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  1. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hey, why do you need erkölcsi, if your interview was successful? Anyhow, I think you can look up on the American Embassy in Hungary website, what you should put in as a reason.
  2. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hey mate, welcome to Budapest :) Scroll up in this thread, and you will find every question I had on my interview. Peace and good luck to you!
  3. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    The final destination was San Diego, but there are no direct flights (that I found) from Europe to San Diego.
  4. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Yay, got the tickets to the US now, we will enter through the capital of the nation, how symbolic. :)
  5. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Gratula sztibi, és fel a fejjel a többiknek!
  6. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Congrats zsofeeb! :D
  7. H

    How valuable is the green card for you?

    Thanks. I am taking my family, and they're all the people I am caring for and I can look at their beautiful Hungarian faces :)
  8. H

    How valuable is the green card for you?

    Very valuable and very important. I have always been dreaming about it. Growing up in a communist ruled country, US was always the dream land. Also, becoming an adult in an insignificant country, you always had a feeling, that you aren't even regarded as human. Hungary? What is that? Is that a...
  9. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Welcome Petron! No worries, you only get a confirmation number (CN:2014EU*****), when you get selected in May. Almost everyone has a number like that here, because we were selected. Your registration number, the one you got when you registered last October is different, and it is for checking...
  10. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hey Juicee, so good to hear your story, I wish you much success, and come back and let us know! :)
  11. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good luck, have a safe trip and let us know how it went Juicee! :)
  12. H


    he's a bot Lazder, don't mind him.
  13. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    I was just teasing you Juicee, but thanks nevertheless for your update and congratulations again! :) I hope you will share your experience on crossing the border, going through immigration etc., as it seems you will be the first of us. So excited! :)
  14. H

    DV2014 Entrants

    Well, alindragos, I certainly agree with you on that aspect, however, I hope you are aware, that if any one of you wins the DV lottery, your partner can only be a beneficiary if you are married, otherwise she cannot travel with you as a green card lottery winner. Just sayin'...
  15. H


    First you need to pay you immigration fee, BEFORE entering the US, more info: What is the process with...
  16. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Congratulations Juicee! Happy for you and your partner! You saved a lot of effort on writing up the experience! :) Are you already traveling and settling? As I see from your signature. You will be the first then, among us, it seems. Send us some info then, what was crossing the border like, how...
  17. H

    Cut-off numbers for May released, enjoy!!!!!

    Please check the visa bulletin: When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number.
  18. H

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    We are rooting for you Juicee, good luck, and remember, try to stay relaxed and smile :)
  19. H

    why immigration to US ?

    Yeah, I know what you are talking about! :) Anyhow, since it's all irrational, I shouldn't really debate with them, they have every right to believe whatever they want, it's America after all. :) And, it's capitalism, if I take a job, because I am better at it, so be it, this is how things work...
  20. H

    why immigration to US ?

    Why the US? I come from 'Eastern Europe' (or the old Eastern Block, if you wish), which is curturally more like Central Europe, but the standard of living is really like Eastern Europe, although it improved somewhat in the past 20 years, it's now reversing, and many has lost hope that we can...