anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

free100 said:
Then dont start opinionating. it is a different matter just analysing the situation...but acting authoritative is simply stupid..No one is an authority in these forums...many lawyers too dont know the inside out of USCIS and their policies...So just calm down. nothing..and I mean nothing makes a difference to USCIS..except maybe USCIS itself.. but one thing is for certain...USCIS works in myterious ways...those who get the GCs' are lucky 2000/2001 or whatever...those who dont or are delayed...lets light up candles for them...and pray..

OH, I'll put my openio any time that I want, no one can tell me otherwise, I am in a Free country and that is why I am here. Otherwise, I would be living the rich life in my home country where I wouldn't have to work and plus get $500 a month from the government to go to school plus paid tution, dorms, books and that is for everyone in the country. I am working here and have to pay my schooling simply for the fact I can say my openion and no one scars me, and not you either.
Punjabi_Munda said:
You know what Ohioasylee, I think you should be in politics because you are so good at flip flopping. Open your pie hole and read your own golden words, "I am not trying to disapoint you guys, but I don't think they can process the GC with ND of 2001 by the end of this PY Sep. of 2005."

If this is what you said in your first post why are you trying to change your words and say USCIS might approve people with ND of August 2001. Get your head out of your ass. I know your are looking for some shit but for that you don't have to put your head in your ass, I'll dish it out for you right here in this thread.
How do you know, that your servants smell bad? I betcha they all took turns on you. That's why you know they smell bad. Go get your head examined Mr. Shit-head.

How do I know they are giving GC for people with August 2000?
Again, speaking of facts, three members from this form got thier GC last week, if you read thier other posts which will suprise me if you didn't read them since your mailing address is this site and you live here LOLOLOL :D

and the sevants from where you are from stink so bad and I don't think the technology of deoderant have reached them yet and you can smell them from a mile radius hehehe...hey sorry man, I am not the only one saying that, even here in America, it is a well known fact, people from you are smell very bad :p
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I am sure you guys missed your shot of "dal" or you forgot to eat some "shapati" today, or you need to lower you consumption of hot peper :p
or better yet, you need to get you that stinky think "Tumble" the green leaves that you chew and it turns your mouth so red like a monkys' A$$ :D

"juldy Juldy" that is the only word that I know from where you are which means "hurry UP" and usually everyone knows it back home so you can tell the servants to hurry up and move it so they can do anything. I am sure you have heard of it Punjabi MUDA many times, so "Juldy Juldy" and go get your PROZAK LOLOLOLOL :D
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Get your story straight.....

You don't even know where I'm from. If you knew, you'll be ordering my sweat for your Mom to use as a perfume. Listening to your stinking thoughts, looks like you can use some of that too :eek: :eek:
What facts are you talking about, if 2-3 people got their GC with ND of August 2000, it doesn't mean that's what USCIS is working on. If you are so sure about what USCIS is working, how would you explain Gino and some others hanging out there from 1999 and still not approved? Bottom line, you are a moron who like to speak out of his ass, whether it makes sense to anyone or not.
Last point, I think you have completed your one year since you last took shower. So now you have my permission to go ahead and take one today before you kill someone in your neighborhood with your stinky ass. Things are different here is US and water is not as scarce as it was in your so called "rich Village" of yours. :D :D
Juldy Juldy and go get PROZAK...You are really stupid like those servants from where you are from and I didn't want to say your country because of respect to others, but you have mentioned before where you are from and I see what you typed on here when you talk in your language and PLUS, LOOK AT YOU SCREEN NAME STUIPD....After this post, I am not going to reply to you because it is a waste of my time. I really didn't want to drag this but You needed someone to stop you and put you in your place. bye
Run chicken run....

I expected better from you Ohioasylee. You told me you are going to school here but looking at mistakes in your posts, looks like you are doing specialization in Janitorial works. Really can't blame you for that since its your family profession and suits your personality quite nicely.
Come back with something new rather than repeating yourslef.
Oh almost forgot to mention, you want me to do Juldy Juldy. I take it you want me to ram your ass faster and harder. I'll be happy to oblige. Bring it on girly...
Where are you hiding? you imbicile...

Ohioasylee, I think you have no idea that up until now you were just trying mouth off with me (unsuccessfully, of course). Now you have offended so many people in your post from whereever you think I am from. Now your ass will become a charity case and its a game for all those people you offended. I think you'll get raped tonight in Ohio. My sincere advice to you, tuck your tail between your legs and stay home tonight unless off course getting raped (juldy juldy) is another one of your hobbies :D :D
Punjabi_Munda said:
Ohioasylee, I think you have no idea that up until now you were just trying mouth off with me (unsuccessfully, of course). Now you have offended so many people in your post from whereever you think I am from. Now your ass will become a charity case and its a game for all those people you offended. I think you'll get raped tonight in Ohio. My sincere advice to you, tuck your tail between your legs and stay home tonight unless off course getting raped (juldy juldy) is another one of your hobbies :D :D

I,m back with a bang.

I read this forum to find useful info, but this time.... guys please help each other.

Best Regards
ya, stop fighting.

moderator delete this thread.

I'm in August 2000 as well.

We all need to work together and exchange information.
