Who want to be part of action team

Please don't boil your blood. See what I said- You do not have time for public cause. There are many people like you. So you cannot justify the public-work. So give suggestions and other moral support. Let others who can really spare some time do the business.
I too interested.

My two cents:

Shall we devide the Action team among each processing center.

I would suggest

1. Each Processing Center will have an Action team.
2. Each Precessing Center Action team will have a Coordinator to coordinate with other processing center Action teams.
3. Each Processing center action team arranges its own meetings and discussions.


1. Its not centralized.
2. No time zone problems.
3. Micro level management.

Each member will have less responsiblity only the coordinators will be taking care about National Level Meetings etc.
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Originally posted by manumahi
I am taking some initiation here based on the enthusiasm people shown in this thread.

Project Ocean Publicity Team members
toro, checkthisout, elias

Project Ocean Petition Development Team members
Cat&mouse, sgi, Yudhister

Project Ocean Petition Consultation Team
Frantic, sunk1ng, greencardMA, s_b_gc

Project Ocean Treasury Team
Sanju13, rajun, karns

Project Ocean Coordination Team
Vigneshbabu, pachai-pichai, manumahi


Fine with me either ways. I can also be counted for back up for any other activity if someone backs out.

All the very best
my (kashmir's) strategy (in California) for Project Ocean

Originally posted by manumahi
Thank you very much. We need energetic people like you. Can you come to this thread every day between 8-10PM eastern time.

thanks once again
I'm available during 8-10pm EST (5-7pm PST) unless something urgent happen.

Here is my strategy:

Our resource is very limited because this project is part-time for most of us and because only a few members are active.
So, I'd like to focus only a couple of items.

I think the USCIS top management people are stupid (at least not smart) and ccwardly (against Ashcroft?).
For instance, the USCIS had been keeping Zero Tolerance Policy since 3/22/2002.
Nobody could not withdraw it, although everyone thought it was foolish policy.

The VSC is better than other service centers.
Of course, the TSC is the worst, but the CSC is next to the TSC.
So, I'd like to skip working to the USCIS, especially the CSC in California.
We may have a small chance for the VSC, but I think it should not be our priority due to our resource limitation.

So, my current top priority is 6th request of our petition.
We need at least one Congressperson to introduce a bill and serveral co-sponsors.
We started contacting several Congresspersons in California.
We will meet one of them on coming Saturday.
Now, we are faxing the petition to Congressional offices so that they can notice our presence.
Once we have a channel to Congress, we can use it for another requests of our petition.

My second priority is 1st and 2nd request of our petition.
The solution is:
1) to assign reasonable number of officers to adjudicate only EB I-485 cases
2) not to take away these resource to another category for any reason.
Our approach may depend on the service center.
Again, in California, I'd like to skip contacting directly the CSC because it must be waste of our valuable resource.
(I'm not sure for the VSC.)
So, we need to continue sending the petition to Congressional offices until they complain against the USCIS (the CSC).

I don't have third priority.
The above two items are enough for me, but still it must be tough, and I have a lot of things to do.

Once I become a LPR (lawful permanent resident), I will make a donation to related politicians.
And, I will vote once I get a U.S. Citizenship.
MONEY and VOTE are most important keys to implement our requests.
Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!
Re: my (kashmir's) strategy (in California) for Project Ocean

Originally posted by kashmir

So, my current top priority is 6th request of our petition.
We need at least one Congressperson to introduce a bill and serveral co-sponsors.
We started contacting several Congresspersons in California.
We will meet one of them on coming Saturday.
Now, we are faxing the petition to Congressional offices so that they can notice our presence.
Once we have a channel to Congress, we can use it for another requests of our petition.

My second priority is 1st and 2nd request of our petition.
The solution is:
1) to assign reasonable number of officers to adjudicate only EB I-485 cases
2) not to take away these resource to another category for any reason.
Our approach may depend on the service center.
Again, in California, I'd like to skip contacting directly the CSC because it must be waste of our valuable resource.
(I'm not sure for the VSC.)
So, we need to continue sending the petition to Congressional offices until they complain against the USCIS (the CSC).

Kashmir I think that should be the priority of everybody. Obviousely there is no use in contacting any SC. They are "beaurocrats". They work according to instructions they get from their bosses or accordng book. Their bosses are Congress Men/Women and the book they follow is the bills signed by Congress/Senate/President.

Lets take the case of AC21 once the bill has been accepted they working according the AC21.

There was lot of lobbying for the introduction of AC21. I think we should take the same approach. Look for a prospective bill that can be approved in a wide range and insert our requirements in to the bill or push for a new bill.

