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  1. N

    pp stamp experience in SJ office

    I went to SJ office today to get my passport stamp done. The experience is horrible. I strongly recommend people to go to SF if possible. (I didn\'t know I can do that, otherwise I will definitely do so) I got there at around 5:00am and waited until 9:40am to get in. There are about 140...
  2. N

    Holly Molly my case has been approved

    Now you have Green Card. Please focus on the Economics now:)
  3. N

    JIT Moved ahead

    Anybody here with ND < 01/01 not approved? &nbsp;
  4. N

    ***Thread(s) SUMMARY updated (01/30/2001)

    In order to help PCee We should post detailed information to some centralized threads like the one created by Vishu(sorry, can\'t remember the name) following the rules. Everyone should take the responsibility to maintain accuracy and completeness of data track, it\'s not only PCee\'s job. He...
  5. N

    Folks, we got 7 approvals today(01/30) in the first hour =&gt; expecting some more

    totally agree. Let us do our parts and benefit ourselves.
  6. N

    request to dee rod, pcee, venkatramu, ciba, other gurus, other analysts

    Costco\'s photo process is better:) You can do one hour if you want.
  7. N

    Case Approved!!!!! April Mailer.....According to AVM

    congrats. Now, I really believe the AD is based on RD/ND. Looks like April/May RDs will see the approves pretty soon.
  8. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    #21 ----> Bongo, we are more than half way done now:) Bongo - 08:52pm Jan 25, 2002 EST I think it was only fitting that my good friends HenrySh and Bhagwan led the way by getting their approval on January 24th. I was excited for them to hear of their approvals, so I checked up on my...
  9. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    #14-----------> bhagwan Bhagwan - 02:54am Jan 25, 2002 EST EB2/India RD 4/17, ND 6/6 WAC 01-203 EAD (7/13), AP(RFE 7/19, Approved 9/10), FP (sched. 11/2 at Oakland, done at SJ on 10/13) AVM - Oct 17, then Dec 29 AD- Jan 24 Guys, Finally heard the words \'Approved on Jan 24\' for all of...
  10. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    #15-------------------> MercyGrace MercyGrace - 02:57am Jan 25, 2002 EST Free At Last ... Free At Last .... And my Lord God Jesus set me free.!!! Here are my details!! RD 3/1/2001 ND 3/21/2001 FP 8/21/2001 Ahead of Schedule WAC 01-136 Approved on Jan 22, 2002 according to AVM...
  11. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    lucky #13----> henrysh henrysh - 12:12am Jan 25, 2002 EST Just made my daily routine AVM check after 9:00 o\'clock and heard both my and my wife\'s cases got approved on 01/24 (today)! Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Guanyin Pusa in Chinese) Be Praised! Case details: EB2-RIR, China...
  12. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    approve No.7---sxm24 sxm24 - 11:37pm Jan 23, 2002 EST According to AVM, my case approved on Jan 22, 2002. I feel so happy...Hope to receive my approval notice soon. My full details is on PCEE\'s April mailer list FP Location: SFO RD 4/16 ND 5/29 FP 11/17 (Sched. 11/20) at SFO...
  13. N

    22nd to 27th AOS(485) approvals summary only - no garbage

    approve No.8----- alds. I can see the light at the end of tunnel Just heard on AVM that GC is approved for both Myself and My wife. WAC-01-223-xxxxx RD is 27th/28th April ND is 27th June. Early FP done 31st Oct. ( Actual Scheduled Nov 30th) Message was changed to \'FP received to Nov...
  14. N

    Traveling with AP

    Thanks csc_485 It\'s very useful information. Besides all that, it\'s a good idea to bring pay stub and company letter.
  15. N

    Anybody earlier than me without 485 approval

    don\'t worry. there are plenty of march/april rds are still waiting. &nbsp;
  16. N

    Another April RD approval

    My attoney got the approval notice on Feb 11th so the approval date should be Feb 9th. The interesting thing is that I went back to China for vacation on Feb 9th and I kept checking AVM every night until Feb 8th and no updated until then. I guess I will still have to use AP when I get back...
  17. N

    14 to 19 January 2002 AOs(485) approvals

    j2ee, another happy ending. 23 to go Posted By: j2ee 1/15/02 3:14 AM (#91 of 101) PD: SEP 2000, EB2, RIR, India, presently at Santa Clara RD: 4/26 ND: 6/26 FP: scheduled 11/29, actual 11/28 AD: 1/14/2002 my wife and son\'s case are also approved today. The AVM which was &quot;On...
  18. N

    April\'2000 Rd Approved !!!!

    congrats. It looks like the approval date has a lot to do with RD rather than FP done date? He did FP later Nov and got his case approved.
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    AOS approved as if AVM

    That is not necessarily true. I am also from China (EB2) and still waiting... I think henrysh has the same situation RD: 4/23/01 ND: 6/21/01 FP: 11/28/01