question about UK visa.

Lazerthegreat said:
Who wants to claim asylum in UK after they have been granted asylum in another reasonable country (such as US, canada, germany)... I don't understand this.

Quite frankly UK seemed like a 3rd world country to me when I went there after living in USA...

Lazer. Very good question. The thing is in America when people get here, they have the notion in their head that they need to work to make a living. However in European countries, lots of refugees get Welfare from the government.

They get housing, clothes, money per month. In Germany, every legal german residents(including refugees) get 200 euros for the kids until the kid turns 18. It doesn't matter if you make 1 million or 1 penny..they still get the money. The govt also supplies residents with diapers etc for the kids. NO wonder their economy is bad.

What lots of refugees do in Europe is that they apply for asylum in lets say Germany and get a reisdent visa(2 years). They get welfare 200 euros from the govt every month...They go to a different european country and apply for asylum again and by law in europe they give you welfare even if your asylum is pending.

So theoretically you could apply for asylum in all european countries and receive $200 bucks from each one of them. To counter that, mostly european countries require that in order to receive the 200 in welfare, you visit them EVERY MONTH and show ID and sign. They match your signature and ID ofcourse.

The asylum system in europe is so broken that its pathetic. They hardly give anyone asylum there..but they give them 2 years or 5 years stay visa and then indefinte visa(in 10 years only if you are employed over poverty-line)

We should be thankful for America or else like in Europe they make sure you are not in the same level as a european national. To work in mall, you need to go to school to get a certificate. When I went to germany to visit my family long time ago, I told them I used to work in a bank during my early years and they thought i was PHD.

Its so sad how Europeans treat foreginers there..

The French riots that happened is a great example of how foreigners are being treated that they have to turn to violence to make a point.
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wantmygcnow said:
Lazer. Very good question. The thing is in America when people get here, they have the notion in their head that they need to work to make a living. However in European countries, lots of refugees get Welfare from the government.

They get housing, clothes, money per month. In Germany, every legal german residents(including refugees) get 200 euros for the kids until the kid turns 18. It doesn't matter if you make 1 million or 1 penny..they still get the money. The govt also supplies residents with diapers etc for the kids. NO wonder their economy is bad.

What lots of refugees do in Europe is that they apply for asylum in lets say Germany and get a reisdent visa(2 years). They get welfare 200 euros from the govt every month...They go to a different european country and apply for asylum again and by law in europe they give you welfare even if your asylum is pending.

So theoretically you could apply for asylum in all european countries and receive $200 bucks from each one of them. To counter that, mostly european countries require that in order to receive the 200 in welfare, you visit them EVERY MONTH and show ID and sign. They match your signature and ID ofcourse.

The asylum system in europe is so broken that its pathetic. They hardly give anyone asylum there..but they give them 2 years or 5 years stay visa and then indefinte visa(in 10 years only if you are employed over poverty-line)

We should be thankful for America or else like in Europe they make sure you are not in the same level as a european national. To work in mall, you need to go to school to get a certificate. When I went to germany to visit my family long time ago, I told them I used to work in a bank during my early years and they thought i was PHD.

Its so sad how Europeans treat foreginers there..

The French riots that happened is a great example of how foreigners are being treated that they have to turn to violence to make a point.

Hmmm...very useful info...thanks want!
14ksusha said:
Thank you for the helpful info. Gee, they really need all those documents???? In my situation, I am self-employed and will stay at different places all over UK, little B@Bs, friends' houses, etc. Can I show them my bank statement? Did they need medical insurance?

Yes bank statement is accepted.As self employed,you're gonna need to show your business papers.In the application,there is box for your accommodation(Where you're going to stay in UK).You're gonna need to write down names, address and phone number of your friend.
Good luck.London is a very beautiful and hectic city.A subway system is nice as well.You're gonna like it.Once you get there,avoid walking through parks at night.It's very dangerous in London since 1 british out of 5 carries knife.Knife in UK is like gun in US.You're gonna find a lot of parks accross London.Also,people in London drink a lot(alcohol).
cadel said:
Yes bank statement is accepted.As self employed,you're gonna need to show your business papers.In the application,there is box for your accommodation(Where you're going to stay in UK).You're gonna need to write down names, address and phone number of your friend.
Good luck.London is a very beautiful and hectic city.A subway system is nice as well.You're gonna like it.Once you get there,avoid walking through parks at night.It's very dangerous in London since 1 british out of 5 carries knife.Knife in UK is like gun in US.You're gonna find a lot of parks accross London.Also,people in London drink a lot(alcohol).

Hi, Cadel, Thanks for all the helpful info, another question for u here:
Is the employment letter a big deal? I've been unemployed for a while but i can get someone to write a letter shows that i work in his office with his law office's letter head. Is that going to do it or i need more than just a simple letter?
mzoo_127 said:
Hi, Cadel, Thanks for all the helpful info, another question for u here:
Is the employment letter a big deal? I've been unemployed for a while but i can get someone to write a letter shows that i work in his office with his law office's letter head. Is that going to do it or i need more than just a simple letter?

No,it's no a big deal.You can do it and it's gonna work.If they ask you about pay stubs,just say you don't get pay checks cause your employer pay you cash and you pay your tax by yourself at the end of the year.Your guy can write a letter for you and he has to put your vacation date on.
Good luck.
Lazerthegreat said:
how you say that you don't need visa to travel to UK when consulate told you that you do?

