• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Last day of DV 2008


Registered Users (C)
Hey guys,
This is the last day for dv lottery visa to be issued. I hope everyone got their visas and no one got caught in administrative processing. Its been a long ride for most of us but we sure made it to the finish line.
Wish DV 2009 guys the best of luck.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions to this great website, thanks to the webmaster and GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Yes, good luck for all DV-2009 winners. An exciting year for us DV-2008 winners is over in a couple of hours :)
hi Tazmania n others, am i supposed to carry my xray chat to the consular's office....just wondering.
hi Tazmania n others, am i supposed to carry my xray chat to the consular's office....just wondering.
No, you don't need to take the x-ray to the embassy. However, you are supposed to have it with you (checked luggage is okay), when you enter US with the immigrant visa. I don't know anyone who actually needed the x-ray, but this is the official rule.
Chance of visa

Sorry I just had to ask, is it really a 50% chance for people who won the lottery to be granted a Visa? Even for people with low case numbers and who follow all procedures? My case number is DV2009AS00006XXX.

I ask this because there's only 50,000 visas available but 100,000 winners.
Sorry I just had to ask, is it really a 50% chance for people who won the lottery to be granted a Visa? Even for people with low case numbers and who follow all procedures? My case number is DV2009AS00006XXX.

I ask this because there's only 50,000 visas available but 100,000 winners.

If you have a low case #, your chances are very good as long as you have all documentation.
Regarding the number of visas, be aware that the 100k winners are principal applicants only, while the 50k visas include the dependents. The final number of principal applicants that get a visa is probably 20-25k.
If you have a low case #, your chances are very good as long as you have all documentation.
Regarding the number of visas, be aware that the 100k winners are principal applicants only, while the 50k visas include the dependents. The final number of principal applicants that get a visa is probably 20-25k.

Guess that brings down the odds of getting visa or rather of getting an interview. The important thing to look at is really your chance of getting an interview you can do this i guess by looking at when respective CNs for the regions became current in the previous lotteries. remember though of course that this is not an exact science because a lot depends on the quality of the applicants (and size of their familieis) who go before you. You cant control that but what you can control is that once you do get your chance then make the most of it.