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  1. F

    help- eligibility country for dv 2011

    he obtain your eligibility via country of birth so i believe you should put Ethiopia
  2. F

    Registration period for DV-2011: October 2 until November 30, 2009

    there is absolutely nothing wrong with you applying again. If you 'win' and then get a visa for 2010 instead it just means somebody else will have a chance of getting their number called out for the interview for the 2011 edition remember there over 90,000 'winners' each year who go for 50,000...
  3. F

    Country where you live today?

    Interesting one this. Just to confuse you a bit more, maybe it is the US depending really on what visa you using and possibly how long you are going to be there for. If its more than 6 months there will be the issue of police reports etc. If not US then it should be Italy. It possibly may...
  4. F

    Why aren't all the 50,000 available Diversity Visas used up in any year?

    Remember they are obliged to issue visa no later than 30 September of the relevant fiscal year. So a lot depends on the speed of the interview process and the success (quality of the applicants) rate during the 12 months before that. So in a way you could get the quota being used up in the...
  5. F

    Highest Level of Education - Question

    IMO i think it is 'Some graduate level courses'. I think the pple at CIMA claim that it is equivalent to a masters degree, you might want to check with them. Otherwise i wouldnt worry about it too much the moment as it does not help or hinder your chances of being selected (winning) by KCC...
  6. F

    DV-2010 Open !!!

    You will need to check the instructions carefully as the picture requirements have changed. I think there is another thread discussing this, so please read this before you submit
  7. F

    DV-2010 Open !!!

    Thanks livingwater. did exactly as you said and can now view the website. hopefully those still having problems viewing the site will see your post
  8. F

    Last day of DV 2008

    Guess that brings down the odds of getting visa or rather of getting an interview. The important thing to look at is really your chance of getting an interview you can do this i guess by looking at when respective CNs for the regions became current in the previous lotteries. remember though of...