Virginia SESA Tracker

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OK here are the legislators/Officers for VA. Does anyone know VA DOL's contact info? We need to send petition to them especially.

Name -- Title -- Email

John William Warner -- Senator --

Thomas M. Davis -- Congressman --

Timothy M. Kaine -- Lt. Governor --

Anita A. Rimler -- Secretary of the Commonwealth --

Leslie L. Byrne State -- Senator --

Ken T. Cuccinelli -- State Senator --

James K. O'Brien -- State Senator --

Jeannemarie A. Devolites -- State Delegate --

J. Chapman Petersen -- State Delegate --

Timothy D. Hugo -- State Delegate --
Processing Update

Processing March 21, 2002 for RIR and May 3, 2001 for Non-RIR at 4:30 pm Thursday. Next update will be next week Wed or Thurs. They have moved up about 2-3 days this past week, so maybe things will get back to where it was soon!
I completely disagree with a suggestion from one of the readers that we inundate their office with calls - this is going to serve no other purpose than delaying processing further and annoying them, neither of which is in the general interest of any of us. Have a good weekend!
Draft Petition is attached.

Please contact the governor's office and as many senators and congressmen as you can to present your case.

You can make any edits you like to the petition, the important thing is to send it out and be heard. We need some form of communication with the decision makers who can make things right.

Thx all.

Attachement was not showing up so I am posting it in the body text.

Respected Governor,

Subject: Severe Processing Delays at VA State Workforce Agency for Labor Certification Applications (RIR)

I am writing to you today to bring to your attention a momentous problem that has plagued Virginia’s State Workforce Agency and the tremendous suffering it is causing to thousands of legal immigrants who have to wait for several years until the agency processes their Labor certification applications. Since it being the first step towards becoming a permanent resident in this country.

These severe processing delays are affecting the lives of immigration benefits applicants tremendously. Important factors in our lives such as marriage, home ownership, education for our children and our well-being have been put on hold. Career advancement has been hampered since the applicant has to remain with the same respective employer until the application has been approved. The majority of the employers have taken advantage of these restrictions, created by the severe processing delays. Such restrictions again are affecting the livelihood of not only immigration benefits applicants but also the company they work for. An overall feeling of frustration is negatively affecting all of the immigration benefits applicants.

Northern Virginia’s economy in particular is the force that has supported the DC Metro area’s financial stability by providing a cordial, secure business environment where thousands of new businesses have flourished in the past decade and in turn have attracted a wealth of highly skilled resources from all round the world. The same immigrants when try to apply for the permanent resident status, they have to go through the SWA and obtain a labor certification for their respective position. After which the application is again reviewed at the federal level, and once approved there, an individual can file for "adjustment of status" which again takes a long long time to clear

To put the situation at VA SWA in to some perspective, we would have to look at the SWA stats for other 50 states in the country. When compared with them VA ranks 41st out of the 50 states. VA SWA is currently at average processing 1 weeks worth of applications in a month, when other states have been processing somewhere between 30-60 days worth of applications in the same time frame*. (The stats are for the so-called “Fast Track” method, also referred to as RIR or Reduction in Recruitment, numbers for Non-RIR cases is so shocking that it would require another lengthy discussion to make some sense out of it). At current pace it would take more than 3 years for an application that is filed today on 10/03/03 to clear the SWA alone, it still will have to go though multiple other certifications and approvals which can again take more than a few years.

This is an abysmal record for a state that considers itself immigrant friendly, and takes pride in being at the forefront in attracting new businesses and promoting itself as an economic powerhouse.

The current situation in the state does not create a conducive, desirable climate for legal immigrants to consider Virginia as an option, I know of many highly qualified individuals who have rejected job offers in Virginia because of the processing delays at the SWA. They simply opted for a state where the process moves much faster knowing that it will save them at least 2 years of their lives.

