Urgent RTD question!!!!!!! Need help!!!


New Member
Hello everybody, I really need your point of view, or your experience! Well, I went through the forum, but have not met any posts on my question. The problem is: my national passport has expired, I want to go to a third country to meet my family, I do not need a visa to this third country if I am using my national passport (but it is expired), even it is expired this country will let me in, but to get out I am gonna need my new national passport, and my parents can bring me a new national passport, while I am there,(without visiting my home country), is it ok with the usa? I will be questioned at the point of entry, will they understand? Is it legal? My parents can support me with the affidavit, that they obtained new passport for me, or may be some kind of power of attorney?
My lowyer told me that is ok to renew it through power of attorney, but I am not sure. I am looking forward to your opinion. Thank you.
Changing documents between travel is a criminal offense and you might lose your asylum status. Fire you attorney and do not think of travel on your home country's passport because as as Asylee you cannot do that.

One more tip: Passports changing countries without a person attached to that passport (e.g. mailing of passports) is an international crime. That is why they have consulates my friend.
Your parents bringing your passport from your home country is a highly illegal activitiy that they are doing, and you trying to get back to US on that passport is even more illegal.

Do not bring a Black mark on Asylum system. What you are thinking of doing is illegal and I am thoroughly surprised at your attorney's advice. He should be reported to Barr Association.

DON'T do it.
Well, I know a lot of people who travel, using national passport, and usa officials do not say a thing, it seems to be ok with them.
The main problem you may face would probably be at the airport. Most airlines will not let you fly w/an expired passport even if you are going directly to your home country.

I would have your parents send you the new passport, then travel with it, and use your RTD to come back. I heard of many ppl who did that.

Just my 2 cents!
Brutis said:
Hello everybody, I really need your point of view, or your experience! Well, I went through the forum, but have not met any posts on my question. The problem is: my national passport has expired, I want to go to a third country to meet my family, I do not need a visa to this third country if I am using my national passport (but it is expired), even it is expired this country will let me in, but to get out I am gonna need my new national passport, and my parents can bring me a new national passport, while I am there,(without visiting my home country), is it ok with the usa? I will be questioned at the point of entry, will they understand? Is it legal? My parents can support me with the affidavit, that they obtained new passport for me, or may be some kind of power of attorney?
My lowyer told me that is ok to renew it through power of attorney, but I am not sure. I am looking forward to your opinion. Thank you.
Does this third country reject RTD? I am not sure why would not you use the RTD to enter this third country. Renewing your passport can be problematic, especially when you are prepared to get your green card.
shamshon said:
Does this third country reject RTD? I am not sure why would not you use the RTD to enter this third country. Renewing your passport can be problematic, especially when you are prepared to get your green card.

Use your US-issued RTD, OK?
Most airlines won't let you get on the plane with expired passport. Like everybody said get(use) the RTD

just use your RTD.its smarter and easier if you approach your travel seriously. :)
I used my national passport during my last trip out of the US. It wasn't expired. I got "in and out" stamps on national pasport by third country's immigration officer. Do you thing this could create a problem with AOS?
accountant said:
I used my national passport during my last trip out of the US. It wasn't expired. I got "in and out" stamps on national pasport by third country's immigration officer. Do you thing this could create a problem with AOS?
How did you get in US...did they stamp your RTD?
INS stamped RTD in port of entry (NY) and gave me new I-94. Third country stamped my national passport, I wasn't required to get visa with my national passport.
So the I/O at the port of entry did not check that you traveled on RTD both ways. I mean he did not check for stamp of entry into 3rd country. He just checked that RTD is valid and let you enter on it? What date did you travel?
my friend traveled to a third country, on his way back he showed rtd to us official, and he/she asked him about visa etc, he showed his national passport, and that is it, no more questions.
accountant said:
INS stamped RTD in port of entry (NY) and gave me new I-94. Third country stamped my national passport, I wasn't required to get visa with my national passport.
The only slight problem I see is that before adjustment they might ask for RTD and since you been stamped that you entered US raise questions about where did you go (You don't have "in" and "out" stamps from anywhere for that trip) But sometimes they don't ask for anything....or check the RTD stamps

I have a question when filling out the form 1 -485. If you last entered on a RTD how do you answer the question: non-immigrant visa number, Place of last entry, status of last entry, 1-94. Which do u use, the one b4 the asylum or the most current which is the RTD 1-94 ???
Hello, AugustAlylee,
The I-485 form is a standard application to adjust the status for every category there is, so some questions might be inapplicable to assylees.
INS wants to know about your last entry to US.
Accordingly, your answers should be something like this:
If you last entered on a RTD how do you answer the question: non-immigrant visa number N/A, Place of last entry the city/airport you last entered US, status of last entry Asylee , 1-94. Which do u use, the one b4 the asylum or the most current which is the RTD 1-94 ??? Most current.​

Thanks a lot Peach. Ur explanation " The I-485 form is a standard application to adjust the status for every category there is, so some questions might be inapplicable to asylees."
makes a lot of sense. With such forumites one may not even need a attorney :)
Any more insights fro anyone else would be highly appreciated.
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Lazerthegreat said:
So the I/O at the port of entry did not check that you traveled on RTD both ways. I mean he did not check for stamp of entry into 3rd country. He just checked that RTD is valid and let you enter on it? What date did you travel?

I/O checked my airplane ticket and national passport where I had in and out stamps, made me wait for an hour without any reason and let me in the US. This happened to me on July' 02.
YOU Should be more carefull about your suggestions.

******************FOR LAZERTHEGREAT********************
I am not really sure about the LAWS, but I know that, unlike what you said, changing passports beetween travel IS NOT A CRIME. I know a lot of people that have dual citizenship, enter their native country with their native passport and use US Passport to come back here. They never had a problem. Brazilian friends for example: They have dual citizenship-
Americans and Brazilian both need a VISA to visit each other's countries.So in order not to need a visa they travel with both passports. Of course that with Asyless/Refugees is different, we are not supposed to use our national passports nor visit our home country. I also doubt that traveling with someone else's passport is illegal.
When you reply to a question like this, please write something like " I am NOT an atorney- so act accordingly."

Lazerthegreat said:
Changing documents between travel is a criminal offense and you might lose your asylum status. Fire you attorney and do not think of travel on your home country's passport because as as Asylee you cannot do that.

One more tip: Passports changing countries without a person attached to that passport (e.g. mailing of passports) is an international crime. That is why they have consulates my friend.
Your parents bringing your passport from your home country is a highly illegal activitiy that they are doing, and you trying to get back to US on that passport is even more illegal.

Do not bring a Black mark on Asylum system. What you are thinking of doing is illegal and I am thoroughly surprised at your attorney's advice. He should be reported to Barr Association.

DON'T do it.