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  1. B

    Interview Yesterday

    Thankyou! I apprecite it :) The detail was appreciated- I feel a WHOLE lot better about this whole interview thing just by having the chance to hear someone in my same DO's experience- i hope other filers about to do their interview read it too- it sure calmed my nerves!! Thanks - and i...
  2. B

    Interview Yesterday

    Congratulations! Hey- that great news!!!!! Hope you are not stuck in the infamous name check hole- i don't thik you are if you got that email when you got home but not too shure... Do come back and post some details- i too wil be interviewed in the Baltimore DO- if i evr get my
  3. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    this week- next week-heck anytime this month!! restless is an understatement!
  4. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    I hope you are next Sorrayah!;)
  5. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    Ray of hope guys! :)hey jan,feb and march filers- i know we are abit fustrated but i do think we should expect some action over the next week or 2.....I did some research on recent filers and their ead's and this is what i found: 1. Most filers got their Ead's 4-5 weeks after...
  6. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    YAY Mcimmigrantttt!!! Giving us Hope again!! I did my FP 4 days after you so i am predicting an EAD msg in the next 7 days.
  7. B

    EAD - How long it takes to get it?

    I got an RFE and it said if you don't recieve any action in 60 days contact them- so maybe it doesn't reset the timer...
  8. B

    Any January filers out there?!?!

    YAY Gnr5!!! You are giving us who are waiting hope!
  9. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    this suckssss- hope we see some movement soon yeah- i haven't seen any progress with my application either! I am assuming we are in a position like csantos- nothing until the actual EAD is produced- and even know he/she is waiting for his Id. Lets pray for a better week for the feb. filers:o
  10. B

    Any January filers out there?!?!

    good luck jan08filer!!! GOOD LUCKKKKK
  11. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    Hurray csantos! Good Luck Sands!
  12. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    Most people do get an LUD- I would wait until 30 days have passed- i.e. until April 15th and if you don't recieve a Card production email or LUD by then make an infopass at your local DO. Just my advice.:)
  13. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    we' on our way *grabs feb08filer,js360 & cestlavie*......i like imported beer:):D
  14. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    That's for sure, they're moving along so nicely that it is giving us LOTS of hope. Even the March filers are getting their FP notices etc done ... So we're all right on track Yip- thats right!:)
  15. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    Yes- this happened to me too...its offically "there" when someone signs for t- you should get a confrimation pdf showing their signature :)
  16. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    I agree :)...nothing much happens until about day 50-60....and we are all at a month or so For now - we can just sit back and celebrate the successes of the January filers- and even they have little action besides Canuck, AtlBro and one or two lets hang in there Feb08...
  17. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    NOPE- not even an LUD :( Trying to keep my mind elsewhere before i go crazy!
  18. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    oh- i wish the USCIS would have put out an alert or something- jeez
  19. B

    Lets start with Feb Filers

    Drat- another set back! By chance- are you using your income as part of the money required to meet the proverty line? Because in my case they wanted my taxes as well as my husbands- they did emphasis the "latest" tax returns too- but they definately wanted both of ours.