PatienceGC Hates Hindi


Registered Users (C)
PatienceGC Hates Hindi and He call himself "INDIAN".
Is it Justified Looks Like His Ideas are not st8.

How can person Hate Hindi or any other India Language and still be called and INDIAN.

May God Bless Him.
Origianl Message from

--------------------- Original Message from PatienceGC---------------
I knew this was coming

Look at the the thread from koyamuttur... its heading is in english... it has english translation... all those who have replied have put in translations.... I mentioned that if you want some things in your mother tongue that is fine but not TOTALLY.

But now that you bring it up ... yes I hate Hindi with every breath of my life! There I said it !


I am not a lawyer. My advice is my own opinion

But I could be a good one cuz I pretend to know what I am talking about.

(Disclosure : This signature has been copied in part from Girish Rajput)

__________________ End _________________________
FYI - "patienceGC"

Have to say few words for "patienceGC" As per your quote "you only PRETEND to know what you are talking about and ACTUALLY do not know what you are talking about" therefore take your UGLY YELLOW ANT ASS out of this forum and come back only when know what you are talking about.

Originally posted by Green_love
PatienceGC Hates Hindi and He call himself "INDIAN".
Is it Justified Looks Like His Ideas are not st8.

How can person Hate Hindi or any other India Language and still be called and INDIAN.

May God Bless Him.

Don't you have anything better to do than to take digs at PatienceGC? So what if he hates Hindi? He is entitled to his likes and dislikes. He is not forcing his language down your throat, is he? I'm sure there are people in India who hate South Indians and their languages (and viceversa) and still call themselves Indians. This is no different.
I am sorry to if what I write offends you guys, still I believe it should not.

Whatever our differences are , lets not expose it at a platform like this one. Where people form around the world visit. Pleez not let others take advantage of our situation.


A request , sincere one.

Originally posted by wheresMahGreen

Don't you have anything better to do than to take digs at PatienceGC? So what if he hates Hindi? He is entitled to his likes and dislikes. He is not forcing his language down your throat, is he? I'm sure there are people in India who hate South Indians and their languages (and viceversa) and still call themselves Indians. This is no different.

Yeah right.

I think Guys Like ShantanuB, Americanguju, Habib are right about you guys then."You guys have Double Standard"

How can you hate Language(HINDI - National Language - some people will differ) and and still be called INDIAN. That make No sence..

Did PatienceGC told you write this.. LOL

Your choice of role models goes a long way to say about you as a person. Also, I don't see any relevance to your remarks about double standards in this context. PatienceGC was frank and honest in his admission of his dislike for Hindi.
If you only cared to search this site for the posts by those three gentlemen/ladies (and the one undecided IT), you will find them openly discussing their intolerance for people from other parts of India. (Actually, I think IT is from a neighboring country that harbors ill-designs on India so you may safely disregard IT's posts.)
Finally, if North Indians can look down upon all those south of Bombay with disdain, calling them Madrasis or Sambars can claim to be Indian, if the people of Karnataka who openly show scant respect for Tamils can claim to be Indian, if the Tamils who dislike Telugu speaking people can claim to be Indian, if all those in India who make fun of Sardars inspite of the various instances of bravery can claim to be Indians and all those murderers in Gujarat can claim to be Indian, then so can PatienceGC who hates Hindi. So there!

Originally posted by Green_love

Yeah right.

I think Guys Like ShantanuB, Americanguju, Habib are right about you guys then."You guys have Double Standard"

Did PatienceGC told you write this.. LOL

Thanks for the support. But your valiant efforts will not benefit anyone. These are people who are not worth talking to. They cannot be changed. Let it go.

We should learn to not try to teach those who cannot be taught.

Have a nice day.

Hi Guys,

The only issue in all these threads was hypocracy. As they say:
"People living in glass houses, should not throw stones at others"
Wasn't this better than "changing in the basement" PJ? :) :)

Everyone has all the rights to his/her own views, India and our current resident Country USA are 2 of the greatest democracies in the world. That's what makes us and them great and we should strive towards that. Differences in opinion exist everywhere, but there should be constructive criticism rather than going at each others throats... People may like languages and may hate languages, but most important fact is "Practice What You Preach".

This will be my last post on this topic. My apologies if I have offended anyone, even inadvertently..


Je Parle Francais, mais un peu..

I speak French, but a little.. Have lost touch with that lovely language after my 12th grade.
People in this site need to get some life

Greenlove, India is a free country and so is US. Everybody can choose what they like and dislike. You have no right to judge someone based on it. Although you have right to your own opinion but don't be judgemental based on this.
No one has aksed your opinion and we dont care what you think. Hope this puts things in perspective.
Re: Re: Guys

Hi Girish,

I studied French from the 8th to 12th, additionally I did my Beginner's and Intermediate French Courses at Alliance Francaise de Goa. It's a cultural and linguistic study center of the French embassy.

