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  1. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    Juldy Juldy and go get PROZAK...You are really stupid like those servants from where you are from and I didn't want to say your country because of respect to others, but you have mentioned before where you are from and I see what you typed on here when you talk in your language and PLUS, LOOK AT...
  2. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    I am sure you guys missed your shot of "dal" or you forgot to eat some "shapati" today, or you need to lower you consumption of hot peper :p or better yet, you need to get you that stinky think "Tumble" the green leaves that you chew and it turns your mouth so red like a monkys' A$$ :D...
  3. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    How do I know they are giving GC for people with August 2000? Again, speaking of facts, three members from this form got thier GC last week, if you read thier other posts which will suprise me if you didn't read them since your mailing address is this site and you live here LOLOLOL :D...
  4. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    OH, I'll put my openio any time that I want, no one can tell me otherwise, I am in a Free country and that is why I am here. Otherwise, I would be living the rich life in my home country where I wouldn't have to work and plus get $500 a month from the government to go to school plus paid tution...
  5. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    When did I say I am against anyone getting approved by september?????????? I'll be happy if all asylees get approved this month, but reality is different, you guys don't put your hopes up and dream of things and then when someone talks with facts and wonder, you jump all over his back like...
  6. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    When I said that it doesn't concern you, I meant, this Thread created and titiled for People with ND of specific months of 2000, so why in the hill did you go inside and read it and when I said it is hard to believe that people with ND of 2001 might get approved by end of PY, it was based upon...
  7. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    You said why did i open a thread of sharing pessemistic views, and I told I didn't, I don't know what better way to put the title to show this is a tracker, it clearly says people with ND and the months, it was nothing that concerns you , so why did you read it then? :D You can say...
  8. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    My Thread wasn't opened up to share my pessemistic view, other wise you missed the title of my thread. It was a tracker for guys with specific ND since we are trying to help each others in this form to understand what is going on and to help each others of any update and the biggest topic now is...
  9. O

    anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

    I am trying to keep track of the casses processed (supposetly) by the immigration office now. I got my case updated three times this week 27, 28, 29 of 06 (This week) and heard nothing after that, Does anyone else his case ND close to mine and got his case updated too? I guess this theory...
  10. O

    RFI is another hoax by USCIS

    I wonder how come they didn't send you the bio, because you got your medical on 03/05 just like ost of us with close time line, but seems everyone also got the bio on 04/05...If I were you, i'll start asking and sending them letter.
  11. O

    Approval e-mail

    It has been 14 years of waiting for the GC. I have to be worried and nervouse, they are playing with my last nerve, what the hill are they doing checking it everyday and I thought bio was the last thing. I can't relax anymore, I am going nuts :mad: :(
  12. O

    Approval e-mail

    This is scary Now, This is getting scary, I just checked 5 min ago and my case got updated to 06/29. This is like a daily update now. They already have everything they needed from me for God sake, Why are they checking it daily then??? :confused:
  13. O

    Approval e-mail

    This is wierd. I just now checked my status this morning and they looked at my case again yesterday on 06/28, but last night I checked and it was still saying 06/27, protfolio is backdated too?
  14. O

    Approval e-mail

    Congrats, I hope you enjoy carrying that shiny spaclling new card soon. :D Did they look at/update your case on your portfolio before they sent you the E - mail and when was the last update before you got your E-mail approval? We have the same time line, but I done my bio before you on...
  15. O

    RFI is another hoax by USCIS

    It is a requirement for everyone now, they have to take your picture in thier office and also one fingure print. without you listing any time lines for your case, we can't help you
  16. O

    Help me understand (who got thier GC recently)

    I never said that RFE is for EVERYONE that left the country.....I said MOSTLY = GENERALLY or most common and I also said that it is giving for people who are missing documents. Now, here is another question for people who got thier GC recently.... When my case was updated on 6/27, I never...
  17. O

    Help me understand (who got thier GC recently)

    You mean RFI, not RFE, becuse not everyone gets the RFE. RFE is for people who mostly left the US and came back or for people who are missing some document. But if you mean RFI then the time frame from getting the RFI to getting the GC is between 1 to 3 months now, that is what WANTmyGCnow is...
  18. O

    RFI is another hoax by USCIS

    So, do you mean if someone did thier bio that means everything is completed and they don't require any more papers or to send you RFE?
  19. O

    RFI is another hoax by USCIS

    Anyone Knows When The Judge Will Sign The Settel. Does anyone know when the judge will sign the new settlement? Isn't the end of this month?
  20. O

    Help me understand (who got thier GC recently)

    I wish and I hope this is the end of my agony with the GC, 14 years of waiting, half of my life, I just got a job offer from a big company and moving out of state how much I wish I can go to my new job carrying my dearm GC with me to my first day at work. I just graduated with a degree in...