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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Congratulations for all who gets visa & 2NL wish u all z best
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    hello forum mates i know its late to give u my interview experience sorry for the delay . here is the summary: i arrived at z embassy at about 7 AM .i thought that i got there early but there were many people who lined up in front of the embassy.when the time comes ,we being asked to show the z...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    hi dear jonahyoy: i promise will give the detail of the interview very soon & it was successful
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    successful interview hi dear forum mates today i had an interview & my visa is approved .i will give you the detail very soon God is good all the time
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    I will do what u guys are saying.i will try to get polise certificate by my previous name if polise dep't do this kind of stuff & i will take the new filled out DS form to the embassy at the time of interview .thank you all
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    hi tew: all my educational documents are by my previous name except university document.when i changed z name by the court before 5 yrs i went to ministry of education and asked them to change all my educational docs by my new name and they said to me that they are not working this kind of thing...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Ya i think the polise investigates by using finger print not by name.but if its needed to have z polise clearance by both names and if the polise working this kind of stuffs i will ask them. Thank you everybody for your good advice
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    thank you all guys for your advise all of your inputs are helpful.@ oromania :when i filled up the forms ,i understood the question like u understand . about my problem,there is some body who knows about embassy things & consult DV winners for business .i told him about the problem that i face...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Hello everyone : Just to update you,i almost finish collecting all documents & authentication medical check up also took place in IOM & it was a matter of 2 days to check up .z first day for lab & x-ray & the second day for physical check up.based on it they(IOM) gave me an...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Congratulations ison2013!
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Praise the lord !congratulations piuygiu
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    hi oromania ,my appointment date for an interview is March 4,2014.
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    Dear Dan14 & Oromania thank you very much its really helpful.
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    @dan14;hi dan14 thank you so much for the info for the query: the instruction it says that"all documents not in english ,or in official language of z country in which application for a visa is being made,must be accompanied by the certified translations".(amharic is official...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    hi friends; just some questions to ask: 1.if the documents r written in amharic(ethiopian official language) & based on ethiopian calendar dates,is it necessary to translate it in english language & to gregorial calendar respectively? 2.i was in another town of ethiopia before came to addis...
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    thank you engmtolera
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    congratulations to 1danny,Dan14&lilita & wish u good luck
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    thanks tew
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    All Ethiopian 2014 dv winners meet here

    thanks relose29