• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Hi Guys,
Could somebody help me on this? Are you sure I wont have any problems if I said I was going to entry and live in Miami and now I got a job offer in Boston and I might do my port-of-entry process there?

It doesnt say any where on file or in my papers that I must do it in Miami?

Thanks a lot again!

It is safer to ask your consulate about multiple entries with the visa stamp and POE change.
Hi guys!

Our case number is between 15 000 and 16000 Europe, so hope we will have an interview in february:):):)

Good luck to all of you!

hi just had our interview tuesday 5th feb EU 12XXX
we're approved! if called to interview and you have all your paperwork its a formality!

good luck with yours
2 Visas, London

Report on GC interview (London)
I am the main applicant, wife as dependant.
1. 7:30 – arrived at Bond Street station
2. 7:45 - left mobiles and headphones for 3 pounds in nearby pharmacy
3. 7:50 – join queue in front of US Embassy
4. 8:10 - passed security booth with no problem
5. 8:15 - received I-90X number
6. 9:00 – 9:40 – submitted documents, payment
7. 10:25-10:35 –oath, interview, confirmation of approval
8. 10:40 – left US Embassy (after paying for delivery)

1. Security.
a. no electronic devices allowed, guys in pharmacy are very competent and helpful – follow their advices.
b. It’s ok to bring water, but I was asked to make a confirmation small drink. We also had sandwiches but no questions to them.
c. Bring an umbrella – weather could be bad and there’s no shelter before security booth.

2. Waiting for call
a. Toilets are ok.
b. I saw drinking water tap (near toilet).
c. There were coffee/snacks for purchase in the back of the waiting hall, but I had my food.
d. Numbers are announced and visible at monitors.
e. You may bring something to read: book, magazine
f. Immigration visas – windows 13 or 14

3. First call – documents.
45 min wait. Called by tannoy to window 14, confirmation on screen.
We were asked for documents. I have master degree and I was asked to submit it along with high school certificate. Marriage certificate was asked for me and for my wife… what?! Hopefully we had extra copy (certificate is in native language, so we had translations). We submitted birth certificates, police certificates (UK+homeland). We were asked provide proof of funds – I provided print of online-bank accounts and summary – excel spreadsheet - sum of all liquid assets. I add USA address to my original form sent to Kentucky. I was asked for CV. We provided copy of all original docs. Translations were certified as required. I was asked when we are going to move to USA and we were told that we need to do it before 6 July 2013. We were told that we need to pay online 165 usd before travel to USA.
My wife and me had separate files within our case (thus 2 marriage certificates were asked) and special folder for originals. Sometimes we said that copy and original were mixed and asked to put original to folder and copy to our file. All papers in personal file were punched – make sure no originals there :)
1. Highest education, proof
2. Address to send GC in USA, who lives there
3. How much many we have and proof
4. When we are going to travel to USA
5. Do I have job in USA (No), then do I have Resume/CV
After all docs handed I was asked to pay visa fees in adjacent window. I had $, however course in Embassy was better than 2 days before at my trusted exchanged agent (660$=419 gbp vs 423 gbp). I returned with receipt and gave it to lady behind glass. Then I was given CD with X-ray results from medical. My fingers were scanned, wife’s as well. We were provided pink delivery paper (we need to feel delivery address and so on) and sent back – wait for call for interview.
40 minutes to provide docs, pay and scan fingers.

4. Interview.
We were waiting for 45 mins, then were called by surname to window 15 (no confirmation on screen)
Consular Officer (CO): Hello… (looks very friendly, smile, very clear speech)
Oath – I do, I do
Signed application
Questions by CO: How long married?
We:4+ yrs
CO: how met each other?
CO: which town you met?
CO:who winner?
CO:how many times applied?
CO:which site used for applying?
We: not sure something dv-lottery.gov, official site
CO:When knew that win?
We:1 May
CO:How checked lottery result?
We:Same .gov site
CO:How it was technically?
We:I put my name, birth year and some number, I saved after application.
CO:When plan to travel to USA?
CO:Any job in USA?
CO:What is your profession? (same question for wife)
CO:Where do you work? Where is office?
CO:Where do you studied for your MSc?
CO:to wife: what is your education?
CO: How much money plan to take with you?
CO:Which state aiming? Which city?
CO:Ok, everything is ok. Your visas have been approved. Pay for delivery and expect packages in 1 week. You need to pay online 165 usd for GC before travel, instructions will be with passports package.
We:Thanks a lot! Good bye!
All original documents were returned.
Interview took only 10 mins.

