Is there any way to suspend ric2 from posting?

Yes.. ofcourse.

Report to the moderator for his irratic behaviour or writing. I helped one times to suspend ric2 after he used vulgur word to me.

If you guys want to supend ric2 along with pateintGC, just check any 'f***' word they posted recently and reprot it to the moderator.

Oao... I remember it. I saw a posting of ric2 today where he use 'f***' word to show his laid off lifes frustrations. I am going that posting now to report to the moderator. PPL pls do so. Then he will be banned for a long time.
Re: Yes.. ofcourse.

Hi, what's wrong with you damn head. Why are you so curious about others' laidoff. It seems like you are suffering LaidoffPhobia phychiatric problem.

I am making at least two times as you damn stupid 'phamacist' (if real) makes. I use only 10% brainpower for my job and the rest for this damn gc.

Originally posted by habib
Report to the moderator for his irratic behaviour or writing. I helped one times to suspend ric2 after he used vulgur word to me.

If you guys want to supend ric2 along with pateintGC, just check any 'f***' word they posted recently and reprot it to the moderator.

Oao... I remember it. I saw a posting of ric2 today where he use 'f***' word to show his laid off lifes frustrations. I am going that posting now to report to the moderator. PPL pls do so. Then he will be banned for a long time.
i reported his stupid postings already!

I wish you go back to china and be bared on the way back. I think you will be much haapier there!
Re: i reported his stupid postings already!

What's wrong with your stupid frustrating head. I wish you to be hurt by a car accident home this weekend.


Originally posted by snowman5
I wish you go back to china and be bared on the way back. I think you will be much haapier there!
a new found freak genious: ric2

PPl are not dumb like you. PPl understand you dont earn a dam dime anymore .. laid off freak. I wish you get a RFE for pay stub and interview. Stop posting. Take a hike.

Or go back India.
Hey Guyz this is getting ridiculous Stop bickering all of you sound to me like children!!!
We are all professionals in our daily life why don't we conduct in such a manner here also.
for everyone

I think we all are suffering from "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" to visit this site again and again. When we don't see any thing to cheer ourselves up , the frustrations comes out over a fellow poster whose posting even slightly disgust us.

This is happening with Ric2 and others. Guys before we all have to take antianxiety pills cooldown, this fu*#@%^# GC is making everyone mad.

It will come when it has to, and to f*&^* with it, I don't care anymore about it. (Honestly ;)