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  1. F

    Stamping Question.

    Patience GC Pl check you PM. Thanks,
  2. F

    Stamping Question.

    Courtesy Copy is fine I94 is the Arrival Departure record. Hey PatienceGC, How have you been? It is nostalgic now.. I missed this board.. I come now and then to see if old timers are still around. Nice to see you lurking on this forum !!! Is 'IT" still around?
  3. F

    Who to contact in Pittsburgh ?

    Sorry for delay The Senator's office will make contact with the Vermont / Natioinal Service. They are very prompt in responding and will call you back once they have an answer. Please understand that they are also helpless; the only consolation is that The Adjuducating Officers are now aware...
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    Who to contact in Pittsburgh ?

    Contact Senator: Rick Santorum. I don't know if you guys know me, but I am a very old member of this wonderful forum. I come in when i get time and try to help people to the best of my knowledge. Send a short Mail to : The Senator. (His aide Ms. Allison handles the senator's...
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    help-11/01 filer got laid off, still be pending

    PItt- Apartments All the best
  6. F

    A request

    Hey PatienceGC Take a look at this thread too: Cheers
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    PP Stamped

    RD : 31-OCT-01 ND : 03-DEC-01 RFE : 10-OCT-02 RFE Recd by Attorney: 18-OCT-02 RFE Replied : 24-OCT-02 RFE RD : 30-OCT-02 AD : 18-NOV-02 Courtesy Copy Recd: 25-NOV-02 PP stamped: 26-NOV-02 Rfe for 3 Pay stubs, employmet letter...
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    PatienceGC-You are loosing respect!!!

    GreenLove No jealousy. Jealousy is for the Unsatisfied & frustrated lot. You know WHO.. I am happy with what has been bestowed upon me. I don't care how much you make but your nose in the air attitude is irritating. Your have replied to all the points I raised but ONE. I did have my...
  9. F

    PatienceGC-You are loosing respect!!!

    Green Love You seem to be having more Vices than being wise. Also, please edit your messages before posting; A 6 figure salaried person needs improvement in his presentations.. and, I wonder how they allow you to enjoy so much of free time .. ;)
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    PatienceGC-You are loosing respect!!!

    habib Are you back in this Forum? I saw you post in the Texas Service Forum. Have you downgraded yourself from a pharmacy Scholar to a Medicine Vendor? What happened? Were you thrown out of the Organization for non -comprahension of English?? Hope you can read prescriptions ( In English)...
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    PatienceGC Hates Hindi

    Guys We have had enough. Greenlove, just because patiencegc does not like Hindi , do you have the power to make him a non citizen of India? Let it go man; everyone has his own opinion. Life is short enjoy it and don't waste time on trivial matters: " Gale milo ki milo to zara khushi se milo...
  12. F

    July16 Signing Off

    Thomas Moore's July16, Buddy, I am sure this Forum will miss you; I remember these verses from Thomas Moore.. Will keep in touch; take care ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oft, in the stilly night, Ere slumber's chain has bound me, Fond memory brings the light Of...
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    OCT RFE Approved

    Thanks To all of you for your Good wishes. DMA-VA--> Yes 1.5 Months more.. Man I never imagined this !! You were right in saying that the approval will come before the New Year. Thanks Buddy. July16--> Yes it is a releif. Thanks for your support. I appreciate it. Patiencegc--> hang on...
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    OCT RFE Approved

    Hay Guys 'n Gals, At last my turn to say approved !! Just checked the On Line status check. Self & Spouse approved; First son still the same message of : "Received your......." Second son: 'Welcome Notice Mailed" Thanks to all of you and the Veterans like July16 who has been a great...
  15. F

    Any statistics for EAC-02-052-5*****

    the Best Statistics would be 38-26-36.;) ;)
  16. F

    Friday Quotes For The TGIF Crowd

    A beautiful woman loved growing tomatoes, but couldn't seem to get her tomatoes to turn red. One day while taking a stroll, she came upon a gentleman neighbor who had the most beautiful garden full of huge red tomatoes. The woman asked the gentleman, "What do you do to get your tomatoes so...
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    Friday Quotes For The TGIF Crowd

    PatienceGC It is because we are: panndhiiku mundhina vargal.. Vazgha Tamizh ..
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    Friday Quotes For The TGIF Crowd

    Subject: Zomething Funny Subject: Zomething Funny Tamils are always proud to be Tamizhs; Pretty courteous (that is what they think, at least!). They speak yenglish but sorry, no indi (Hindi). The more common Madarasi (chennaisi...,now?) is an ardent fan of kireeket matches...
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    Anyone seen The Ring?

    hey Chicken All the rings I see are the ones chained to my Green Card ... Good to know that you have the approval; Now you are a "Free' chicken, be careful, don't end up on a kebab stick
  20. F

    How much longer???? This sux

    Same here I missed the Forum; since it is my vacation I am here; from Monday it is back to work and I may not be visiting frequently. Nice to be talking to you all, Have a Joyous weekend july16.