I would again like to stress the fact that individuals going through the labor certification process are all legal residents and majority of us hold Master’s or Doctorate level degrees from reputed US universities, we are law-abiding residents who collectively pay millions of dollars in state and federal taxes and contribute significantly to the growth of our respective organizations. Each individual also pays thousands of dollars in legal and processing fees and follows the rule of the law, only to be disappointed by the bureaucracy that manages and handles their residency applications.

We respectfully urge the Governor’s office to urgently look in to the situation and take the necessary steps to resolve the delays that are affecting the lives of thousands of families in Virginia.

*As published at
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Draft petition improvement.

Please don't just present the problem (delay in processing Virginia RIR LC). Present the problem and also make recommendations for possible solutions. This might help the Governor and other important officials who are powerful enough to improve the situation.

Re: Draft petition improvement.

Originally posted by mvinays
Please don't just present the problem (delay in processing Virginia RIR LC). Present the problem and also make recommendations for possible solutions. This might help the Governor and other important officials who are powerful enough to improve the situation.


You are more than welcome if you would like to add/edit the petition to suit your situation, as I said this is a start, anyone who would like to send an email can find some basic content here, you could use it in its entirety or modify it if you feel that would serve your interest better.

BTW, if you do have good edits, do post the edited version for everyone else to see so that they can also draw from that knowledge.

Thanks clzeus10 for comipling the master draft. Looks like this will going to work.

I already sent message to following:
cc to:
1.Office of the Governor , Governor Mark R. Warner Fax: (804) 371-6351 or Email
2.C. Ray Davenport, Commissioner, Department of Labor and Industry Commissioner/Public Relations/Occupational Health Compliance/ Occupational Safety and Health Director
Fax: (804) 371-6524 -Northen Virginia Regional Director

I believe these are the people directly involed in some of the decision. And I wish this help us to get back some staff from NON-RIR to RIR. Or can help to increse the strength of RIR employee (1) to some more.

Lets see the results in next month.

Thank you all and leep it up.


"And I wish this help us to get back some staff from NON-RIR to RIR"
Yeah that would be GREAT. Cause NON-RIR is really clipping along. What, a month in the last couple of years, oh no sorry its on May 2, so make that a month and two days. Whew the non-rir crowd has it a lot better. Excuse the sarcasm.
The issues isn't moving staff around, that will simply not fix the problem.
The process needs to be revamed and improved. An efficient process will allow many of those people to spend more time doing the job of the SESA and less managing an awful process.
I sent emails to

Governor Mark Warner
Lieutenant Governor Timothy Kaine
Senator George Allen
Senator John Warner
Secretary of Commonwealth - Anita Rimler

I am going to send some more today. I would like to urge again to everyone visiting this forum to do the same, the content is already there, all you have to do is copy/paste and send it out. Even the email addresses are compiled for your convenience.

This will definitely help our cause. BTW, I received a response from the SOC and they told me to direct my request to Office of the Secretary of Commerce & Trade, as they are the one's that have control over Virginia employment commission.
What is the e-mail address of Office of the Secretary of Commerce & Trade? We should probably send our e-mails to them.

At last ............ Goood News....... RIR


Finally after a long long wait, my case has been forwarded to

Phily DOL:

my case is filed in RIR catogiry:

VA SESA APPROVAL : 2003-10-07

Seee u guys in Phily DOL soooooooon.....................

Keep on sending emails and letters

Hello friends:

Keep on sending emails and letters to VA governor and other responsible officer. I am sending them since this morning, I will some reply later on.

Never be hopeless.

Processing Date Update

On Wednesday morning, processing RIR - March 25, 2002 and non RIR - first part of May. Next upate will be on Friday afternoon or Monday morning. My processing date is March 27 and I will keep updating this forum until they process my application and then hopefully, somebody else can take on the task. Thanks.
Speeeding up the process

It looks like they are speeding up the process. This week is really good they moved 4 days this week.
Hi vk2003,
How to check the processing date? did you call them every week? or is there a website? Thx.
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