa.

    Hi, Cadel, Thanks for all the helpful info, another question for u here: Is the employment letter a big deal? I've been unemployed for a while but i can get someone to write a letter shows that i work in his office with his law office's letter head. Is that going to do it or i need more than...
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    question about UK visa.

    Hi, wantmygcnow, i'm trying to book my ticket now online. I want to leave on next monday (12/12/2005). I already book the appointment with UK consulate in L.A. for 12/12/2005, i was wondering that if i can get the visa the same day i will just book my ticket for the 12th, if i can't get it the...
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    question about UK visa.

    Hi, guys, I'm planning to travel to London next week with my NP and GC. I know a lot of you talked about it's very easy to get a UK visa. I have all the suporting documents ( bank statements, etc). My question is that do i need a invitation from the UK? and will I get the visa the same day...
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    I guess it makes a difference if you r holding a RTC or your NP. I emailed the south korea embassy yesterday and told them i will be using my NP and U.S. GC to travel to korea and they told me that i need a visa for it. also, teenygirl, you don't need a visa to go to Mexico if you have a GC...
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    one of u, thanks for replying, i think im going to email them too, because i also want to find out if i need a visa to go there by using the NP and GC.
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    I was looking at the korea consulate website, but couldn't find any info about you don't need a visa if you are a GC holder. can u provide the link?
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    i think only switzerland is visa free if you have a U.S. GC. Well, it also depend on what nationality u r.
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    Luka, you r 100% right, i just called the swiss consulate and they said the same thing. well it still sucks since that switzerland is not part of the Schengen countries, so if we want to visit like France or Italy, we still need a visa to go there. I was just wondering if you can get to the...
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    which country don't need visa to go for PR?

    so now,,, since a lot of us have received the GC. I'm just curious that other than Canada and Mexico, which other country do not require visa for a U.S. permanent resident?
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    GC got stolen

    well, since the person whoever lost thier GC have to pay the replacement cost anyways, I would think the U.S. ambassy would be kind enough just to charge the person around 20-30 bucks to get the piece of paper to come back to the States. and something out of topic, there are millions of...
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    GC got stolen

    Joe: the card was stolen. does it make any difference if it was stolen or lost? Samn400: that really sucks that you can't get a greencard while you r waiting for the citizenship thing go through. so meanwhile u can't travel to anywhere then?
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    GC got stolen

    hi guys, my friend lost her GC last week in england. she went to the american ambassy there and was told have to pay 165 US dollars to get a piece of document so she can come back to the States. then she has to pay for the fee to get a replacement card after she comes back here. does...