5. Delivery payment – I gave filled pink delivery paper to girl near exit and paid for delivery of passports with docs.
Hurrah! :)

Overall 3 hrs for interview process (excluding travel to Embassy)
We had an affidavit (I-134), but we were not asked for it – not showed it. We had much more docs to proof that we are high value professionals, proof of our funds (12 months statements for all accounts) - not asked – not showed.

In 7 days I received package with passports (with visas), 2 yellow envelopes for immigration officer at PointOfEntry, instructions what to do and instructions how to pay 165$ GC fee.

Please note that your 6 month visa validity starts at date of your medical check.

Good luck!
Just spoke to a very nice lady from KCC and I got a very strong feeling from her that the numbers, at least for Europe, will continue to go up fast. Right now, our number is approx. 2,500 away from being current. After looking at our case, she said that she is confident that our number will be current in May. Not sure about the other continents, sorry.

Take it for what its worth.

Quick shameless plug :) I have created a new thread Visa Bulletin for April 2013. Feel free to check it out and contribute.
Hi all
Does anyone know if affidavit of support is valid from a person living in US on visa H1B,
the visa is till 2015 but intends to extend and is working as a doctor.
Thank you
Yes, an AOS from a H1B visa holder is valid.

Hi all
Does anyone know if affidavit of support is valid from a person living in US on visa H1B,
the visa is till 2015 but intends to extend and is working as a doctor.
Thank you
Interviewexperience in london

Is there anybody in this forum who has experience in attending interview in london? dv lottery.
If so does it take long to get an appointment for the medicals at knightsbridge?
How long between the medicals and the interview?

Posted this in other threads, but you may be interested.

Interview experience, US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary.

OK, so here is the deal

Our interview date was for 9 AM, we arrived to the Embassy around 8:15.
You can only enter through security and the guard told us that we can only be allowed in max 15 minutes before our interview time, so we had to take a walk around, and come back at 8:45.
We arrived back on time, we were put through security by twos, first the girls, then the boys. You are going through security like in an airport security, but you have to leave every electronic device behind (phones, car keys etc.).
You are let into the main waiting lobby, which looks like a bank lobby, with electronic numbering system and windows with numbers. You have to take a number from the ticketing device, then wait for your number to appear. We sat down and waited, it was a bit funny, because we were the only ones, only one other visitor to be seen during the whole process.
After 5-10 minutes, our number was shown, and we had to go to a window, where they were asking for all our documents, passports, birth certificates, police papers, bank statements, affidavit of support, and only my grammar school diploma (no college diploma was asked, nor anything from my wife). They collected all the documents, and made copies of some of them (only remember the police papers). They took the fingerprints from the adults. They asked if we have an address to send eventually the green card, so I wrote the address on the paper that was originally sent to the KCC. They asked if we know some basic facts about the DV visa (they can't refund the fee, we have to leave for the US in 6 months etc. everything we knew, except that they told, that if we want, and needed, they can postpone the issuance of visa by some time (wasn't specified), but we didn't ask for this possibility). They explained that we will be called to another window to pay the fee, so we should again sit down and wait. After waiting some, our number was called again, so I went and paid the 1320 dollars. The cashier was quite chatty, she asked if we go as a family, how many times we played the lottery (wow, win for first time), where do we plan to settle (wow, I am from California too), this was all unofficial. Then I got the receipt for the money, but were told that the official receipt will be given by the consular, who will call us next, until then, sit down and wait.
After some time, we were called to another window, where the consular was waiting.
The interview was in English. I spoke, my wife was only asked once, I helped with some interpreting.
She asked us to sign the papers that we sent to KCC (what you are not supposed to sign, when you send), that you are not a terrorist, child trafficker blah, blah, blah. The parents signed for the kids. Then we were asked to take scan our fingertips again, adults only. This was for the criminal records, I believe. Then we were asked to raise our hands and swear that everything we submitted is true.
The interview was the following (not sure of the order, can't remember exactly):
Q: - The person who gave the affidavit of support is your cousin, right?
A: - Yes.
Q: - When did you last meet her?
A: - In 2011, blah, blah, blah.
Q: - Is she a US citizen?
A: - Yes.
Q: - How did she become a US citizen?
A: - Answered what I remembered.
Q: - Have you been to the US?
A: - No.
Q: - Then, why do you want to immigrate?
A: - Answered why.
Q: - What do you do for a living here?
A: - Blah, blah, blah.
Q: - How much do you earn a year here?
A: - Blah, blah, blah.
Q: - What company are you working for?
A: - Answer.
Q: - What do you plan to work in the US?
A: - Answer blah, blah, blah.
Q: - Where do you plan to work (geographically)?
A: - Answer.
Q: - Does your company you are planning to work for has an office in the town you plan to live?
A: - Blah, blah, blah.
Q: - If no office, how do you plan to achieve this?
A: - Blah, blah, blah.
Q: - How much money are you planning to bring to the US?
A: - Blah, blah, blah.
Q: - (To my wife) : Madam, what are you planning to do in the US?
A: - Answer.
Q: - Do your kids speak English?
A: - Answer.
Q: - If you get the visa, when do you plan to move to the US?
A: - Answer.
Q: - Do you have a house in Hungary?
A: - Answer.
Q: - Do you plan to sell your house?
A: - Answer.

