WAC-02-046 stats

Silly Man,

Thank you for the quick reply.

I got my Figure Print done in Jan 4, 2001, two weeks before I am supposed to go. I just went earlier as a colleague suggested.

The attorney checked with INS, was told the FP was clear. He somehow checked with FBI and was told the finger print file was not available, but INS record shows it FP was cleared (all right, no problem)

I shouldn't have got FP done before I am supposed to go. You never know what a single decision might lead us in life.

Silly Man, I love you! You are my comfort!
Re: Does it run on unix ?

Originally posted by gcSnail
Yup, i don't have a pc.

gcSnail, you do have a valid reason though being without a PC you are missing out on a lot .. hehe :). Ok I don't wanna be the only one running scripts, so I am hoping someone will volunteer. If they don't .. I'll run it once .. but not periodic .. coz I don't wanna get in too much trouble :) .. hope ya understand.

Why don't you post this request in the forum, mentioning that you have unix and can't run this .. bla bla bla .. hopefully someone will help.

PS: Does staroffice run those macros? Prolly not but I am hoping we mit've gotten lucky ;)
Just to confirm that the pace at which INS is processing approvals is really pathetic.

For the last 3 scan days, covering Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, there has been ZERO activity in this series, status quo .. INS SUCKS.
2/26 update

One case changed from RFE sent to RFE Received, No other activity, since 2/19. I hope the activity, especially approvals pick up soon.
silly man, can you please run script for 02-066-5XXXX

silly man, can you please run script for 02-066-5XXXX or can i have script so I won't bother you for running script.

49%!! okay I still feel unlucky:). This might old news but I was looking at Pecee's database and I noticed that many of people who did their FP up north already got their approvals. I didn't see too many approvals from people who did their FP from Socal.
Sillyman, are you saying that people who did their FP on feb 1, 2002 haven't had any or have had less approvals?
Yes last_gasp, most people who have fp resumed message feb 1st onwards, have heard nothing, including rfe's .
Looks like Silly Man forgot link to his own thread :)

Where the Silly Man?

Status as of 11 March morning
Since 27 Feb 3 cases approved, 2 RFE received

3/10/2003 - I485 Approved 2/5/2003 - RFE recvd / 12/10/2002 - RFE sent / 2/6/2002 - Resumed /
3/4/2003 - I485 Approved 9/10/2002 - RFE recvd /
3/4/2003 - I485 Approved 5/4/2002 - Resumed /
3/8/2003 - I485 RFE recvd 1/29/2003 - RFE sent / 2/6/2002 - Resumed /
3/7/2003 - I485 RFE recvd 2/19/2003 - RFE sent / 12/6/2002 - RFE recvd / 11/7/2002 - RFE sent /

I485 Approved Count 213
I485 Denied/Withdrawn Count 4
I485 FP sent Count 8
I485 Misc Count 3
I485 Received Count 55
I485 Resumed/FP recvd Count 149
I485 RFE recvd Count 37
I485 RFE sent Count 6
I485 Transferred Count 38
Grand Count 513
Thanks Vik, no I hadn't forgotten, just that there had been such pathetic activity (2 approvals c'mon .. until yesterday .. but yea now 3 whooopiee), that I didn't bother to post until I saw something.

But thanks anyway.
march 18 morning

Approved/Completed Count	217
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			8
Misc Count			6
Received Count			55
Resumed/FP recvd Count		149
RFE recvd Count			35
RFE sent Count			6
Transferred Count		36
Grand Count			516

Last week we got 3 approvals, which even though pathetic is still a lot better than whats been.

3 approvals, and nothing else, (2 from RFE recvd. and 1 from Resumed FP).

Given 516-217=299/3~99 weeks~ apprx 2 years before all of us can hope to see light, at this speed. (And this speed is actually pretty darned good considering what has been).

NOW PETER123 AND YOU SKEPTICS, do you agree that CSC HAS SLOWED DOWN? Inspite of the freeze removal, what they are doing is not enough?
thank you very much SM

thank you very much SM FOR script...I know for sure INS/BCIS doesn't even doesn't even touched dec cases. our's ISdec17 th ND.

Hiya Folks, here is the update on 24th March Monday.

ZERO CHANGE. Yup you read that right. Now only if your job situation would be that stable.

This thread has around 20,000 views. But the application in my signature below has not even 200 signatures. Y'know, if you don't sign that petition, I certainly hope you don't get your approval either.

20,000 views can not be turned into signatures, I view this thread whenever you update it, and you are doing a great job.

I cannot sign the petition many times like I view this page, hey I did sign the petition.

But guys those who haven't signed it yet,
Please do so.

March 27th update

Just in case you've been wondering ..

There's been zero progress. Absolute standstill .. watching paint dry is more fun.

There .. do you still not wanna sign that petition down there?? Look at it this way .. if you don't sign it .. you won't get your GC .. what do you have to loose by signing it??