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what if my dv lottery is denied by us consulate

Why would entering the GC lotery jeapadize any visa. Even if you had the intend to return and after you got the visa changed your mind and entered the lotery that doesn't mean you had intend to stay. What if you never win you have to leave. If you win that can be a new era and a complete different issue than before you got your first visa.

My friend has her visa for 9 years and the first one was applied in 2000 and for the first 4 years she applied every yr and than got one for 5 yrs...meanwhile after a few yrs she started to enter the visa lotery and I think no one can state that she came here with the intention to stay here forever if she had not won the lotery. I think that can't be used against any person. Only for the person's who are overstaying their visa.
otherwise non of the students can ever enter the lotery and win and if they get denied for monetary reason's they could not even finish their study, that sounds not right.

I think this has been answered before. It's not entering the lottery and winning that's a problem, that's fine. It's when you fill out and return the forms that you're declaring intent to emigrate. If anything goes wrong in the process then there's a risk that you'll lose your current visa if its a single intent visa. This is something I know because of my own situation. Like I said, it's really your risk to take, but I would recommend you get expert advice.
My friend did and her lawyer stated her CN was good and no issues to file for a change of status but she doesn't have the H or F visa so it might be different in her case. I guess every person/case stands on it own...
I am worrying about jeopardizing my status in US ..As I mentioned before I have F2 Visa at the moment and my H4 will be active in October 1st. I will go to Turkey to the US consulate to get my H4 Stamp. But if I start the green card process :

1 ) Do you think that will be a problem and there may be a possibility that they won't give my H4 stamp?

2 ) If they give it as normal , then I will have H4 during the interview time, so this will not be a problem if they deny my case. Is the type of visa important during the interview time or from the beginning of the process if they deny my case?

3 ) In H4 Visa process I can't travel abroad till my visa is active. Is it the same for green card? If it is I think it will be nonsense because how will I go for an interview to Turkey ?

If someone has information about my situation pleaaaaseee help me..
I am worrying about jeopardizing my status in US ..As I mentioned before I have F2 Visa at the moment and my H4 will be active in October 1st. I will go to Turkey to the US consulate to get my H4 Stamp. But if I start the green card process :

1 ) Do you think that will be a problem and there may be a possibility that they won't give my H4 stamp?

2 ) If they give it as normal , then I will have H4 during the interview time, so this will not be a problem if they deny my case. Is the type of visa important during the interview time or from the beginning of the process if they deny my case?

3 ) In H4 Visa process I can't travel abroad till my visa is active. Is it the same for green card? If it is I think it will be nonsense because how will I go for an interview to Turkey ?

If someone has information about my situation pleaaaaseee help me..

I don't know what else to tell you. Remember no one here is an expert. I for sure I'm not. The best recommendation I have given you is to ask an immigration lawyer these questions so that you make an informed decision.
I just read on a European immigration forum about a person who invested enough money over here and started a business and applied for an E2 with a business plan and all other help from a USA immigration lawyer. The visa was denied and the employee from the Belgium consulate told them they couldn't go on their prior given visa go to the USA anymore. The appealed the decision and are waiting for a decision. meanwhile they own a home a car and a business over here on which they have spend $ 150K....no reason for the denial other than the Consulate employee stated that he thought the business wouldn't be succesful enough. They didn't have a history for the business since they just started it from scratch...Now they are waiting for the appeal, back in their home country...very sad if that happens.
I spoke with a lawyer today. She said that h4 is a dual intent visa so there is no problem for it. I mean if they deny our case we can still come back to us with our h1 and h4 visas..For f1 she said if you apply dv lottery before you get your f1 visa then it is a problem..But if you apply dv lottery after you have f1 then it is not a problem. She also said as my case number is 2x.xxx my case number will be active in april or may..So i should decide whether to do aos or cp.Because i will have 4 months to do aos.. And she also added sometimes aos takes 2 months sometimes 6 months..it depends on th uscis office you chose. So she said in my case i can chose both and she thinks according to our records and status here they wont deny our application normally..I just wanted inform people in my situation..
Thank you for sharing klikya. Advise from lawyers is always welcome as certain cases get quite intricate and not everyone has access to legal advise from lawyers $$$ :) Good luck with your application, I am sure you'll do fine given your CN.
I won dv2010 lottery . I live in USA. I have F2 visa at the moment. And my H4 will be active in October. I cannot go to Turkey till it is active. After October I was planning to to there to get my H4 visa stamp. My question is if i choose consular processing for my dvlottery interview , and if they deny me application , can i still return to US with my H4 ? And can i travel with my H4 during the dvlottery process ?