At last: Congratulations, hereby I approve your application for the visa.
Then she gave us the receipt for the money we paid.
She said to wait for another call to the first window, where we get back our documents, and further instructions.
The whole process didn't take more than 10 minutes.
Then we waited again, now happily.
We were called again to the first window, where we got back our birth certificates and my grammar school diploma, and were explained that we will get back our passports in 1-2 days, they asked for a telephone number to notify. I asked if we have to pick up the passports ourselves in the Embassy, and they answered yes. They also gave a small piece of paper with availability of the Embassy.
Then I couldn't ask more question, because the fire alarm went off!
We had to leave urgently, the guard asked us so.
So we promptly left for the security post, where we got our pieces of hardware back and could leave.
The whole process took only about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

OK, maybe I forgot something, but in a nutshell, that was all.
All in all, everybody was very kind and very helpful, the process was efficient.

Hope you will have the same great experience.
Good luck to you all!

Any questions? Post them.
Hi all

if i heve 14k in $, do i still need afidavit of support

thank you
That is a good question, my friend.
It also depends on how many of you are applying for the visa. Is it only you?
According to my experience, it's not only your money that counts, they also look at what profession you have, so how likely you will get a job soon in the US.
Obviously, an affidavit of support helps, so if you have the chance to get one, by all means, do so.
Is there anybody in this forum who has experience in attending interview in london? dv lottery.
If so does it take long to get an appointment for the medicals at knightsbridge?
How long between the medicals and the interview?

Kumatu, I booked my appointment 1 month in advance (I wanted specific date). I was refused to book it more than 1 month in advance. I leave 25 days between appointment and interview. It's normally required to have 4-7 days between medical and interview.
Please note that your initial DV visa will expired in 6 months after your medical appointment (not date of your interview or receiving passports), so, I have only 5 months and a week in my visa to enter USA.
Good luck!
P.S. Call Knightbridge doctors - they are more than helpful and understanding.
Kumatu, I booked my appointment 1 month in advance (I wanted specific date). I was refused to book it more than 1 month in advance. I leave 25 days between appointment and interview. It's normally required to have 4-7 days between medical and interview.
Please note that your initial DV visa will expired in 6 months after your medical appointment (not date of your interview or receiving passports), so, I have only 5 months and a week in my visa to enter USA.
Good luck!
P.S. Call Knightbridge doctors - they are more than helpful and understanding.


Can I ask you about how did you deal with vaccinations during medicals?? Were you able to produce immunization records? Did they have to inject some vaccines on the spot and if so, do you remember which ones? A small report on Knightsbridge doctors would be nice to read if it doesn't create too much hassle for you, since its quite hard to come across this information due to low DV turnover in London.