It's such a sweet language, when you hear French guys speaking, it's like music playing..


Originally posted by Girish Rajput
Yes, French is awonderful language. I did 3 years with French as a Secondary language at School.

It would be good if I could pick it up again!

I think no language can be accused, hated, abused, imposed.

U use, learn, speak a language for fun, knowledge, learning, for understanding subtelity and nuances of people's culture using a language.

Language on it's own is never bad else itr won't have born at first place.

The kind of language I hate is "Habibspeaks".

70's Hindi Movie chupke-chupke is my all and any time favorite for a beautiful and most fuuny depiction of people's lives getting influenced due to the way their language is spoken.

:) :)
Layoff PatienceGC

Hey layoff our good friend PatienceGC. He is an active and valuable member of this board and often times he is the voice of our concerns.
Guys try to understand the issue, PGC does not understand
Hindi and as a good member of this portal he does not want to missing out on the Jokes and other good stuff. Its like some one invites you for a party and they talk in a language you don't understand, then don't you hate them?

So please guys don't make this as big thing. The only thing he is asking is having an English translation.

And remember only every one in India understand HINDI.

We have had enough. Greenlove, just because patiencegc does not like Hindi , do you have the power to make him a non citizen of India? Let it go man; everyone has his own opinion.
Life is short enjoy it and don't waste time on trivial matters:
Gale milo ki milo to zara khushi se milo,
Milaa hai kya kisi ko besabab ke bairo.n se."
I am purposely not translating this; I am from South but I do know hindi..
My state cannot throw me out because I know hindi...
I'm surprised ....

to see a message from patienceGC asking people not to post messages completely in one's mother tongue! PatienceGC, have you not posted such messages before, the entire message in Tamil? Ofcourse you provided translations afterwards. I, too, am from Coimbatore and enjoyed your email messages in Tamil, for I find it quite funny when we try to translate certain english words and phrases into tamil.

What I was surprised about was the fact that you made the same mistake as someone else did on the day of your post. Yes, we should refrain from posting messages in one's native tongue as others can not understand it and this is a common forum for not just Indians but folks from other countries as well. But, this reprimand coming from you is not quite likely to settle well with other people.

For those who claimed Hindi to be the national language of our country:

You can go about saying "sun rises in the west" a million times, but that ain't going to be the truth. Hindi may be the most spoken language of India but by no means is it the national language. Whether it was thrust upon us or not, English is most easily understood by majority of Indians and is the undeclared national language or what I would like to term as the "link" language. I don't understand Hindi, but used to watch Hindi movies and used to have this desire to learn the language but slowly that desire was killed by people like you.

The worst mistake, post independence, was the creation of linguistic states. I don't hate the Hindi promoters any more than those who demand separate nation for Tamilians or those who force that official business be transacted in the regional language thus making life hell for people from other states. Past mistakes aside, one should start to have more wholesome a view of India than what is being seen here.

As much as I like Vajpayee, for the decent leader he is, it certainly bothers me that he would give speeches in Hindi claiming that it is the only language he is good at. My prime minister has the responsibility to make sure that what he says reaches every Indian in his audience. Ofcourse, if the crowd had gathered to treat their ears to a fine feast of Mr. Vajpayee's poetic ability, then that is a different issue.

Why can't we say that one is an Indian from the such and such a state instead of xxxxxxian?!

-Palaniappan Rajaram
Come on Guys

No one ever forced tamilnadu to have Hindi as a mandatory language for your state. You yourselves have had aversion against the language for whatever reason. Since I've been in many states b'cos of my dad in IAF.

I can understand your point when you complain about Vajpayee talking in UN and world summit. However I don't understand why you tamils have too much love for your language?

I am not against any of you tamilians but Hindi is not any habibian language to hate. I only wish that this "thing" habib doesn't read this mail becos he will start yelling me that I dont know him and am a new member..

Cheers guys. Say Go India..Go Hindi.. Go Tamil or other language..

If everyone started using french letters like 180daysguy, the world would be a better place.. No overpopulation problem, a lot less of AIDS and other STD problem..
PatienceGC buddy,

I am proud of the rich and colorful culture of the land known as India and I love all the languages and their rich literature whether it is by Tagore, Vemanna, Premchand or (thousands) others.
Just because I don't understand Assamese, Malayalam or Konkani, I am not going to hate any language (however provoked).
You come across as a sensible human being and I feel your statements were just a case of “one thing leads to other and so on ….”.

Take care.
__ Jai