Virginia SESA Tracker

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Originally posted by dcmetrodesi
Can someone please tell me whats the 804 phone number get info about the SESA processesing dates

Be patient and stop calling for status checks, it will only have an adverse effect on the processing times as they will have to divert resources to answer phone calls instead of doing some actual work like processing our stuff.

Status checks are posted on this forum twice a week, if that is not enough for ya, god help us all.
This is taking way too much time

RIR at VA is taking too much time. Till end of Feb 2003, they would move a day every day and they were 15 months behind. Now they have moved 15 days in 3 months!! (approx). Now that is very slow. They have cleared the hump of April 30 2001 for Non-RIR and there is no reason why they cannot be as fats as they were before Feb 15, 2003. I think, if the need be, let us write a petition to speed up the process.

Please let me know what do you guys think.

For -ever waiting for gc
I totally agree. I think we should write a petition to voice our concerns. From what I heard, there is only one person processing RIR cases. It has been soooo slow! The speed in VA is ridiculous now. Instead of just waiting here, at least we should do something.
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The date moved for VA Labor!! I see May 2001 for Regular from the April 2001 last month. Does this mean its going to be faster now? Can they do more than one month now? Ever catch up?? Im hoping since I filed earlier THIS year!
VA Labor very slow


I am also agree with you all. We should do something to speed up the process. If anyone has any Idea please post it. I am planing to send a petition letter to the Vargina Governer or Northern VA Senator Frank Wolf.

I would like to share my LC story with you:

I am also one of the victim the Arlington based Lawfarm. I have spent $20,000 as a lawyer fees to get my gc. That was my hard earning money. I was collected those money from pizza delivery morning to late night, but everything collaps suddenly. For your information the Lawyer now serving 10 year in prison. It is my humble request it better then waiting for legitimate Labor certification. Please never purchase any duplicate falls LC from any lawyer.

Have a nice day

Still processing March 18, 2002 on Monday morning. I will check again on Friday afternoon and update the forum. Thanks.
Processing RIR Mar 19, 2002 at the SESA on Sep 26 morning. Next update will be on Friday, Oct 3 - they seem to be taking a week or more to process each day now, so there's no point delaying them further with phone calls. Have a good weekend!
Virginia labor

Is there any idea whether VA RIR is going to speed up. How to address this issue to make it faster. At this speed it will take 7 years to process one year's applications
VA labor

Another addition to the long wait Labor in VA. I applied this month. Believe there is no movement in VA labor. Will continue to see or post any new developments.
Vk and other folks,

I am tracking this forum since almost more than one and half year now. My file date was 06/26/02. At some point and time when I had seen lots of people contributing to the forum and VA-labor was moving very quick. And based on that I expected that my case will be done by end of September.

But, now since as someone posted that only one guy is working on RIR, I had seen tremendous fall in the speed. Also, I am seeing that people are loosing their interest from the forum.

VK- I am agree with you that we must do something to have more people(staff) back on to RIR cases at VA labor as now they are already done with April backlog for NON-RIR. For that, I think moderator of this forum, or Rajiv needs to step up to have another petition for VA-RIR Labor posted so we all can sign up.
Or, we can have a letter drafted to send it to VA-DOL office.
Or, I think because of lower phone call volume they may have thought that RIR applicants are not in rush, and that could be the another reason that why they had slowed the process of RIR, so what if we increase a call volume of at least 3 times in a week instead only once in a week.

I had also seen that MD-DOL have added more staff and since then they are on the target of finishing 3days of cases on 1 workday.

This all are just the ideas.

Post your suggestions to improve VA-DOL performance.

I definitely agree. I filed my case 07/01/02. I thought it would be over by the end of this year. But from the speed they are going right now, I may be looking at another 1-2 years. I think all of us who are painfully waiting for LC forever, should sign a petition and send it to VA DOL. And I think maybe we should call them more often to voice the concerns. Don't know it will help if we send the petition to VA congressmen too, we could try. Lets stress we need MORE staff to process RIR cases.

We can look online. Maybe there are similar petitions that we can use the format of.
All VA Labor Petitions


The objective should be to increase the speed for both RIR and Regular Petitions and not just RIR.
Does anyone have any experience in writing such requests to the Governor and/or VA Dept of Labor?

VA RIR Labor

This is really frustrating. I applied on November 2002. No idea how many years it would take. Can you all sign a petition and send it to VA Governor?
We should all email the Governor's office and innundate their mail boxes with messages, may be then they will understand the seriousness of the situation. Same can be done for Senators from Virgina and the respective congressman so that they get an idea of the incompetence of the Virgina state agency.

Contact information can be found here, there is an electronic form that you can fill out to voice your concerns, I urge everyone to do so.

Contact Info

I am going to spend some time today to draft a Kick-Ass petition, I will post it by tomorrow Noon, afterwhich everyone can use that text to contact the Governor's office.
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That's the spirit.

Thanks czelus for stepping up to draft a petition.

I think there may be a similar correspondance available in this forum or on some other sites. I will try to find them soon. Also, our voice should reach to VA-Labor, Governor, Lt. Governor. And, Content should be- increase the staff of RIR at the level it was before 2-3 months, speed up the processing, praises of government and our contribution :).

Keep it up.


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