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DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

zöldkártya nyertesek csoportja itt:

Zöldkártyával az USA-ban!
Sokan vágyakoznak az USA-ba, a szerencséseknek ez valóra is válik. Volt egy fórum ahol a zöldkártyára pályázok és a szerencsés nyertesek segíteték egymást, tapasztalatokat cseréltek. Sajnos azóta megszünt, ennek hiányára reagálva hoztam létre ezt az oldalt. Miért is? Mert anno nekünk ott egy nagyon erős barátság született. Egyik család segítette a másikat, támogattuk egymást. Nagyon nehéz lett volna elkezdeni itt élni nélkülük. Kivánom, hogy minden zk nyertes kapjon érdemi segítséget, támogatást, szövödjenek barátságok, legyetek boldogok! Az oldal célja ez, írjatok kérdéseket, cseréljünk tapasztalatot, alakítsuk, fomáljuk az oldalt együtt!
Iratkozz fel ha érdekel!
Yay, got the tickets to the US now, we will enter through the capital of the nation, how symbolic. :)
Im writting here, not because I'm Hungarian.....I'm not, I'm Albanian.......but because I fill very familiar with the other members of the thread, from the bigining . This was a very active and helpfull thread, more than the Europian one. Good luck to everybody especially to new ones!!!!

Interview Experience from Athens !!!

Here we are! After the postpone of inerview, asked from me, the great day came for as.
We were at the embassy gates at 8.30 . We went in after the seciurity chek. There were not many people waiting and were 5 cases of immigrant visas. They had some facilities inside, automatic venditor, photograph, resting room. We had to wait about 1 hour, before we were called to gave the documents.

A greek lady took and checked our papers. I had two mistakes in my forms, but without saing nothng to me she fullfilled a new form. She asked me about the school, the days we went, how many classes we had in a day, how minutes longs a class, the rasion i didnt have the diploma. It was because that year my school didn't issue diplomas at all, but just certificates. ( I had, insded of my high school diploma, a certificate from the school that i had been graduetid).

After that I payied,

We went to our seats waiting.

We were called for finger prints after a half of hour

And after waiting again for about 2 hours me my, wife and my 5 year old boy, were called in for the interview. The greek lady was inside to help. The CO was like a frozen man with any emotion in his face and remane so, till the end.

After we sworn and signed, asked me the same questions about the school, the relation with the person we are going, if we are leaving together.

They did not ask for support (I had two), either for my actual financial situation (I had bank statmants ). He said to the greek lady - it seems ok for me.

They hold our passaports and we were told that we will have a phone call when everything will be ready in about 10 days. They didnt gave us any note or something else.

Thats all abuot us We are Hoping that every thing will be OK

Something else. there was waiting for interview a cuple with two children, the husband (the winner) did not have the high school. He said me that the greek lady told him, that surely he will be denaied, and ask him to pay only for himself instide of all family, if he wanted anway to be interviewed. I don't know what hapend, becauce we left before.

I thing this is the first inerview experience from Greece, I hope not the last one. ;)
so less than 1 month to go! Why did you chose Washington? Would you like to settle there, or that is not the final destination?

congratulations to you! When do you plan to move to the States?

Kicsit off topic, remélem nem haragszotok. :)
Sajnos nekem nem jött össze a lotto, szóval más lehetőségek után nézek.
Több cégnek is elküldtem a CV-m Kaliforniába, de nem nagyon válaszoltak eddig az e-mailjeimre.
Egy cég se szeret bajlódni a H1B vízummal, úgy néz ki.
Vagy csak én írok rossz cégeknek.

Van egy nagyon erős önéletrajzom, referenciáim (még az USA-ból is).
Illetve 2 hét múlva lesz amerikai telefonszámom is, mert egy ismerősöm hoz nekem egy SIM-kártyát.
De mindezek ellenére még ezt kevésnek gondolom.
Szóval várom az ötleteket, és javaslatokat.
Egyetemi szintű gépészmérnöki diplomám van 6 év tapasztalattal mögöttem.
Rengeteg tanfolyam, és self-training.

Mit csinálok rosszul?
Miért nem válaszolnak szerintetek?
Köszi előre is!

Szia Petron,

el kell hogy mondjam 4 honappal az erkezesunk utan, h nem csinalsz semmit rosszul egszeruen az itt elok is alig kapnak munkat nemhogy az aki az Eu bol probalkozik. Nagyon lent van itt is a gazdasag es kapcsolatok illetve szerencse nelkul semmi sem megy konnyen! Ha helben vagy meg akkor is rettentoen nehez barmilyen munkat megkapni, itt a szlogen eobb bizonyisd be h jo vagy aztan majd megbecsulunk. Tobb amerikai amerikaival sikerult mar beszelnem es ugyanebben a cipoben jartam, mit csinalok rosszul, mi a baj velem, elmondtak, h semmit...ne vegyem magamra a dolgot ido kell csak, hozzatennem pont az nincs penz hianyaban. Megosztottak velem, h par eve meg ha valahova beseltatal siman kaptal melot, ez ma nem igy van, tehat barki aki idejon legalisan is honapokba telik mire emebrszamba veszik es munkat kap. Ezert kell a rettento kitartas es nem leves penz h itt maradhass!!!!
En szemely szerint innen is probaltam skype interjuk reven mas varosba menni, nem vevok ra, nem mennek bele 1 szeruen, szoval ez mende monda h skyoe interju utan jottem ide ki stb Sajnos sokan vetitebek a forumokon es eloadjak, h itt milyen jo meg ilyen olyan konnyen megy, ez hazugsag aki az USA ba jon elni a vilag legnehezebb dolgaba fog bele!
Hidd el az Eu n belul konnyebb dolgod van, de ha ide vagysz ne add fel.

