How much longer???? This sux

Life sucks with all this waiting around my sympathies are with you guyz and myself. Hopefully next year that's all I think of now. This year is going to be turkeys and holidays no work is going ot get done now. After I get my citizenship I shall apply at INS and sleep all day. Aaaah it sure helps to dream..
My anniversary for both RD and ND came and passed and I am yet banging my head against the wall!

Good to hear u again. Hope u get ur approval soon.

But, man, u clubbed all ur forum friends with Habib too...............

We mortals r too insignificant to be put into Habib category if that is what u meant to be a friend.

I am not being stubborn or anything, but I ain't gonna accept this club membership if Habib's elite company coexist there.

Forgive my attitude, but that's the way I am.
Hi everbody.....

I wasnt seeing any postings from the regulars today...
So it is nice to see all back on this thread....
""Bobby V I sincerely hope you get approved soon, BTW you are doing a reall Service to the waiters here with your advice. ""
July16 - Thanks. With INS I have stopped expecting... BWT, which advice are you referring to. Any particular? If it is a general comment, thank you. I try, the important thing is to advice based on your experience and to know what to say to newbies and also what not to say on a board like this.

Anyway, I feel good in being here with all this crowd. I have been more passive in past but I am participating off late. I also love the threads which talk about sensitive/social/political topics. I have realized there are very articulate people here and some have really good ideas and excellent choice of words.

This forum is a temporary place. Has anyone thought of joining some other discussion board where we can keep in touch and talk about socio-political issues. I can suggest creating a yahoogroup or something. I am not sure what name will categorize us well. But I am sure I/we can think of some.

GeeCee Saga: Don't worry man, I will be here...

GCFeeling - we have the same RD and ND. let us see which one is going to GO first...

dma: if we create a new group, h***b will not be allowed there :)
Hi Dma_va

Man, I am sorry for clubbing habib I just was instigating him to come back to us for trashings. I apologise.
I have not been a regular visitor on this forum for sometime now, and I will not be able to be regular too; but whenever i get the opportunity I will keep in touch. I am happy that you got Approved. How is the feeling?( apart frm the releif).
My case is bogged down in RFE; knowing INS, I am not going to have a Happy New Year!!!

Heard that "IT" is going to dispense Medicines at a Pharmacy.. From a research Scholar to a Vendoing Machine, What a Growth.
I pity the people in "ITS" town.
Take care,

No heartburns. I knew u didn't mean that. I was just pulling ur leg for writing that.

No person in right senses can afford to get Habibized:) :)

BTW, New Year is still 1.5 mos. away. U will get it.
Thanks DMA-VA

Since it is Friday here are a few PJs:
A Good weekend to my buddies: July16,DMA-VA,PatienceGC,Wheresmagreencard ....

A sardar walked up to the front desk of the library and said, "I borrowed a book last week, but it was the most boring I've ever read. There was no story whatsoever, and there were far too many characters!"
The librarian replied, "Oh, you must be the person who took our phone book."
Once a sardar and his wife are walking on the road. Suddenly a crow flying above them shits on the Sardar`s shoulders. His wife goes and gets a paper napkin for him.the surd tells him Its of no use now, the crow has vanished.
Three men were applying for the same job as a detective.
One was a Sardarji, one was Jewish, and one was Italian. The chief decided to ask each applicant just one question and base his decision upon that answer. When the Jewish man arrived
for his interview, the chief asked him, "Who killed Jesus Christ?".
The Jewish man answered without hesitation "The Romans killed him." The chief thanked him and he left. When the Italian man
arrived for his interview, the chief asked the same question. He replied "Jesus was killed by the Jews." Again, the chief thanked the man Finally the Sardarji arrived for his interview, he was asked the same question. He thought for a long time, before saying,
"Could I have some time to think about it?" The chief said, "OK, but get back to me tomorrow." When the Sardarji
arrived home, his wife asked "How was the interview ?". Pat came the reply,
"Great, I got the job, and I'm already investigating a murder.
These days sardar doesn't sleeps with his wife because he says it is wrong to sleep with a married woman
Three sardarji's were fast approaching long distance leaving train, two of them got into the train and third one remain on
the platform, suddenly he started crying, people around when asked him the reason for crying, he mention that two of my
friends got into the train leaving me on the platform. Everybody advised him to take it easy & look for the next train.
suddenly sardarji started laughing loudly, when people ask him with surprise he mention that actually I was suppose to go in that train, my other two friends had come to see me off.

Jogi Singh was making a documentary on Indian tribes. For this, he went to the deep jungles for the details. One day, Jogi Singh was walking along with two tribals in the jungle, when, all of a sudden, one of the tribal took off and ran up a hill to the mouth of a cave. The tribal stopped and hollered into the ave... "Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!" and then listened very closely until he heard the answer..."Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!" He
then tore off his clothes and ran in to the cave. Jogi Singh was puzzled and asked the other tribal what that was all about, was that person mad or something. "No", said the other tribal. "It is
mating time for us tribals and when you see a cave and holler, "Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!", and get an answer back, that means that she is in there waiting for you. Well, just about that time, the other tribal saw another cave. He took off and ran up to the cave, then stopped and hollered, "Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!"
When he heard the return, "Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!", off came the clothes and into the cave he goes. Jogi Singh started running around the forest looking for a cave to find these women that the tribals had talked about.
All of a sudden, he looked up and saw this great big cave.
As he looked in amazement, he was thinking, "Man! Look at the size of that cave! It's bigger then the ones that those tribals found.
There must really be something really great in this cave!" Well...
he took-off up the hill with his hopes of ecstasy and grandeur. He got in front of the cave and hollered, "Woooooo! Woooooo! Woooooo!"
He was just tickled all over when he heard the answering call
off,"WOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOO!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! Off came his clothes and, with a big smile on his face, he raced into the cave.
The next day in the newspaper the head lines read, "NAKED SARDARJI RUN OVER BY FREIGHT TRAIN CROSSING A TUNNEL"!!!!!!
Same here

I missed the Forum; since it is my vacation I am here; from Monday it is back to work and I may not be visiting frequently.
Nice to be talking to you all, Have a Joyous weekend july16.