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DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

Congratulations Juicee!
Happy for you and your partner!
You saved a lot of effort on writing up the experience! :)
Are you already traveling and settling? As I see from your signature.
You will be the first then, among us, it seems.
Send us some info then, what was crossing the border like, how much to wait, how much to leave between connecting flights, it's everything I am interested in.
You can't save the write-up just like that! :)
Yes, you are right hzss12:) I did not wanted to bother you with the details...

So we arrived a little bit earlier, we went for a walk around the Szabadsag square and before 15 minutes the schedule time went to the security point. We showed our passport the letters etc. After the security inside the embassy we pulled a number and took a seat and waited till the number was shownd. There was a hungarian lady at the windows. We had to took a fingerprints, first my husband (he is a selecteed person) after me. We gave to her our documents and had a seat to wait for pay the visa fees. After we paid it we just had to wait for the coonsular lady. While we were waiting, the embassy was a little bit busy, there were americans and dv winners also with us. Before us a young couple had an interview. When they finished it we had to wait about 5 minutes and we were called by the consular.
I saw for the first time she is really kind, interpersonal person so I did not worry no more. As I wrote to us my husband is the selected one so he were asked mostly. The consular asked about our recent occupation, financial status, how much money would like to start a new life in the usa. Before the questions we had to give our fingerprints again and swore to tell the truth during the interview.
So back to the conversation....We talked about the final destination and she coplimented us. Oh yes we know a lots of things about USA so there was no doubt that we recive he immigration visa:):):) Finally she noted that I will celebrate my 29th birthday in the USA. She told us wait for 15-20 minutes and we recived back our passport an original documents. The hungarian lady gave back every documents, the 2 brown envelopes, the passports and wished a good luck!

Everything went fine, there was no problem at all, as I wrote before it is just a formal thing, you do not have to worry at all:)

Shortly there was our interview story:)

I can not tell you at the moment the exact arrival date to the USA, I am sure it is gonna be in this month, propably within 2 weeks...

Now I can not wait to the next interview story among the hungarians:) Do you know someone who is gonna be the next????
I was just teasing you Juicee, but thanks nevertheless for your update and congratulations again! :)
I hope you will share your experience on crossing the border, going through immigration etc., as it seems you will be the first of us.
So excited! :)
I see in your signature, that you leave on 19th? That it is only 3 days to go!! :D
You must be very busy now. For how long time will you stay at first?
Hi Lidia!

My answer is for eternity:):):) After we will arrive we are staying a hotel for 2-3 nights and after leasing an apartment. I have called them a several times, we have appointment with the manager. We also have to rent a car for 2 weeks. After this we are looking for a job, take a driving exam and having fun:):) until we get the ssn....

There is only one thing that I am worry, how long does it take to recive a ssn???? one week, two week or three? The sooner the better!
So first we have to wait the ssn after we can go the DMV, and buy a car of course. The Port of Entryis Las vegas, the air tickets was expensive, but we did not want to change a flight in the USA, we afraid miss the flight...

So that's all guys.....

Fingers Crossed, just 2 days left....
Good for you, Juicee... I wish you that all your expectations will be fulfilled in the States!!!
And we can't wait for the news how things went after landing!!!
Oh my god!

It's good to hear everybody's case prossessing well. Congratulations for your successful interviews, and GC-s! Juicee! Are you in US??? Ohhhhhhh! It's fantastic!
Do you have information about whether to abolish :( green card lottery or not? If so, then the american dream is over for us...
Hi Guys!

After 9 days I am here again...Everything is going really well, we have an apartment for 3 months, have a debit card, have american mobile phone, a nevada ID, and at the weekend we will have a car:) We can also apply for a driver license if we want without ssc, Gc.
Everyone is nice and the wather is warm.

There were nothing problem at the port of entry, it was quick, but we have to apply for the SSC because they did not do anything the past 8 days, so today we have applied for that in the SSA. We will recive within in 30 days. so that s all in shortly what I can tell you, we soon try to find a job, but until we have no ssc I do not know....

Good luck to everyone!!!!
Hi Juicee!

Hi Guys!

After 9 days I am here again...Everything is going really well, we have an apartment for 3 months, have a debit card, have american mobile phone, a nevada ID, and at the weekend we will have a car:) We can also apply for a driver license if we want without ssc, Gc.
Everyone is nice and the wather is warm.

There were nothing problem at the port of entry, it was quick, but we have to apply for the SSC because they did not do anything the past 8 days, so today we have applied for that in the SSA. We will recive within in 30 days. so that s all in shortly what I can tell you, we soon try to find a job, but until we have no ssc I do not know....

Good luck to everyone!!!!
It's good to hear from you! I wish you a very-very happy, lucky life in your new home! I hope you will write frequently about yourselves!
Hi Guys!

