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  1. M

    Unfortunate Souls - Aug RD

    question why would INS leave certain cases in lurch and move on without taking any decision, like in your case. I mean, what's their idea behind doing this.Do they lack all sesitivity towards an individual who at lease deserve a simple stauts on his application. A status like " we have looked...
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    EAD track

    thanks Thanks for the info.
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    EAD track

    Hi, I applied for EAD renewal 15 days back , no receipt yet. In how many days , do we get the receipt notice. I paid the fee through Money Order , so I would not know through the "check getting encashed" by which most come to know about some activity in their cases. Is there any...
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    EAD track

    Hi, I applied for EAD renewal 10 days back , no recipt yet. In how many days , do we get the receipt notice. I paid the fee through Money Order , so I would not know through the "check getting encashed" by which most come to know about some activity in their cases. Is there any other...
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    Called INS and Talked to an IIO

    To Roran Hi, I also applied for EAD renewal 10 days back , no recipt yet. In how many days , you got your receipt notice. I paid the fee through Money Order , so I would not know through the "check getting encashed" by which most come to know about some activity in their cases. Is...
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    Is there any way to suspend ric2 from posting?

    for everyone I think we all are suffering from "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" to visit this site again and again. When we don't see any thing to cheer ourselves up , the frustrations comes out over a fellow poster whose posting even slightly disgust us. This is happening with Ric2 and...
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    H1 Transfer

    amazed I don't know what prompts you to post your message here, this is 485 issues in VSC . Anyway, if you don't have recent paystubs , you get them at any cost from anywhere and if you can't, then you are at the mercy of INS, (oops I correct myself we are all at the mercy of INS in...
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    no approval yesterday??

    yes I have come to a definite conclusion that Municpality dept. in my home town in India works better that INS. :D
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    I-485 and AC-21

    no one answer There is no one sure fire answer to this catch 22. Even I changed job after 180 days and did not inform about it. Waiting to see how things go in my case. But majority agree that it is better to keep quite untill asked. RFE may or may not generate in either case, so it's up...
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    RD 8/8/01, RFE issued on 8/9.

    question How do they know you are a muslim, does your passport say that. B'cos as far as I remeber, it is not asked anywhere in the paperwork right from labour till 485 application. Anyways all the best
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    Help me - RFE?? ND - 9/27/01

    nextismine, that will help Yes, if you can post the letter, that will really help a lot of us, whose lawyers are awful and really unavailable. At lease we can help ourselves.
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    Any Sept approvals today ??

    Pattern There is no damn pattern. And if there is I must be a real fool as it is way beyond my comprehension :confused:
  13. M

    Any Sept approvals today ??

    Hi Ric I guess you are right.
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    Any Sept approvals today ??

    called II0 today I am sept 13 RD. The lady told me, it will take another 4 months for my file to be adjudicated. Is there a method to this madness. :mad:
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    Some forward looking activity

    for dma_va I pity the fact that, you have not been able to bring home your extremeist point of view even though you been incessant in your emailing. You have been posting atleast three times more than the secong highest just on this thread. Your extreme views have no supporter and that...
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    Any Sept approvals??Please post here.

    I am game You can count me
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    Some forward looking activity

    common dma_va one can easily sense the kind of literature that will follow by the mere sight of that link, let alone go and read all that blabbering. Everyone understand what point you are trying to make. But if you read history the times when Mughals invaded south Asia from central Asia, it...
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    Is Signature card reqd. for Ead renewal

    Hi , Do we need a 1-765 signature card also for Ead renewal. Thanks for your responses