Last time isn.org worked with Rick Swartz, an immigration policy expert and activist for over 20 years, for lobbying for S.2045 ( AC21) and inserting its items.

These two are the items they worked on

Relief for Green Card applicants from Over subscribed contries, mainly India & China as of Now If any additional visas are available in EB categories for current year, then they should be given without per-country limits Nothing Allows countries with increased demand on the permanent side to utilize employment-based visas from countries with less demand on a quarterly basis. Creates a bank of visas in the employment based category for use in future years.

Relief for H1-B applicants reaching 6 year limit on their visa H1B visa will be extended in 1 year increments if, applicant has filed for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) or more then 1 year has elapsed since filing of Labor certification

And the good time for any lobbying is the election time. So its the high time go forward and achieve our goal.
Hello rk,

My first exception to dividing based on Service center is it may dilute the actual cause. Each service center tries to come up with their own agenda. I want to stick to one team for all centers, so that we can establish consistency.

And also want to do one center at a time.

Let us start with VSC first, CSC next etc. Until we are done with all.
We need you for this task. Lets stick with the teams we formed so far.

Thank you very much for showing interest.
Before approaching any congress people or bcis officials or any body. We need to do following things.

We have to prepare petition first. I want to do it in a thin book format. It Needs to have a good tittle, should exhibit all our problems in professional way, look attractive, contains our petition signatures etc. We will print this petition ‘n’ copies.

Once this is done we can contact all BCIS officials first and hand over them. Next we will send these to Home land security officials and finally congress people.

Can you please start co-ordinating this with other people in your team.
I forgot why..ISN.ORG was formed :(

I really forgot the reason why ISN.ORG was formed...Can we ask them to support us??
Project Ocean Petition Consultation Team

Hello Team
Kashmir, Frantic, sunk1ng, greencardMA, s_b_gc,
Can you guys start working on petition stuff. Design whole book, which includes front page, cover sheet, problem definition, requirements, resolution we want, and signatures.

We need to prepare text & images for this.

Let me know When you will be done. We need this atleast before end last week of this month.

since you already worked on this, Kashmir go through this information with others.

We have to do this pretty quickly.

Action Document version1.0 :p

What we really need to do now is to personally contact both bcis higher officials and the congress men. Let us confine our efforts to these tasks. Let us do one thing at a time. Please see my presentation below :
Our objective :
To personally contact bcis higher officials and congress men and present our case to them.

How we achieve that :
We need funds and also volunteers to do this. That's why we have built a team now.
1) Who we are :
As rk4gc said, let us include people from all the service centres in our efforts. Let us request people at other service centres to elect a coordinator for them. So let's create threads in other service centres and tell us what we are doing and ask them to join us . Let's ask them who is going to volunteer as coordinator for those SC. For CSC, kashmir is already working. For VSC you can continue as the coordinator. We just need to bring NSC and TSC upto speed. provide them a link to this thread for inspiration. There won't be a better person than Edison to do this (if he agrees)

2) Form Regional / State level committees :
One of our most important task is meeting the local congress men as a group. So let us form regional groups such as Boston team, NY team, NJ team, VA team, Atlanta team etc. For this you may create a separate thread ("Forming State teams"). One single thread should be enough for all the states. People can volunteer to lead the state team or be a part of state team. Once the state teams are formed, the central planning team (like you) don't need to worry about detailed planning to meet the congress men. The state teams should plan it and act.

3) Collect Funds :
Please talk to Rajiv, and if he agrees, then we should start sending the checks to him. I personally do not like to send checks to any person in this forum. How is he going to account for it to the IRS ? If rajiv, does not agree, then let's discuss about the alternatives. We can use this money for employing professionals or lawyers to work for us. Also we can use the money towards our campaign expenses.

4) Committees :
I personally feel that we don't need any sub committees. This action group itself is a committee. Any of the action members can bring in any suggestion and others can give their on those suggestions and the final decision should rest with the coordinator.

PS :
These are my personal views. Take it on their own merits.
Every one is free to give their feedback on this action document and Manumahi will come up with the final version (he can copy this document, make changes and present it).
Before forming any thing we need to develop petition. I don't want to submit print out papers to congress people or any body. It won't give right image.

Our first priority is to prepare booklet.

While we are preparing this then we can decide what to do.
Both of you, dsatish and manumahi, are correct. We need to see what we want to accomplish before doing anything.

Our main idea is to make our voices heard among various outlets like BCIS, Congress, Media, Attorneys, non-profit organization setc. Before going any further, we should think why our first effort has failed. I can think of the following reasons:

1) It was hosted by Rajiv Khanna - a lot of attorneys don't want to give him free advertising. So we need to move the petition to Sulekha or ISN.

