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Oh, my! 50K dollars for a couple??? It is a lots of money! In our country must to show 15 130 dollars for 2, so many people has difficult to show it....of cours the wage here is really low, in the Uk muuch more better to live and work, maybe easier to show 50K on a bank statement.
you mean dollars?! that's ridiculous! in my country (based on what i read on the forum) NOBODY, so far, was asked about bank statement or affidavit of support. what's more the embassy told me there is no minimum amount of money i should have because CO look at the general picture, your whole situation.
50k dollars is a lot of money... but for UK resident it isnt so hard to produce it though, but surely it should be same amount of money for everyone?
Hi guys,

I have a question. I received my passport already and now I'm in the process of applying for jobs. I got a few interviews already and there is one that looks likely in Boston
The thing is... I lived in Miami for a while a few year ago, so during my interview we said that we were going back to Miami cause I know the area very well and I have a few contacts that can help me getting a job.
If I get this job in Boston would I be able to do my "Port of Entry" proceduce there or I must go to Miami cause I believe he wrote down that we would be arriving to the US via MIA airport.

In the envelope that they give you, which I am not supposed to open, that it say somewhere that my POE has to be Miami or not?
Also, I might need to go to Boston for a final interview, so me and my wife will have to travel together, validate our green card there, stay 2 days and then return to UK. Staying for 2 days and then come back to finish the moving plans would be an issue? or I can travel back and forth anytime I want?

Thanks in advance for answering!! ;)
Yeah, 50 000 USD is a hell of a lot of money, here I doubt 99% of people can produce that amount of money, unless they sell all their property, majority of people haven't even seen that amount of money all their lives.
But of course, I guess there isn't an upper limit, if you can show 1 million USD, by all means, you should.
The embassy here (Hungary) was quite vague about the amount of money one has to show, since they told that it depends on the presence (or lack thereof) of an affidavit of support, and even the profession of the winner, since it determines, how quick he or she can find a job in the US, so I guess for somebody with a profession in high demand can get away with less amount, or without an affidavit, since they assume they will get a job quickly.
Just my two cents, Embassy practice can vary county by country, it seems.
Here is the link where we should pay a 165 dollars/person: https://www.pay.gov/paygov/forms/for...ormId=40850201

I have just one problem, what a hell is the A Number, is something that we don't know yet, I mean we will recive until the interview???? "A Number"

The alien registration number, which the Department of Homeland Security assigns to each alien. It is an "A" followed by eight numbers. For example: A12 345 678. Some recently-issued A numbers consist of an "A" followed by nine digits. For example: A 200 345 678.

That is OK, but how and when can we get it? We should pay the immigration fee before P.O.E. so.....

All, I successfully passed interview. I prepared report of interview and will post it after I receive passports.

Juicee, you need to pay online 165 usd after successful interview but before your travel to USA.
I understand you started worry too early.
Also, don't worry about London US Embassy idea about money to be shown. I believe it does not apply for Hungary.

Il_fedess, as far as I understand from forums, POE - nobody cares if you change it. I was not asked for POE :) however I was asked where I am going to live, but it's not same.
Also, I understand that "dependant" should not arrive to USA earlier than "winner". All the rest combinations - it's not important. I understand that after trigger immigration process (first entry) you may even catch your plane back. GC will arrive to address in 2-3 weeks. You may go back to UK. I understand that you will have year (or so) visa in your passport at POE (remember, your plastic GC will arrive only in 2-3 weeks to US address) as a proof of your GC, so you may travel to USA before getting plastic GC.

Congrat Den. Please can you kindly share your success story as early as you can, I will soon have mine. Thanks.

All, I successfully passed interview. I prepared report of interview and will post it after I receive passports.

Juicee, you need to pay online 165 usd after successful interview but before your travel to USA.
I understand you started worry too early.
Also, don't worry about London US Embassy idea about money to be shown. I believe it does not apply for Hungary.

Il_fedess, as far as I understand from forums, POE - nobody cares if you change it. I was not asked for POE :) however I was asked where I am going to live, but it's not same.
Also, I understand that "dependant" should not arrive to USA earlier than "winner". All the rest combinations - it's not important. I understand that after trigger immigration process (first entry) you may even catch your plane back. GC will arrive to address in 2-3 weeks. You may go back to UK. I understand that you will have year (or so) visa in your passport at POE (remember, your plastic GC will arrive only in 2-3 weeks to US address) as a proof of your GC, so you may travel to USA before getting plastic GC.

Hi guys!
I had the interview yesterday and it was succesful!
It was in London embassy, so Iam happy to help or give feedback to anyone.
Basically they asked us about our educational background, what do we do for leaving, for how long have we been married (we married after beeing selected but have been together for over 3 years). Also asked us what would be doing in the states, if we knew anyone that can give us a job, and how much money we were thinking on transfering to the US.
That's pretty much it! it only took 12-15 min.


Entry Checked:May 1,2012
Forms sent to KCC:June 18th,2012(via FedEx)
Forms received by KCC:June 19th,2012
Confirmed by KCC by phone
2nd NL: Nov 15th
Police C.O.G.C : Done
Medicals: December 19th
Interview: Jan 16th - SUCCESSFUL!!
Entry to US: not yet

Congratulations, pls I will like to ask u some questions am also a winner base in London. Pls can I have ur number?


Congrats and best of luck. I am not worry, i just chech the web page and saw I need an A number, and still I have no idea what it is or how and when can i get it. That's all my problem nothing else....
In Hungary we must show 15130 dollars for two accordint to the members of embassy, it's much more less than UK of course:)

Congrats and best of luck. I am not worry, i just chech the web page and saw I need an A number, and still I have no idea what it is or how and when can i get it. That's all my problem nothing else....
In Hungary we must show 15130 dollars for two accordint to the members of embassy, it's much more less than UK of course:)

Question is... Why do we from Uk have to show more money?? Are things going to be more expensive for us in USA or something?? :confused: as far as I remember, costs in USA do not affect ethnicity or nationality.
btw, i dont know if it was said before.. but where did you get this info from? did you call the embassy to ask? to you have it on the website?
Why do you have to show more money? The answer is really simple, because in my country the salary is less than UK. While the people in the United Kindom earn 1000 £ per month we hungarians earn 300-400 £ :(:(
So the money you have to show varies by country! You have to be infomed by your embassy, and there will not be any problem:)
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I meant where did you get the information about how much money you should have. im from Poland, our salaries are not high either, however, as i said before, there is no min amount of money we should prove that we have. besides that, thinking there are students among those who won it's simply illogical.
sorry, guys, my answers disappear from the forum with no reason :(
I think it's better to understand rules in embassy you are going to attend rather than worry about embassy in another country.
Good luck!