JIT Moved ahead


Registered Users (C)
The latest JIT issued on 2/1/02 says that the I485 processing has moved from 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2001.....I hope this is good news and that this means that INS has cleared some of its backlog.......
Not sure

Based on the INS\'s way of working, I do not think that they managed to clear a year of backlog (01/2000-01/2001) in a time of two months (the time between JIT reports)!!!!!!!
485 Moves by 1 YEAR!!!!

Cannot believe this man...the CSC I-485 Processing has moved by 1
year. Is anyone with ND before 01/01/01 been not approved??
Don\'t be pessimistic

Man! You are now standing on the land of America. Be optimistic. People who came to this land are all migrants and were/are surely optimistic, making this country great.
Break your pessimism. The change in the 485 processing times at CSC as published in the JIT reports is NOT as a result of typo. Comeon, you need a break now. Go outside your building (thoughts) and notice the sun is shining bright !
Cheer up folks !!
Take it easy !!!
Hate to ask a potentially-stupid question, but

does this mean that CSC is NOT processing any I485 RD > 1/01/01?
Or, is there a conspiracy to lie by all those posters whose RD > 1/01/01 and screamed "APPROVED"?
I apologize, in advance, about my unfamiliarity with this JIT report stuff and what it\'s suppose to convey.