After 9 days I am here again...Everything is going really well, we have an apartment for 3 months, have a debit card, have american mobile phone, a nevada ID, and at the weekend we will have a car:) We can also apply for a driver license if we want without ssc, Gc.
Everyone is nice and the wather is warm.

There were nothing problem at the port of entry, it was quick, but we have to apply for the SSC because they did not do anything the past 8 days, so today we have applied for that in the SSA. We will recive within in 30 days. so that s all in shortly what I can tell you, we soon try to find a job, but until we have no ssc I do not know....

Good luck to everyone!!!!

Hi, it is nice to read about you. You have already done it. Well done, good luck. Really hope I can write the same (oh no, similar rather) news here very soon. So excited.

Looking forward to reading other success stories!

Hi all,

I'm new here. I'm not selected to the DV lottery yet, because I will know my result on May 1st, but I found only this forum since the NewcommersGuidetoAmerica went offline.
So I hope you don't mind that I've registered here. :)

I've a big concern about the lottery: as I can see all of your CN starts with this: 2013EU0001****
Do you think that you can know from your confirmation number that you've been selected or not?
(Maybe it is decided the moment when you register....)
Because my confirmation number is not like this, but: 20141ES254******

So now I'm worrying a bit that i'm waiting vainly. :S
Or i'm just worrying too much as the date comes closer?


ps.Congrats to all of you, who've already made it! I'm very jealous! :)
Hi Guys!

After 9 days I am here again...Everything is going really well, we have an apartment for 3 months, have a debit card, have american mobile phone, a nevada ID, and at the weekend we will have a car:) We can also apply for a driver license if we want without ssc, Gc.
Everyone is nice and the wather is warm.

There were nothing problem at the port of entry, it was quick, but we have to apply for the SSC because they did not do anything the past 8 days, so today we have applied for that in the SSA. We will recive within in 30 days. so that s all in shortly what I can tell you, we soon try to find a job, but until we have no ssc I do not know....

Good luck to everyone!!!!

Hey Juicee, so good to hear your story, I wish you much success, and come back and let us know! :)
Hi all,

I'm new here. I'm not selected to the DV lottery yet, because I will know my result on May 1st, but I found only this forum since the NewcommersGuidetoAmerica went offline.
So I hope you don't mind that I've registered here. :)

I've a big concern about the lottery: as I can see all of your CN starts with this: 2013EU0001****
Do you think that you can know from your confirmation number that you've been selected or not?
(Maybe it is decided the moment when you register....)
Because my confirmation number is not like this, but: 20141ES254******

So now I'm worrying a bit that i'm waiting vainly. :S
Or i'm just worrying too much as the date comes closer?


ps.Congrats to all of you, who've already made it! I'm very jealous! :)

Welcome Petron!

No worries, you only get a confirmation number (CN:2014EU*****), when you get selected in May. Almost everyone has a number like that here, because we were selected.
Your registration number, the one you got when you registered last October is different, and it is for checking the website in May, if you have been selected or not.
Hope this helps.
RE: question

Welcome Petron!

No worries, you only get a confirmation number (CN:2014EU*****), when you get selected in May. Almost everyone has a number like that here, because we were selected.
Your registration number, the one you got when you registered last October is different, and it is for checking the website in May, if you have been selected or not.
Hope this helps.

Thanks, now I'm not worrying that much! :)
Hallo everybody:)

We do our bests all day, but the administration is so slowly. We had to applied for a ssc again last wednesday, it was enough to apply at the forms....so we are waiting for our sscards, unil we can not work, but we can apply for driver license if we want. The better here in Nevada is for wait until your permament residnce card recived, and after apply for the id and driver licence because until you have a GC in your hand you recive the documents for just 1 yrs (4 yrs is the general).
What else can I tell you, the weather is like summertime in Hungary, the people are kind. Hopefully we will recive our sscrads within one week and after can work somewhere, because not too hard to find a work here if you are a legal resident:)
The all information is from Nevada, so if you choose other destination you should be informed by the local DMV and local SSA and local immigration offices.

Good luck zsofeeb to you!
Juicee! I would like to ask what is your profession? What would you like to work there? I think there are a lot of opportunities in catering. I love LV, we were there in 1994 during our honeymoon :)
Juicee, could you please write what the airport procedure looked like, exactly? Im flying next weekend and im just very curious! How long it took? What did they do?
Thanks a lot!

Újra itt vagyok, hogy végre megtaláltam ezt az oldalt :) Előre is elnézést kérek, de én magyarul írok majd. Amit írtok, azt értem, de még elég kezdő szinten vagyok az íráshoz:) A régi oldalon is fent voltam, és a blogot is olvasom. Nagyon jóóóó :)))