WAC-02-046 stats



- Open excel file with off-patience script
- Select from menu Tools-Macro-Visual Basic Editor
- Scrool all way down and Replace subroutine

Hey Vic, can you post the entire of your script? My version doesn't even take an in_date and out_date. :(
2/15 Update

One approved (YES) (from rfe sent)
3 transfers (heavy price for one approval :( ) (from rfe sent)
and one changed from rfe sent to rfe recvd.

Silly Man,
Here is my modification of off_patience script
Because access to INS website restricted by 1000 records per 24 hours, this script gives message after accesing 900 records and stop.

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Vik, I tried running your script. While it does fix the date, it does a lot of other funky things. I like the history part, but it'd be great if it makes the chart similar to in a way off patience's does. Y'know, I could probably debug thru the script, but I'm hella busy .. can u post a finished product? Thanks. :)

PS: I can email you the kind of sheet I'm talking about, so it'd be easier/quicker for you to modify it.
Thanks Vik, I figured between me and you, you'd do it quicker.

I need email address, can you send me a PM?
02/18 Update

Boy do I have a good news to share today. Statuses get updated later also, so I'll just report what I found in today's iteration of scan.

Approved - 8 (Yea you read that right .. EIGHT).
.... Of which, 2 are transferred cases. (Transfer done on 8/15)
.... 6 are from RFE Received. (Between 1/13 to 11/18)
.... This is the best, One case changed from FP Received on 02/01, to approved, on 02/14 .. directly, without RFE. Now there is that rare chance that this could be a case where online status didn't get updated @all, though the chances of that are lower considering FP Recvd. 02/01 cases have still not been touched.

If we are getting lucky, the biggest chunk of cases in 02-046, that is 02-01 fp received, just might be starting to get picked up. :)

Well, I hope thats what happens, anyhow, so far the tally stands at..

Approved/Completed Count	208
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			12
Misc Count			6
Received Count			49
Resumed/FP recvd Count		151
RFE recvd Count			38
RFE sent Count			8
Transferred Count		40
Grand Count			516

That puts approved cases @ 41% of the total, and untouched at 29%.

If we continue with this speed, within two months we should all hear something. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I think those cases that have been approved w/o RFE are family applicant ones and the related primary applicants still got their RFEs. This cannot be confirmed till someone post an RFE-less approval on this board.
script update

This should fix your chart error (you seem to use old Excel)
It also saves old status and date.
Please post a chart of the 02-046 latest update.
Here it is

The results are slightly different. (by one up or down), don't know what to trust, but this gives a good picture nevertheless.
2/19's activity

Current Status  	Previous Status
Approved		Resumed
Approved		RFE recvd
Approved		RFE recvd
RFE recvd		RFE sent
Mailed directly		Unknown
RFE sent		RFE recvd

Current Tally,

Approved/Completed Count	210
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			7
Received Count			49
Resumed/FP recvd Count		152
RFE recvd Count			36
RFE sent Count			8
Transferred Count		40
Grand Count			516
Progress so far .. post freeze.

Here is the progress so far, (Approvals so far).

2/19/2003 - 3 cases
2/18/2003 - 2 cases
2/14/2003 - 6 cases
2/13/2003 - 1 case

So yea Valentine's day was the best. So far in 4 working days we've had 12 approvals, which is around 3 a day. We still have 516-210=306 cases/3=102 working days left.

Here is the weird thing, 3 approvals a day is largely due to valentine's day, so it will probably slow down, and 102 working days is still friggin' 5-6 months.

We're still in for a long hauler . But yea, it is too soon and we have very little data for any projections. Plus INS stops and moves in hiccups .. f**** sickening.
How long does it take to renew AP?

Silly Man,

I am WAC#02-046-5xxxx.

I saw several 02-* after ours has been approved. Does it mean ours should be done really soon?

My EAD will expire in March 6th. Submitted the renewal 10 days ago. AP has expired. Submitted the renewal 10 days ago.

Somehow my employer said I need to go to Mexico to get a new H1, but I don't want to go. I can go after the AP renewal is approved.

If I sumited the AP renew 10 days ago, how soon can I get it?

Thanks a lot. Hope Friday renders us good news. Let's see.

Best regards,

ImmigrateMe, from the last I heard, AP renewals are quick.

Anyway, I donot see a reason why they need you to go to Mexico to get an H1b. I got my H1b renewal sitting right here.

Anyway, when will we get our approvals? My personal view is that once we do our FP's, the stacks are arranged based on the dates when INS got our replies from FBI. And just out of pure luck, people who did FP later got their apps picked before others. San Jose/Oakland were the last to send out FP, so 99.99% of san jose/oaklands are approved, whereas, LA (Feb 1st Resumed and Feb 6th Resumed and January 18nth resumed), are 99.99% unapproved. The percentages are too extreme, so I drew this conclusion.

When will we get our approval depends on what your FP resumed date is .. what is yours?

Mine is 02/01/02, and I have seen two approvals post freeze in 02-046 with 02/01/02 resumed dates that got approved without RFE. But I'd like to see more to call it a trend.
Can Somebody run scanner on 02-033-******

Silly Man,

Can you please run the script on 02-033-***** series. I can no way run this script.


It's really hard to imagin that there is a man in this country who still does not have an accecc to PC connected to the Inet...