which country don't need visa to go for PR?

one-of-u said:

I made contact via email weeks ago. They replied:

If your re entry permit did not mention "refuge document", you may visit to Korea without visa for 30 days
with your return airline ticket(under 30 days) as tourist or transit.
Thank you,


Y. Kim
Visa section
Korean Consulate General
in San Francisco

hope it helps


one of u, thanks for replying, i think im going to email them too, because i also want to find out if i need a visa to go there by using the NP and GC.
south korea does not require visa

I just came back from South Korea in August and went there on my RTD without a visa. I have a green card.
No need visa?

mzoo_127 said:
so now,,, since a lot of us have received the GC. I'm just curious that other than Canada and Mexico, which other country do not require visa for a U.S. permanent resident?

Anybody knows if Canada doesn't require visa for people with Reentry Permit and Green card?
Fom the Embassy of Canada in D.C. web-site:


Many people do not require a visa to visit Canada. These include:

Persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence who are in possession of their alien registration card (Green card) or can provide other evidence of permanent residence.
teenygirl said:
Anybody knows if Canada doesn't require visa for people with Reentry Permit and Green card?

For Canada all you need is your green card. Have a good trip.
Here's Another..If you wanna take a cruise

Permanent Residents of the United States and Canada do not require a visa to travel to The Bahamas. However, Please Note the following:

Permanent Residents of the United States are required to have an Alien Registration Card (Green Card) with a valid passport from the country of origin.

Permanent Residents of Canada are required to have proof of Landed Immigrant status (Immigration 1000 form)
Ah..I see it now on the canadian website, all green card holders can go with no visas. Thank you!

What about mexico? I didn't see any specific requirements on their embassy website. Haw anybody actually been there without a visa?

Sorry, I got my gc in July and have been itching to travel ever since, especially since I just got married last month and want to go somewhere for my honeymoon where it's less hassle free. Really hate applying for visas..

ND 08/2000
GC 07/2005
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teenygirl said:
I just came back from South Korea in August and went there on my RTD without a visa. I have a green card.

I guess it makes a difference if you r holding a RTC or your NP. I emailed the south korea embassy yesterday and told them i will be using my NP and U.S. GC to travel to korea and they told me that i need a visa for it.

also, teenygirl, you don't need a visa to go to Mexico if you have a GC. and a lot countries on the caribbean side don't require visa for U.S. GC holder. I know how it feels just getting the GC, u just want to travel the whole world, haha. It's too bad a lot of countries are stupid enough to not waive the visa requirement for U.S. permanent resident. It's not like we are going to stay in their country illegally. I wish these country that waive the visa for the U.S. citizen should do the same to the U.S. permanent resident.
mzoo_127 said:
so now,,, since a lot of us have received the GC. I'm just curious that other than Canada and Mexico, which other country do not require visa for a U.S. permanent resident?
Dominican Republic!You paying for visa $10 cash at the port of entry.
Nice place , no english , almost no americans , and the best part--- NO INTERNET !!! .Very cheap 4-5 stars "all inclusive" resorts in a island that looks like paradise.Highly recommended.I don't have GC , NP expired in 98, had no questions,no problems with Travel Document.
Id like to mention this: before i go , i called embassy twice, first time they say I need a visa, same day talk to the same person , explain a little bit , he ask how the RTD looks like and if its the same like GC holders have, and said i can go without any problem.
Hi Teengirl:

Could you please give a bit more insider on your trip to So.Korea? Did their Border Officers Stamp you travel document on your in/out that country? Did they question your status in the US? And are the people friendly to US GC holders?

I ask because I am travel to that country in 2 months.

Many thanks

RD 09/2000
GC 07/2005

teenygirl said:
I just came back from South Korea in August and went there on my RTD without a visa. I have a green card.

yes, the customs officers in korea are very nice..didn't ask me a single question. He just looked at my US green card and flipped my RTD a few times (with a little puzzled look), before putting a visa stamp for 30 days (my husband who has an austrian passport got 3 months and he teased me about it but so what).

On departing korea, the customs officer also did not ask me anything and just stamped my RTD.
ClevelandOH said:
Dominican Republic!You paying for visa $10 cash at the port of entry.
Nice place , no english , almost no americans , and the best part--- NO INTERNET !!! .Very cheap 4-5 stars "all inclusive" resorts in a island that looks like paradise.Highly recommended.I don't have GC , NP expired in 98, had no questions,no problems with Travel Document.
Id like to mention this: before i go , i called embassy twice, first time they say I need a visa, same day talk to the same person , explain a little bit , he ask how the RTD looks like and if its the same like GC holders have, and said i can go without any problem.

The document is from America!!!! You should have no problems.
mzoo_127 said:
Luka, you r 100% right, i just called the swiss consulate and they said the same thing. well it still sucks since that switzerland is not part of the Schengen countries, so if we want to visit like France or Italy, we still need a visa to go there. I was just wondering if you can get to the other european countries through switzerland without any visa if you are a PR of U.S.

HI once i lived in france ,no you cant travel to france or other schengen countries from switzerland with out obtaining a visa .
i just got visa on my NP, but the lady in consulate told me that i can get stamped on my RTD
im planning to go to south korea in 3 weeks ,
and will be there for 2 weeks.
do you think there will be problem when im using my NP and RTD asylee?
the consulate wont stamp my RTD with visa
thanks in advance
yes, the customs officers in korea are very nice..didn't ask me a single question. He just looked at my US green card and flipped my RTD a few times (with a little puzzled look), before putting a visa stamp for 30 days (my husband who has an austrian passport got 3 months and he teased me about it but so what).

On departing korea, the customs officer also did not ask me anything and just stamped my RTD.