2) Mainly 485 people have been targeted. We need to target 140, citizenship cases too.

3) We didn't target the ethnic media which is followed by a lot of people.

4) We were just faxing/mailing/emailing the petition, but we never called up or met personally to handover the petition. Also we need to follow-up once it is submitted.

manumahi, I don't see any problem in handing the petition in a print-out form because when we meet Congress people, we will do a lot of talking. Also I like the idea of forming regional committees which target specific media/politicians for that region. We can have a team nationally overlooking all the teams and sending and meeting the politicians at the national level.
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from California

Hi, manumahi,
Thanks for your coordinating the action team.
Originally posted by manumahi
Hello rk,
My first exception to dividing based on Service center is it may dilute the actual cause. Each service center tries to come up with their own agenda. I want to stick to one team for all centers, so that we can establish consistency.

And also want to do one center at a time.
Let us start with VSC first, CSC next etc. Until we are done with all.
I agree on the first part, but I think the second part will not work.
We can not get endorsements from other service centers rather than VSC.
For instance, can we start with TSC first ?
Originally posted by manumahi
Before approaching any congress people or bcis officials or any body. We need to do following things.

We have to prepare petition first. I want to do it in a thin book format. It Needs to have a good tittle, should exhibit all our problems in professional way, look attractive, contains our petition signatures etc. We will print this petition ‘n’ copies.

Once this is done we can contact all BCIS officials first and hand over them. Next we will send these to Home land security officials and finally congress people.

Can you please start co-ordinating this with other people in your team.
I don't have any team in California now.
I just posted my idea at the CSC forum, and actually took an action by myself.
Then, several people started taking the same action.

My current first target is to meet Ms. Zoe Lofgren who is a representative of California 16th District and a member of Subcommittee of Immigration, ....
at the town hall meeting being held on 10/11/2003, the day after tomorrow.
I cannot wait until the "book" will be completed, nor until we will send the book to all USCIS and DHS officials, nor until working to VSC will finish.
I'm preparing the document for the meeting and it might not look so attractive.
However, I believe starting discussion with her is more important than the nice looking book.
Please understand the current situation in California.
Originally posted by frantic
Both of you, dsatish and manumahi, are correct. We need to see what we want to accomplish before doing anything.

Our main idea is to make our voices heard among various outlets like BCIS, Congress, Media, Attorneys, non-profit organization setc. Before going any further, we should think why our first effort has failed. I can think of the following reasons:

1) It was hosted by Rajiv Khanna - a lot of attorneys don't want to give him free advertising. So we need to move the petition to Sulekha or ISN.
2) Mainly 485 people have been targeted. We need to target 140, citizenship cases too.
3) We didn't target the ethnic media which is followed by a lot of people.
4) We were just faxing/mailing/emailing the petition, but we never called up or met personally to handover the petition. Also we need to follow-up once it is submitted.

manumahi, I don't see any problem in handing the petition in a print-out form because when we meet Congress people, we will do a lot of talking. Also I like the idea of forming regional committees which target specific media/politicians for that region. We can have a team nationally overlooking all the teams and sending and meeting the politicians at the national level.
Hi, frantic,
I agree on most of what you have written.
Here are my comments:

> why our first effort has failed.

I don't think so.
We have just started.

> 4) We were just faxing/mailing/emailing the petition, but we never called up or met personally to handover the petition. Also we need to follow-up once it is submitted.

Around here in San Francisco Bay Area, many people have already faxed the petition to Congressional offices, and have visited their local office to bring the petition and signatures.
Unfortunately, almost all Congresspersons were in Washington D.C.
However, we will meet one of them on Saturday in San Jose, California.
I saw several threads for the same kind of attempts in other states.

I don't live close to Vermont or any other service center, So I can't Coordinate Project Ocean Consulatation team. The appropriate person would be the members living close to the service centers since they can plan on meeting them.

Firstly I must say that you guys are very motivated and capable people doing a fine job
Looking at dsatish's and Frantic's note , I have some questions and concerns:-
What are we attempting to do here:-
Form another group like isn.org looking at all immigration problems, or are we concerned about getting the backlogs taken care of.
I believe in taking one step at a time, succeeding and then moving to another. Given the bandwidth of members of this forum(not discrediting their efforts and excellent work at all), in terms of time it might be a nightmare trying to manage all the diverse issues.
I am in it with you not for Citizenship or anything as that will come eventually, but bcos of a sense of gratitude to members of this forum who helped me when I needed it, and I am sure it is the same with vijayrc and manumahi and others.
I think we should concentrate our efforts and resources on the main problem at hand i.e., getting approvals for our friends in this forum.

Once again this is my opinion only and I will support you guys in your efforts no matter what.