Any Sept approvals today ??

called II0 today

I am sept 13 RD. The lady told me, it will take another 4 months for my file to be adjudicated.

Is there a method to this madness. :mad:
Hi, ms001

when did you called IIO, buddy? Don't believe those shit IIOs. They are just extremely bored and clearly do not know what to do for life. Just imagine how boring there job is! - take the call --> enter the EAC number --> reply a pre-programmed standard answer.
I agree with ric2. Don't believe a word they say as far as status of your case goes. During the entire process, I called only once, about two weeks ago as I was getting frustrated. The lady told me I had to wait 3-4 months before they picked the case. My case was approved last week. So much for 3-4 months. I guess they are looking into their systems which are probably not updated unless the case is approved or transfered.
What is the pattern of Sept approvals?

What is the pattern of Sept approvals?
You hear 2 Sept approvals. After three weeks, you hear one more Sept approval. Then it again becomes quite...
Does anyone has any clue about the sequence?

There is no damn pattern. And if there is I must be a real fool as it is way beyond my comprehension :confused:
U Kumar, it looks like


(1) They sent even RD March, 02 cases to Baltimore. So that, they can claim they are approving cases filed in last 6 months

(2) They are approving 2/3 cases filed at the end of each month.

(3) And then taking 3 months to process the whole month

I will not be surprised if we see some approval of RD Nov 30 and Dec 31 -- when the majority of Sept cases will have to wait.
God I hope not

All this wait is absolutely unnerving :mad:
Nothing against Nov and Dec filers but it's time our torture came to an end..
Personally, I am hoping ot hear something near the anniversary of my filing.

Fingers crossed