If your dv lottery is denied by us embassy then other selectees with higher CN will have a chance of winning it :p
Tazmania I really do not understand why you react so differently to the things. Before you also told me not to open a new thread for every question. I really do not understand why that bothered you.. Anyway I just wanted to INFORM people .That's all.. She meant my case number will be CURRENT not ACTIVE.. I wrote wrongly. AND SORRRYYYYY FOR THAT. If you do not like the things we wrote just ignore them ..You do not have to write something like STUPID. And I wanna ask you something doy you know anybody who lost her h1 and h4 visas because they denied their green card visa? Any example?
check the visa bulletin yourself to see when your case would be current. It would save you a lot stress


click on archived bulletin to see when your number would be current.

So as to not complicate things why dont you just wait until your number becomes current and go for the dv interview, instead of going to the consulate twice. Plus anything can happen, not to scare you. Hopefully interview goes smooth, if not, then get your H1/H4 stamp (Next yr) and return to the US since its a dual intent visa. I think if you intially try to get your stamp first, they might tell you to wait for the result of dv lottery...you never know

Most of these Lawyers are clueless about the process..Do your own research and relax a little.
Most of these Lawyers are clueless about the process..Do your own research and relax a little.

Maybe you are talking to the wrong lawyers :rolleyes: ... You always have to do your due diligence and assess whether they are correct in their assessments, but talking to an immigration lawyer that focuses on GC applications isn't a bad thing. The 3 lawyers I have consulted in the past years with regards to my visas were quite knowledgeable and pro-active at identifying possible pitfalls :cool:
Maybe you are talking to the wrong lawyers :rolleyes: ... You always have to do your due diligence and assess whether they are correct in their assessments, but talking to an immigration lawyer that focuses on GC applications isn't a bad thing. The 3 lawyers I have consulted in the past years with regards to my visas were quite knowledgeable and pro-active at identifying possible pitfalls :cool:

Good, as long as its a lawyer that specializes in GC process
True :) You always have to check the decissions/steps made as it concerns your life/status, not theirs. I also had an experience where a filing for extension was collecting dust on a lawyer's desk for a month because they forgot... :eek:
Best is to go by experiences of other people that dealt with a certain lawyer and have good experiences, but never trust their decisions blindly right? :)
She is the lawyer who did our H1 and h4 process and was supposed to the our green card process if we didn't win the lottery .
She is the lawyer who did our H1 and h4 process and was supposed to the our green card process if we didn't win the lottery .

Are you going for employment based GC? Can you extend the H1 or have you reached the 6 year max?
We were planning to go for employment based gc for next year but we got the lottery now..I asked to many people and they say h1 and h4 process is something apart from dvlottery..To win the dvlottery doesn't mean that you will get it..So they say i shouldn't worry..But I worry because of the things you said and i am confused..
We were planning to go for employment based gc for next year but we got the lottery now..I asked to many people and they say h1 and h4 process is something apart from dvlottery..To win the dvlottery doesn't mean that you will get it..So they say i shouldn't worry..But I worry because of the things you said and i am confused..

What is your CN range? If it is low you probably don't have to worry, as you are likely to receive one and it's not tied to an employer, like your H1/employer based GC.
If it is on the higher side, I would consult with other immigration lawyers. When I was on my H1, I have consulted lawyers here in the past: http://www.avvo.com/legal-answers-search/immigration.html
It's a forum frequented by lawyers that give recommendations based on your posted questions. It's up to you to verify their advise, but it might give you some guidance in cross-referencing the recommended actions indicated by your lawyer. Whenever I was in a situation where I doubted what action to take, I usually tried to solicit advise from a couple of sources and see if there was consensus on what steps were necessary/recommended.
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It depends on what reason they deny your DV visa. If, for instance, they deny it because of your criminal activity, most likely they will cancel your H-4 because of the same reason.
However, in general case denying an immigrant visa for reasons other than inadmissibility will not lead to cancelling your H-4.
On the other hand, if they issue you an immigrant visa, your H-4 visa will be cancelled for sure.