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1. Go to Knightsbridge doctors web site. All instructions there are very good.
2. Vaccinations: MMR, “tetanus+dyphteria+polio”, flu. On medical at Knightsbridge they explained me about vaccinations. I had plenty of time (3.5 weeks prior to interview) and decided to put it in my surgery and travel clinics – cheap solution. Wife had flu vaccination from occupational health. I got flu from my local surgery – 10 gbp and tetanus for free at the same time. Then I got MMR at travel clinic – 30 gbp per 1 (2 required for complete vaccination). 1 MMR is ok for interview. Of course I got all these vaccinations (except seasonal flu) as per Russian vaccination schedule and of course my medical docs were lost :) So, it’s much easy to have it again rather than prove that you have immune.
3. I called 1 Dec to book 4th Jan. Visa interview - 30 Jan. I wanted medical to be on Jan 4th. I suggest to call earlier then later.
4. Took 1 hr.
5. X-ray, weigh-in, height, may be pressure. Blood from vein for syphilis. Checking balls for men. Eye grounds. It’s fun, easy, no pain – relaxing time.
6. During my examination I heard piano lesson in progress from music school 1 level higher – it was nice :)
7. 227 gbp per person.
8. Staff very friendly and helpful.
Good luck!
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1. Go to Knightsbridge doctors web site. All instructions there are very good.
2. Vaccinations: MMR, “tetanus+dyphteria+polio”, flu. On medical at Knightsbridge they explained me about vaccinations. I had plenty of time (3.5 weeks prior to interview) and decided to put it in my surgery and travel clinics – cheap solution. Wife had flu vaccination from occupational health. I got flu from my local surgery – 10 gbp and tetanus for free at the same time. Then I got MMR at travel clinic – 30 gbp per 1 (2 required for complete vaccination). 1 MMR is ok for interview. Of course I got all these vaccinations (except seasonal flu) as per Russian vaccination schedule and of course my medical docs were lost :) So, it’s much easy to have it again rather than prove that you have immune.
3. I called 1 Dec to book 4th Jan. Visa interview - 30 Jan. I wanted medical to be on Jan 4th. I suggest to call earlier then later.
4. Took 1 hr.
5. X-ray, weigh-in, height, may be pressure. Blood from vein for syphilis. Checking balls for men. Eye grounds. It’s fun, easy, no pain – relaxing time.
6. During my examination I heard piano lesson in progress from music school 1 level higher – it was nice :)
7. 227 gbp per person.
8. Staff very friendly and helpful.
Good luck!

ok thank you very much... very helpful info.
Process after been granted the DV visa after interview

Does anyone know the proces after you have been granted the DV visa
I know the passport is stamped with a expiry date of 6 months from issue, and you need to present the sealed envalope to immigration when entering within the 6 months

What is the process with immigration when you plan on entering the US on the DV visa?
When will you receive the green card and how long is it valid for?
When do you give the address for the green card to be posted?
Does the social security # get automatically posted with the green card?

Any help to these questions would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone know the proces after you have been granted the DV visa
I know the passport is stamped with a expiry date of 6 months from issue, and you need to present the sealed envalope to immigration when entering within the 6 months

What is the process with immigration when you plan on entering the US on the DV visa?
When will you receive the green card and how long is it valid for?
When do you give the address for the green card to be posted?
Does the social security # get automatically posted with the green card?

Any help to these questions would be greatly appreciated

First you need to pay you immigration fee, BEFORE entering the US, more info: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=fe529c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD
What is the process with immigration when you plan on entering the US on the DV visa?
You enter through immigration show your passport, and give you brown envelopes to immigration.
When will you receive the green card and how long is it valid for?
You will receive it within 4-6 weeks, and it's valid for 10 years.
When do you give the address for the green card to be posted?
If you didn't give it on the papers to KCC or on the interview, you last chance is while entering the US on the border.
Does the social security # get automatically posted with the green card?
No, you could either state it on you papers to KCC that you need an SSN card, or you could do that on the interview. It arrives separatelly from the GC, usually after 3-4 weeks.

At least this is what I know, others might have a different experience.