wht do you do after writing the check?


Registered Users (C)

i think i'm done with form n400 and i need to write them check for the fees , but wht should i do after writing the check , just put it with the form or wht ?

what else u wanna do with the check other than putting it in the envelope with your application?
Poor pepole like me worry to much when it comes to Money so i just wanted make sure all done right . and yah inshallah every thing going be alright and good.
Poor pepole like me worry to much when it comes to Money so i just wanted make sure all done right . and yah inshallah every thing going be alright and good.

After all, it costs $675.00 thats alot of money if you ask me.:mad::eek::rolleyes:

Good luck.:D
wait..is the $675 tax deductible? I am guessing not;)

Deducting USCIS expenses is risky game....and some CPA's will tell you that you can deduct them. One example he gave me....if you own a business....and claiming that US citizenship allows you to file for an "S" corp...so cost of becoming a US Citizen is a business expense. Similarly passport can become a business expense if a business need is shown.
I have now been living in North America for 12 years. When I initially moved, friends of mine already based in the US/Canada told me that slowly but surely I will start spelling like them and will start following the 4 sports played in NA. I told them not to hold their breath. 12 years down the road, I still spell words correctly and I still think Basketball and Baseball are sub-human and Ice Hockey and American Football are simply in-humane :)

I actually used to do that, but people didn't knew what I was talking about :)
I have now been living in North America for 12 years. When I initially moved, friends of mine already based in the US/Canada told me that slowly but surely I will start spelling like them and will start following the 4 sports played in NA. I told them not to hold their breath. 12 years down the road, I still spell words correctly and I still think Basketball and Baseball are sub-human and Ice Hockey and American Football are simply in-humane :)

From a hardcore european soccer fan (used to follow my team on the road too): american football is a great sport! :)
Yeah, I am with you.

I seriously expected to get a booklet about the rules, especially on american football, but never got it and thus, I don't really watch it :)

But perhaps we can start teaching them curling and soccer? Oh my, if they got to stay focused for 45 min on a game with no pee (commercial) break - that's like bondage.
We can agree to disagree.
All I know is that humans are not supposed to ram into each other deliberately, the man upstrairs created Mountain Goats for that :)

Well, then almost any sport out there is for sub-humans, including the much loved football (soccer).
Deducting USCIS expenses is risky game....and some CPA's will tell you that you can deduct them. One example he gave me....if you own a business....and claiming that US citizenship allows you to file for an "S" corp...so cost of becoming a US Citizen is a business expense. Similarly passport can become a business expense if a business need is shown.

You don't need to be a citizen to file for S-Corp.