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  1. K

    Finally Approved It feels like Giving Birth to a Baby...

    After a long wait my case has been approved.. My Details: ============ RD: 12/11/2001 ND:12/27/2001 Completed Second FP on Aug26 2003 Finally Approved on April 02 2004 after a long and painful wait.. Good Luck to everyone who is waiting.. It feels like Giving Birth to a Baby...
  2. K

    Any Nov/Dec 2001 filers without 2nd FP or RFE

    Add me too I got my Second FP. Completed my second FP and Processing Resumed on 08-26-03.. But No RFE Yet..... My RD: 12/11/2001
  3. K

    Spoke to the IIO - RD Dec 11 2001

    she(IIO) said that it has taken long and that she is submitting a status inquiry to see what my status is and took my details. and said that someone will contact me later on with a status. But my question is that i was holding two addresses. And while i was giving the contact information i...
  4. K

    Should I inform/Not Inform BCIS if i change Jobs while AOS is pending

    Gurus, Please let me know the safer route? 1) To Inform BCIS about Job Change 2) Not To inform BCIS about Job Change My future lawyer feels that it is good to wait until i get an RFE. But finally it is my call. But i want base my call on the advise from you guys. I also have to change...
  5. K

    gcslowgo is finally over ......

    Congrats Enjoy your Freedom
  6. K

    Me Too

    What Dya Mean by Me too Have you been Approved??
  7. K

    Me Too

    What Dya Mean by Me too Have you been Approved??
  8. K

    EAD Question

    AP Renewal How long does it take to get Adavnce Parole Renewal
  9. K

    New Format of Advance Parole Documents

    Same Question??? Need to know the Documents for AP Renewal
  10. K

    EAD Question

    Thank you sir. Also could you tell me Forms that i need to Fill For Advance Parole renewal and the Supporting Documents.
  11. K

    EAD Question

    Do i need to renew EAD for my spouse who does not work or intend to work. Both of us are in Adjustment of status with December RD.
  12. K

    Are we Out of Status if our EAD Expires

    To get Green Card you need to Continue Work That means we become illegal anyway if we dont renew our EAD
  13. K

    Are we Out of Status if our EAD Expires

    Or it we need EAD just in case we need another Job? Getting a little Confused
  14. K

    One more Dec ND approval

    is it a DEC Case??? How did you know?
  15. K

    Is it not Friday yet................?

    Yes Isn't that a good "Friday" Riddle?
  16. K

    Is it not Friday yet................?

    A Riddle A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday. He stayed two nights and left on Friday. How could that be?
  17. K

    Is it not Friday yet................?

    Othe-Lo Giani Zail Singh once attended the World Conference on Shakespeare, and caused a stir by announcing that he would present a paper on "Shakespeare's famous play titled 'TAKE IT THERE', No one had heard of this play, and learned scholars asked Zail Singh if there could be a mistake in the...
  18. K

    Should i enter my EAC# to check my status Online

    EAC # is working when i check with Automatic Voice Message. But says the "Receipt Number Cannot be found at this time" on the On line any similiar experiences... Please help
  19. K

    HELP PLEASE Current Status: Fingerprint Processing Complete-Non-Ident

    Should i enter my EAC# to check Status On line EAC # plays a message in Automatic Voice Message. But says the Rceipt Cannot be found at this on the On line any similiar experiences... Please help
  20. K

    Finally Approved.....Greaty-k of

    Congrats Greaty-K I was also waiting to hear these words of your approval from you other than the wait for my own GC. Enjoy your Freedom.