gcslowgo is finally over ......


Registered Users (C)
My case got approved on 10/11

pd 6/99
rd 10/29
nd 12/5
fp 04/18
ap 10/11

I am a silent visitor of this site. Thanks to Rajiv and Great-k for the wonderful effort to reduce our pain.

I already updated rupnet.

I hope early approval for my waiting buddies.

Thanks and bye.

congrats slowgoer

All the best!

And Girish Rajput, the poor guy already said he had updated rupnet. Why would you still post your statement "please update rupnet"...

congrats:) .. your RD and mine are same..but eac # is
eac-02-053-5XXXX and my ND is dec 3rd.

Will eac# be diff. between same RDs?
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