Sok sikert!


Kicsit off topic, remélem nem haragszotok. :)
Sajnos nekem nem jött össze a lotto, szóval más lehetőségek után nézek.
Több cégnek is elküldtem a CV-m Kaliforniába, de nem nagyon válaszoltak eddig az e-mailjeimre.
Egy cég se szeret bajlódni a H1B vízummal, úgy néz ki.
Vagy csak én írok rossz cégeknek.

Van egy nagyon erős önéletrajzom, referenciáim (még az USA-ból is).
Illetve 2 hét múlva lesz amerikai telefonszámom is, mert egy ismerősöm hoz nekem egy SIM-kártyát.
De mindezek ellenére még ezt kevésnek gondolom.
Szóval várom az ötleteket, és javaslatokat.
Egyetemi szintű gépészmérnöki diplomám van 6 év tapasztalattal mögöttem.
Rengeteg tanfolyam, és self-training.

Mit csinálok rosszul?
Miért nem válaszolnak szerintetek?
Köszi előre is!

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so less than 1 month to go! Why did you chose Washington? Would you like to settle there, or that is not the final destination?
The final destination was San Diego, but there are no direct flights (that I found) from Europe to San Diego.
Hi guys I am african and my interview is in a few days time in budapest. For those of you that have had a successful interview what possible questions will be asked of me? koszonom szepen
Hi guys I am african and my interview is in a few days time in budapest. For those of you that have had a successful interview what possible questions will be asked of me? koszonom szepen
Hey mate, welcome to Budapest :)
Scroll up in this thread, and you will find every question I had on my interview.
Peace and good luck to you!
Thank you so much hzss12...I went throught your interview and it was very helpful as mine was also successful yesterday. I need your help with ERKOLCSI, there is no where you can specify that you need it for an american immigrant visa. thank you so much
Thank you so much hzss12...I went throught your interview and it was very helpful as mine was also successful yesterday. I need your help with ERKOLCSI, there is no where you can specify that you need it for an american immigrant visa. thank you so much
Hey, why do you need erkölcsi, if your interview was successful?
Anyhow, I think you can look up on the American Embassy in Hungary website, what you should put in as a reason.
Hi hzss12,

what about your SSN card? You haven't received it yet? And could you give some information about the process of the entry?

Thnx in advance:

Ki hogy van? Nagy a csend. Kintiek, akik megkapták? Itthoniak, akik nem kapták? Idén ki adja be?
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hi everybody :)

We have been living in the USA more than half year, it was a really really hard time of our lives, I used to write to you the easiest spart to win a green card, the hardest part comes after you arrive here...and it is so true...but I can tell you here you can live a better and easier live without a lot of stress if you have a full time job!!!
The american dream does not exist anymore, so the hungarians whose stayed in Europe do not think USA is the best place in the world, nowadays here also hard, the americans and the people who has been living here for ages says the life here was better in the 90 s.
I hope all of you can stay here and find your way to a better life and maybe your dreams come true :) :) :) Be patient and try to be smart all the time!!!
Hi everybody,
we are flying with the whole family (3 kids!!!) on the 17th of October to Toronto where our friends live. We will enter the States through Buffalo and go back to Toronto on the same day. Then our kids will stay in Canada while we will be travelling for interviews to some cities. We hope that we will find something work. Flying back to Europe depends on whether we will have managed to find job or not. If yes, then the half of the family remains in the States, the other half flies back to Hungary to end our life here and come after at a later time. If we won't be able to find work now, we all fly back to Hungary and then in April/May I will go back to the States alone, to stay in one place and search for work.
We have a special situation because we are music teachers and musicians and the music schools hire new teachers mostly in Spring... But we HAVE to enter the States before the 20th of November...
hi everybody :)

We have been living in the USA more than half year, it was a really really hard time of our lives, I used to write to you the easiest spart to win a green card, the hardest part comes after you arrive here...and it is so true...but I can tell you here you can live a better and easier live without a lot of stress if you have a full time job!!!
The american dream does not exist anymore, so the hungarians whose stayed in Europe do not think USA is the best place in the world, nowadays here also hard, the americans and the people who has been living here for ages says the life here was better in the 90 s.
I hope all of you can stay here and find your way to a better life and maybe your dreams come true :) :) :) Be patient and try to be smart all the time!!!

I am sorry your experience has been so hard - your experience shows that even this battle of luck, patience and frustration is not always going to be the end of the struggle. As you say, the key to this is getting work. Any work. I have friends from Spain who have relocated to the UK and although they are both qualified architects they have had to take whatever work they could find. This meant the father has a night time security job at a hotel. In time they will get back on their feet in their professions but between now and then they have to adjust their expectations...