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DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

Do not pay any lucky penny until you get your GC. Just after you get it and before you P.O.E. in the other hand until you do not have your GC you don't know your A number:)
Juicee, thanks for all the info, but... I still believe that you only get the GC AFTER you have arrived to the US, so they cannot ask you to indicate it before entering the US. Actually with 165 USD, you pay for the admin costs of the issuance of the GC, so...I still don't get it, sorry.
obviously you get your GC after arriving i US. that's why you have to go through this whole procedure in POE. before that you only have your immigrant visa in your passport.
When i wrote GC i meant also the immigrant visa in your passport. When your interview is succesfull you get a GC in your passport or we can call immigrant visa. It must on the A number, because is simillar to the real GC, just is not a plastic card and it valid for 6 month. After P.O.E you will recive your plastic green card your USA adress which is valid 10 yrs.
Hi everybody,
we have been at the doctor on Monday and today and everything is fine. For me and my husband it costed 33.510 HUF, for my daughter who is almost 17 costed 19.000 HUF (she needed only medical examination and the syphilis test), for my elder son 9.000 HUF (he had just a simple medical examination), and for my youngest son 12.700 HUF - he got 3 injections.
The doctor told us that probably my elder kids could have problems in their future school with the Hepatitis B because in the States they start to vaccinate the children earlier than we do in Hungary and they get the Hepatitis B vaccination 3 times. In Hungary they start the vaccination later and they do it it two parts in contrast to the USA where they do it in 3 parts. So it could cause complaints in the school why they have just 2 shots instead of 3... - but she can not tell it for sure.
My youngest one (age 11) got his first Hepatitis B shot on Monday and will get 2 more according to the USA vaccination system. The 2nd 1 month after the first and the 3rd after 6 month so right before our departing to the States.
Otherwise everything went fine. The First Med is a great place, no need to wait, very clean and very... American... or "normal" as the Hungarian health system should be :)
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Good job Clearwater70!

Actually, we were at the doctor today (Dr. Böröcz Zoltán in Kútvölgyi). It was OK, it cost 19000 HUF for each of us adults, and 9000 HUF for each of the kids. He took the blood (from the adults only), and made the x-ray in the hospital. It took about 2,5 hours for all of us. They only check syphilis in the blood and TB (tubercholosis) in the xray.
Of course we passed all, so we are good to go for the interview!
He advised to take the xrays with us to the US, as it might be needed, they are valid for one year. They are not needed for the interview though. He also said, that we should take the vaccination booklet of the kids, because in Europe, they give vaccination against thubercholosis, and in the US they do not, so when anybody from Hungary (or Europe) is tested for the presence of TB in their blood. they will of course will be tested positive (because of the vaccination, the blood has it), so they may try to force you to medication, because they think you are sick with TB. You have to carry your vaccination booklet, and stick to not getting medicated. Knowledgeable medical staff should understand..
Well done guys! We also have to ask an appointment to the FirstMed soon to get a medical exam. Fortunately whe have an adult vaccation booklet, so I hope we won't get any vaccation at all!

Best of Luck!!!
On Friday I have sent the requests for our Police Certifications. Today I have just read about in this forum and just realized that I screwed up the whole application... Damned it! Tomorrow I will try to go to Vaskapu str. to ask about changes... I don't wanna pay again 3X3100 HUF for these certifications!
What is the matter? Why do you think you made a mistake? If your application not correct they pay your attention for it within a few days, and you should not have to pay the fees again. One think is sure, you have to write on your application you need a police certificate for the american immigrant visa.
That's the problem: I didn't write on my application that I need it for American immigrant visa... But... I read on their website that in case of making mistakes you do not have to pay again, just make the correction needed. So I went to the office and talked to them and they gave me a correction-form which I brought back next day. Now they will provide me the correct certificate.
That is interesting, because I did write it on my police record request, that I need it for American Visa issuance, but when I got the Police Record Certificate back, it doesn't say anywhere on it, that it was issued for the American Visa issuance.
Is that so for anybody else, or the Police (Government Office) made a mistake with me, and I am in trouble?
Please share any examples, if you have received your Police Certificates.
You are not in trouble, we got the same version...If you have any police or court case you can not recive the police certificate. As I know the are in daily contact so if there is a problem with you, they call the embassy and you can not recive the certificate. The consul has a right to make a decision, get your visa or not. Of course you can explain why you do not have a certificate, but i am sure when we are speaking the consul he/she has known everything about us:)
police record

That is interesting, because I did write it on my police record request, that I need it for American Visa issuance, but when I got the Police Record Certificate back, it doesn't say anywhere on it, that it was issued for the American Visa issuance.
Is that so for anybody else, or the Police (Government Office) made a mistake with me, and I am in trouble?
Please share any examples, if you have received your Police Certificates.

Dear hzss12!

I sent one PM message to you about your story!
Dear hzss12,
will you report after your interview? I am interested in the smallest details!!!
Thanks in advance and good luck!!!
@Clearwater70: sure thing, I wish I was already over it.
Yesterday, I copied all documents and created one big file that we will take to the interview.
Tomorrow morning, we will have to get up very early, I just hope the kids will not be too grumpy :)
Good Luck for tomorrow hzss12:)

Welcome on board syrus1006:) Everything is allright with us, police certificates are OK:) Medical exam will be at next Wednesday. See you at the Embassy on 6th March!