I was just curious to ask that question cause someone told me before RTD holders don't need visa to go to UK.Now Shahmatist just told us that he went to UK on RTD without visa.You see how serious the issue is !
cadel said:
No,it's no a big deal.You can do it and it's gonna work.If they ask you about pay stubs,just say you don't get pay checks cause your employer pay you cash and you pay your tax by yourself at the end of the year.Your guy can write a letter for you and he has to put your vacation date on.
Good luck.

Thanks, Cadel. I guess as long as you pay the visa fees then you probably won't have any problems gettting it. hehe
cadel said:
No,it's no a big deal.You can do it and it's gonna work.If they ask you about pay stubs,just say you don't get pay checks cause your employer pay you cash and you pay your tax by yourself at the end of the year.Your guy can write a letter for you and he has to put your vacation date on.
Good luck.

Sorry to bombard you with all these questions, but you definitely know more about the UK visa than anybody else. Getting back to the employer letter, do they require one ALONG with pay check stubs, or just a letter from the employer stating that I will be traveling is enough? I don't really have much paperwork for my business, I work as a freelance interpreter (make good money). However, my husband owns a company and his HR dept. can write a letter that I work for them. No stubs though. Does the embassy require a medical insurance?

Thanks for the valuable info on London!
14ksusha said:
Sorry to bombard you with all these questions, but you definitely know more about the UK visa than anybody else. Getting back to the employer letter, do they require one ALONG with pay check stubs, or just a letter from the employer stating that I will be traveling is enough? I don't really have much paperwork for my business, I work as a freelance interpreter (make good money). However, my husband owns a company and his HR dept. can write a letter that I work for them. No stubs though. Does the embassy require a medical insurance?

Thanks for the valuable info on London!

Just letter showing vacation dates will be enough.They ask pay stubs.About this,just say they pay you cash.UK doesn't require medical insurance.
I learn something new from you every night.
Did the UK really seem like a third world country though?
Come must be kidding.
kalvar said:
I learn something new from you every night.
Did the UK really seem like a third world country though?
Come must be kidding.

I don't think so.Every country has it immigration policy.UK gets fingerprints and pic of some people entering it soil.US does it as well.EU will do the same in the next few years.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approval Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
kalvar said:
I learn something new from you every night.
Did the UK really seem like a third world country though?
Come must be kidding.

kalvar! where do you live in the US. have you ever lived in New york city or Los Angeles. I used to live in LA and there are 8 lane highways on 1 side of highway. There is immense infrastructure. when I went to london the highway lanes are very small. Their houses are not built as beautifully as here. the cars they drive are so small that you have that funny feeling as compared to SUV's you are in habit of driving in the US. Oh boy it sure feels different (and backwards) in UK... :D
Lazerthegreat said:
kalvar! where do you live in the US. have you ever lived in New york city or Los Angeles. I used to live in LA and there are 8 lane highways on 1 side of highway. There is immense infrastructure. when I went to london the highway lanes are very small. Their houses are not built as beautifully as here. the cars they drive are so small that you have that funny feeling as compared to SUV's you are in habit of driving in the US. Oh boy it sure feels different (and backwards) in UK... :D

London's subway system is better than any one in US cities.City of London is much clean than New York city where I live.Houses,streets and cars in London match to european reality and culture.America is one culture and Europe is another one.We can't compare two defferents cultures.We can't have same stuff wherever around the word and this is the way it goes.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approval Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
Switzerland's roads are 1/10 the size of those in the US but when you visit it one day you see that people don't live much different than here in the US.
I agree that america's standard of living is higher than that of the UK.You get paid more here, bigger home, nice car etc.
But in Europe in general you enjoy life more.
This is my personal opinion though
kalvar said:
Switzerland's roads are 1/10 the size of those in the US but when you visit it one day you see that people don't live much different than here in the US.
I agree that america's standard of living is higher than that of the UK.You get paid more here, bigger home, nice car etc.
But in Europe in general you enjoy life more.
This is my personal opinion though
I agree!
kalvar said:
Switzerland's roads are 1/10 the size of those in the US but when you visit it one day you see that people don't live much different than here in the US.
I agree that america's standard of living is higher than that of the UK.You get paid more here, bigger home, nice car etc.
But in Europe in general you enjoy life more.
This is my personal opinion though

THe bottom line is many of immigrants look for is "their Kids future" America offers the best opportunity for young kids. If they are raised correctly and educated properly, in America, you can go places.

However same cannot be said about Europe. Europeans make sure that Your kids are not on par as European kids...In Jobs, housing market, anything you look at it.

Its great to enjoy life but... in the end what makes each of us happy is if we are all well-off in life. And in my opinion, America offers that whereas Europe you can be working for 20 years but you will stay at the same place...At least in America there is room for growth.
wantmygcnow said:
THe bottom line is many of immigrants look for is "their Kids future" America offers the best opportunity for young kids. If they are raised correctly and educated properly, in America, you can go places.

However same cannot be said about Europe. Europeans make sure that Your kids are not on par as European kids...In Jobs, housing market, anything you look at it.

Its great to enjoy life but... in the end what makes each of us happy is if we are all well-off in life. And in my opinion, America offers that whereas Europe you can be working for 20 years but you will stay at the same place...At least in America there is room for growth.

Yes Europeons are way stuck up and make you feel at every chance they YOU live in THEIR country...Thats why tensions run high there between natives and immigrant "looking" people.
Hi, guys, i just came back from the consulate of UK in Los Angeles for my visa. Everything was very simple, all you need is whatever documents they listed on their website and I think as long as you pay the visa fee they will give u a visa no matter what. Will leave tonight for London coming back next week. I will share my experience at the london airport when I come back.