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DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

Did you tell the same to the consul at the interview? We have a similar schedule plan: after the interview we will start to search for job via internet. And if we could have more serious offers then me and my husband will fly to the USA. But we plan to come back for the summer and enter the USA with the kids at the second half of August - when the flight tickets getting cheaper :)

Does anybody have any information about what if my husband can not understand what the consul tells him? Can the consul speak Hungarian? Is there any translator? Can I help him during the interview?
The main problem is that he thinks that his English is not enough good and he is afraid to be refused because of the lack of excellence in English. He has self-confidence problems although he can speak English but not as good as I do. Does the language ability have any influence on the process or not?
Thanx for any advice...

Yes, I told the same, that we plan to travel latest in June, but if I can arrange for work sooner, I will travel alone sooner, and make arrangements for the family (accommodation etc.).
For your second question, we had the same situation, my wife's English is not so good, so when she was asked, she tried to answer (she told me later, she understood everything), but she was too excited and was looking for the words, so I did some interpreting for her. Then she was not pushed with more questions after that.
So for us, it was not a problem, the interview was in English, we were lucky, because they saw I could speak, and probably it adds positively to the overall picture, when it comes to the ability of getting a job etc. I would imagine that, if you don't speak English at all, you would get a translator/interpreter, but then I guess you would probably have a harder time to convince the consular about your ability to fit in, get a job etc.
As I saw it, they don't test you for the language in particular (it's not even stated anywhere that you must speak English), but looking for clues how well you could fit in the American society, and a part of that is language.
Not sure it's the same experience with everyone, since every situation and consular is different, so take that as it is, only feelings after a single experience.
Hope this helps though :)
One more thing: in our case, I was the principal winner, and I was doing the talking to the other embassy employees, with whom we spoke in Hungarian, so I am not sure if I was the one who the consular was speaking to, because I was the one speaking English, or I was the principal winner.
I don't know in your case Clearwater, if you are the principal winner, your situation might be similar to ours, in case it's your husband, then I don't know if it would turn out similar or different.
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based on what i know consular officers usually speak different languages. meaning if they work in us embassy in hungary they should be able to speak hungarian (at least basic level).
My husband is the selected one... and his problem is that although he learns and listens and practices the English language every day he struggles with his lack of self-confidence in the area of speaking. As I see his level is a strong A2 or probably B1.
Clearwater 70!

The interview is a formal discussion, you do not have to worry at all, if someone does not speak English there must be an interpereter who can help to understand everything. I am sure your husband will understand every words of the consul in English! The goal is a success, not a suction. That's not a high-level intellectual conversation....

so don't worry, be happy:):):)
Please think on us/pray for us etc. on Monday round 10 o'clock! We (My selected husband, me and 3 kids age 17, 14 and 11) will have our interview...
After it I promise that I will write everything we have experienced there. :)
Of course, we will Clearwater, I wish you all good luck, and remember, don't get stressed, just act naturally :)
Thank you for the photo answers!

Clearwater70 and Juicee, good luck for, I am sure, that everything will be good! :)
We've got it!

Today we had our interview at the Embassy and it was successful!
Here are the details:
We arrived 10 minutes before the scheduled date, it was 10 to 10:00 AM. Every person who already had ID card had to show it through the glass and then they let us enter inside the security section in two parts. 2 children with one parent and the 3rd one with the other. In the security happens everything on the same way like at the airport so I won't bother you with the details. After being checked we could enter the building of the Embassy. We had to pull a number for the whole family from a machine similar to banks, post offices etc. We had to choose the Immigrant Visa button.
We had to wait a bit because there already was another family with 2 cute boys. They made the Green Card process, too.
When our number was shown my husband brought our documents to the corresponding window. Then each member of our family above a certain age had to give his/her fingerprints - so had to do my two elder kids. The woman at this window cleared some points of the whole Green Card procedure. Some of the details were totally new for us! Eg. the visa can be issued at a later time. The only restriction is that is has to happen BEFORE 30th of September! The 6 month the family has to enter to the States begins on that chosen date. This information caused a bit confusion for us because it offers more possibilities and so it could alter our previous plans... So we decided not to get the visa immediately and until we were waiting for the payment of the visa fees we started to discuss the subject there...
Then we payed the visa fees and waited for the interview. While we were waiting the other family had their interview and we could see that the consular is a very young and very friendly woman! After seeing the woman I have lost all my fears and nervosity and became very calm :)
Then we were called to the consular so all of us went to the window which was a bit narrow for 5 person :) Here we had to give our fingerprints randomly from one of our hands and the consular started questioning us:
Q: - When do you intend to move to the States?
My husband: (First he started to explain why we want to move there because he was quite nervous and could not understand the question but I helped him out) - Our first plan is to enter the States in August with the kids and one of us will stay there to find job and the other one will come back to Hungary with the kids. The whole family will move there when the other one has found a job. But we start to look for job from the moment we have got the visa so if we had a job offer earlier than August then the parents will enter the States and in August the kids.
(It was funny because both of us were talking to the consular. My husband told one sentence and I told another one etc.)
Q: - Where do you intend to live?
A: - ... (We told them the possible options, made clear that we have relatives and friends there)
Q: - How long has been this uncle living in the States?
A: - ...
Q: - How old are the kids?
A: - ...
Q: - Can they speak English? Because in the States we can not speak Hungarian (laughing together)
A: - Yes, they are learning.
Q: - In which grade they are now?
A: - 10th, 8th, 5th.
Q: - How many money do you intend to bring with?
A: - ...
And after this we discussed where to delay our visa. We decided for May so one of us has to go back at a later time for the visas but we have to call them 3 weeks earlier.
Everything went fine, we are approved, they were very kind to us. I think this whole process is just a formal thing.

Good luck for the next family!
Congratulations Clearwater, very happy for you and your family!
So glad we are so fortunate!
It's good to know one can delay the issuance of the visa, we were mentioned this as well, we just didn't want to do that, but it's a really nice option they give you.
BTW, I think we were at the same consular, our consular had glasses, and middle length black hair, really kind and smiling.
And the window you have to stand in front of is really small for several people, I can confirm that :)
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Yes, the consular wears glasses and has middle length dark hair and she smiled all the time :) This friendly atmosphere was very helpful for me! I didn't felt for a moment that for all the questions my husband should answer on his own... so first HE spoke, then after he had finished speaking I added some missing but important information. It was like a cheery conversation among friends!
Btw. I forgot to mention that her very first question was how many time we tried the lottery and she was very delighted when we told her that it was the very first time. She said we are lucky! Then she gave us back the receipt about the 1.650 USD and she mention that is a quite big amount of money... And THEN started those part of the interview I have written above.
Congratulations to you too Clearwater70!!!! Now please think of us, we will have an interview on Wednesday at 10 o'clock!!!

We are ready, so come what may....for example two green cards:):):)
Success Guys:) Almost everything was the same, simillar than your's interview. The consul lady really kind and patient person.
It was just one expect, we recieved immediately the passports with the immigration visas:)

So now we can book an apartment and buy a tickets to Vegas!!!