Virginia SESA Tracker

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Please look at Draft…Planning to send to my gathered list law offices emails…Any additions??

Dear Immigration lawyer.
We are from Virginia RIR Green card Processing delayed forum. As you all aware it is more than one year since we applied for labor at VASESA…still VA is processing April 30th and might take another 6 more months or more. There is wide spread rumor that they are going to start Non_RIR processing for the month of April in this scenario for those who applied for labor in Virginia after month of April will have to wait indefinitely for labor to clear. So here we formed a forum and planning to send a petition for VA labor office requesting not to stop RIR application processing.
As I immigration lawyer I am sure you must be dealing with few folks who are in similar situation like us. We are requesting you to forward this mail to all RIR applicants whose labor is delayed from your office to join us and make our voice clear to VASESA. Please ask your clients to join this forum By sending a simple mail as mentioned under.

Please send email to ( setup only for this).
in the subject: ONLY FOR RIR
in the body: first_name, last_name,

matter of proposed petition
Our Steve’s matter Goes here

In this letter, we should also ask the lawyers to contact the director of DOL in the regional office to recommend a change in the policy to VA SWA.
have you already sent this

If not please send this ASAP. We need to have more people sign up for this.

Hsteven can we delay sending the final draft by another week?

Let me know what u guys think?
Did some research./browsing about reusing LCA...

does anyone on this forum know/have any idea of someone having used an LCA which was originally approved for some one else in the company but has been reused/"substitued" by another employee with same matching skillset/profile.

for eg:
1. Comp A gets LCA for EMP A
2. EMP A (unfortunately) leaves the company/gets laid off.
3. EMP B with same skillset as EMP A uses EMP A\'s original LCA with an earlier PDate and goes ahead in the GC process.
Rajiv Khanna has replied that this is possible, but does anyone on this forum know of anyone having gone thru\' the process successfully or any issues asociated with the same?.

Would appreciate any answers. And keep up the great work guys.

No Title

It is possible. I have couple of friends who did it in Sept 2001 and you won\'t believe they are already in 485. If you go for counsellor processing you can get your GC in less then 1 Year.

Best of Luck.
hey LCShucks..about the LCA re-use...

Hey LCShucks,
Do you have more details about the same. from a high level I Understand that there needs to be a skillset match but to what degree is the matching necessary?...
1. Work Experience.
2. Skills.
3. Education
4. Current place(state) of residence in U.S
5. Current position Held in the company?.
I apologize if I am asking too many details of you, but you know how company/laywers can sometimes be...we need to be as detailed and confident about the situation before they show any inclination to help research/move forward with our request.
In that respect, any information from you will be invaluable.
Thanks. I find this forum and all within here of great help.. great job friends..let\'s keep up the good work...!.


P.S Another note, I heard of an extremely rare situation in a medical field, of a friend who\'s H1 processing and green card started at the same time and got the LCA before the h1 (actual paper) came thru\'!.
Amazing, almost unbelievable but that\'s what I heard.
Need Help for Group of RIR labor applicants

Finally Messgage sent to below lawyers, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear Immigration lawyer.
We are from Virginia RIR Green card Processing delayed forum. As you all aware it is more than one year since we applied for labor at Virginia SESA…still VA is processing April 30th and might take another 6 more months or more. There is wide spread rumor that they are going to start Non_RIR processing for the month of April in this scenario for those who applied for labor in Virginia after month of April will have to wait indefinitely for labor to clear. So here we formed a forum and planning to send a petition for VA labor office requesting not to stop RIR application processing.
As a immigration lawyer I am sure you must be dealing with few folks who are in similar situation like us. We are requesting you to forward this mail to all RIR applicants whose labor is delayed from your office to join us and make our voice clear to VASESA.
Please ask your clients to join this forum By sending a simple mail as mentioned under.

Please send email to ( setup only for this).
in the subject: ONLY FOR RIR
in the body: first_name, last_name,

************** This is content of Proposed Petition ******************

Dear Sir/Madam,
As the Law abiding tax paying residents of Virginia State we would like to bring your attention to two matters regarding the Labor Certification for permanent worker in the state of VA.
The procedure of processing RIR and then NON-RIR for each month in Virginia had been working OK for the past years due to the limited no of applications that were filed. But the 245(i) changed all that for April 2001 and we are still processing April 2001 RIR. In light of the huge no of applications it seems unfair that VA state agency continue the same policy. These RIR applicants have spent 6 months of recruitment efforts already and most of them are also facing their 6-year time limit either this year or sometimes next year. Without an opportunity of filing for an immigration petition (I140)(that would allow the RIR applicants to file for extension of H1B till such time INS can pass a verdict for the permanent residency) these RIR applicants will have no other way other than to leave the country when their time expires. Hence, the RIR applications should be given priority and the processing of these applications should not be delayed due to the NON-RIR application processing and should continue paralelly. Many other states have continued to process the RIR applications after the month of April even though the NON-RIR applications have not been finished. Virginia should also try to implement similar regulation. As April being the deadline for the 245(i) application filling there have been a huge amount of NON-RIR applications filled in the month and it would amount to huge delays in the RIR application.
We would really appreciate your attention to the matter and a new directive on the RIR application processing.
Thanking you
 Yours Sincerely
Great job dependent.

Let us hope and pray that this would capture a lot of attention. This is the way to go guys.
News from DOL

My lawyer called VA DOL yesterday. They said they are done with April RIR filings and things will speed up soon. She also said they assigned different people to RIR and NONRIRs. Anybody else can verify this?
I don\'t understand, anybody can explain?

My wife\'s case (RIR) is sent out exactly on April 30th, 2001. So the labor office should receive her case in earily May (assumeing May 3rd). Lots of sources seem taht VA is still processing April 30. But my wife\'s case was opened on May 17th since we just got the notice from the office to need her company to update some docs. I am confused. I post this message and want you guys know that you might be on the processing list even though your case is later than April 30th. Just update...
I called Richmond (804) 236-2717 today morning

As I already posted this morning, they will take 2-3 months to finish April 30 and then will start April 02 (April 01, 2001 was Sunday).
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