help-11/01 filer got laid off, still be pending


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Hi all

I am so unlucky to be laid off recently and my GC is still pending although it has been 2 years. I have taken the 2nd FP in Sep. and asked help from Senator Santorum in PA. First time his assistant responded 2 days later that BCIS had got my 2nd FP and my case was under review, if I did not get any info. within 45 days I could call them or BCIS again. Last week I called Sen. office again but did not get reply until now.

My lawyer suggest that I should get a new job ASAP to face the probable RFE. Now I live in Lehigh Valley-PA, there is a short term contract job nearby Pittsburgh-PA, but I feel not good for the low rate supplied by a consultant company.

Does anybody know the consultant company named Raeder Landree, Inc? How about its benefit and credit? They only respond me a very low rate for a Sr. Hardware Eng. work, but don't cover any relocation fee. I wonder if it is the regular rule of consultant companies and hesitate if I should get this offer. Can anybody tell me the market rate of telcommunication HD eng. and the living cost around Pittsburgh?

If I accept the offer I must go to work immediately. But I don't know anything around Pittsburgh and how to rent an apartment at once(it is almost impossible). Because the job is only short-term, I don't want to relocate, who knows what happen later. I am really appreciate if any experienced experts would give me some suggestion.

I'd like to know whether or not it is possible that anybody or your friend is willing to help to rent a small room to me(one twin or full size bed is OK) if you live in Warrendale-Pittsburgh area.

BTW, I am a Hardware Engineer in telecommunication industry, especial in board design, FPGA, etc. I can work for any employer with my EAD. If you have any chance pls reply me. I am really really appreciate.

Thanks again!
Originally posted by xl088
Hi all

I am so unlucky to be laid off recently and my GC is still pending although it has been 2 years. I have taken the 2nd FP in Sep. and asked help from Senator Santorum in PA. First time his assistant responded 2 days later that BCIS had got my 2nd FP and my case was under review, if I did not get any info. within 45 days I could call them or BCIS again. Last week I called Sen. office again but did not get reply until now.

My lawyer suggest that I should get a new job ASAP to face the probable RFE. Now I live in Lehigh Valley-PA, there is a short term contract job nearby Pittsburgh-PA, but I feel not good for the low rate supplied by a consultant company.

Does anybody know the consultant company named Raeder Landree, Inc? How about its benefit and credit? They only respond me a very low rate for a Sr. Hardware Eng. work, but don't cover any relocation fee. I wonder if it is the regular rule of consultant companies and hesitate if I should get this offer. Can anybody tell me the market rate of telcommunication HD eng. and the living cost around Pittsburgh?

If I accept the offer I must go to work immediately. But I don't know anything around Pittsburgh and how to rent an apartment at once(it is almost impossible). Because the job is only short-term, I don't want to relocate, who knows what happen later. I am really appreciate if any experienced experts would give me some suggestion.

I'd like to know whether or not it is possible that anybody or your friend is willing to help to rent a small room to me(one twin or full size bed is OK) if you live in Warrendale-Pittsburgh area.

BTW, I am a Hardware Engineer in telecommunication industry, especial in board design, FPGA, etc. I can work for any employer with my EAD. If you have any chance pls reply me. I am really really appreciate.

Thanks again!

My friend we are all here to help each other and our cause. It is so unfair waiting for two years and then...Unfortunately it is common for most of us..we have no contracts working in these small or big companies (not consultants). Employment at will, gives the right to our companies to fire us anytime. In any case, I would like to say to you that the Telecomm sector is still under a lot of pressure...not a lot of jobs if the GC is important to you, then take the job in Pittsburgh.
You may look for something in Philly, the latter I know, it may be friendlier..Good luck.
Do not worry. Just focus on getting a job. Even if you had GC that's what you would do. Market is turning around and am sure it will work out for you. Just keep focusing on the right things.
Dont worry - god is great

My opinion- how long is the contract for - 6 months & 35-40$/hr, take it. pittsburgh is not expensive or hard to search like NY/NJ for appt, may cost($600-$700/1 bd room) also short aterm contracts are there.

Also consider your family if you are married, if u r sigle..hazzle free free start tomorrow...
Go for it!!!!!

How does the new rate compare to your LC Salary?... It might be OK to take up this offer if it is a comparable match.... LC salary should be comparable to the contract rate .. the benefits don't count all at all when you get the RFE...After all it might not be bad at all.. Consider staying at a motel or something for a week before you find an apartment... Get your GC and then you can kick butt.... Cheer up :) :) :)
Thanks friends for all of your encouragement and advice.

I'll think over it. I worry that the new rate is down about 23% to my LC salary. The gap is a little big.

Could you pls recommend any website to look for appartment?
