Unique Problem!


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A friend of mine (main applicant) and his wife (derivative applicant)got there greencards a couple of weeks back. This monday out of the blue his wife told him that she wanted to file for a divorce and proceeded to do so. It obviously left my friend both shell shocked and used!! He brought the subject up with today since he was visibly disturbed and I kinda asked him what was up. He asked me if he could get her greencard revoked since he felt betrayed by the whole thing. My answer to him was that I didn't think he could (Though I obviously wasn't very sure about it!) I would love to hear some inputs from our forum members on this subject if possible!
My opinion

What a bitch.

Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

But yea, if you really want to, call the IIO and find out.

PS: I'm curious, is this couple Indian?

I don't know if this is truly your friend's case, or your own case or you made up the case, I couldn't care less ;) This isssue has been brought up many times, you are welcome to do a search on the archives. If I am not wrong there is little that can be done.

This is not legal opinion in any way, only my thoughts, but I think it is different when it is an employment base visa or a marriage visa. It seems from your few lines that this is an employment case, and I would say there is little that can be done. You make it sound like the marriage was bona fide up to after the approval. Maybe she had some ideas about a divorce, but hey this is not like a regular GC from a marriage, and there is not conditional GC or anything like that. My personal advice would be to let it be and move on. Of course, this is in the case that your story is true. By the way, ask your friend how he treated his wife over all this time, perhaps he was not such a good husband and he got what he deserved. Why has to be the wife the bad character in this story?

If he is such a bastard that he is willing to go the whole length let him call the BCIS immigration fraud line, don't waste our time, and again go you and your friend look for the archives. As far as I remember there has always been little sympathy for this revenge cases, people in this forum are for getting the GC not revoking them, even in the case of a bad marriage.

My 2 cents.
Huracan, your message is loaded with assumption of cleanliness of the woman's character and presumption of the mans guilt. If he was really such a bad husband why did she have to wait 1 week after they got their green cards?
Originally posted by Huracan

I don't know if this is truly your friend's case, or your own case or you made up the case, I couldn't care less ;) This isssue has been brought up many times, you are welcome to do a search on the archives. If I am not wrong there is little that can be done.

My 2 cents.

If you couldn't care less why did you reply. BTW are you pussy
whipped. if you dont want to listen to what he has to say
why try to answer.


I happend to see this thread, and I was really surprised to see your reply. WO!!!! You seem to be one frustrated soul. Dude, there is something called sympathy... This website is meant to share our greencard problems, and GCfasttrack just asked for everyone's opinion. If you didn't have any good suggestions, you could have just shut the fuck up.

I hope you fucking go to hell.... hold on, you would go to hell anyways... I hope, you die fucking virgin.

Sorry abt my language, but I think you really deserve it.

Sorry to hear abt your friend. But trust me, there is nothing he can do. The same thing happened with my cousin's friend, and trust me, that bitch really ripped him off. He was left with only $10.00 in his bank account. Anyways your friend can't do anything abt her greencard, but he can definitely fuck her up in some other way.
sacpat, I know of an exactly same case .. the girl married this dude only to get GC, 2 days after GC .. poof .. harassment case on his head, neatly sycned with all accounts overdrawn. What shocks me is that, these are all Indian Sati Savitris.

I am really curious, GCfasttrack, was this an Indian girl?
Thanks for your replies everybody! Yes, this was an Indian girl and an indian couple at that. The whole thing is a little bizarre but what can you do? Life has a habit of dealing out a hand and all you can do is play it! I think it is natural for my friend to feel animosity in this situation but he will get over it. He is a very nice guy and from what I have seen treats her very well and I somehow fail to see him changing at this juncture.

Huracan - No hard feelings about your post bro! I asked for opinions...and you give me yours...though you do seem to be a fairly skeptical man.

Sillyman, sacpat74, justchecking - Thanks for your inputs. That was my impression too...that he is in no position to do anything about her GC....The best thing for him I guess is to try and get over the fact that his confidence has been betrayed and pick up the pieces of his life and go on!
It is a surprise to me. I've never seen a divorce from all my Indian friends.

But what else can you do, just wish her a good luck and forget about it. Don't waste no time on her anymore.
digdugxy, this is the #3 case in the past 1 year I've seen in Indian born desi girls who married someone purely for green card, and soon after GC dumped and moved on .. life is pretty damn sweet huh?
do these ladies have some connection in US

Am wondering about if these cases fit a particular category
eg. why will a lady who has got no relative / friend in US will seek a divorce to live alone.
Silly Man, any info? That may be useful for any dude seeking to go the arranged marriage route - at least one would know any telltale signs to look out for
Guy goes back home to marry. He wants the best girl: mod, sexy, graduate, from a rich family...

Girl marries thinking she will probably have better life in US.

Turns out that the guy is a penny pincher (like 50% desis). Lives in a studio or one bed in the cheapest apartment complex (and loves KMart :) ). Never takes a vacation, no extra curricular activity, no leisure. Guy goes to office at 8:30, comes back at 9, tired. Spend some more time checking his office emails, goes to office on Saturdays because he is afraid that if he will be laid off (or will not win the approval of peers) if he does not work harder and harder. Girl is sitting home alone doing nothing cursing her life.

Girl's dream are shattered. She sees other options but alas, she does not have green card to pursue her independent life.

She waits, waits...for the opportunity....

Note: It is just a hypo, not intended to depict an actual scenario. And certainly not targeted at someone in particular.
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I think..

the girl is home free...she did not get her green card based on marriage..so she is free to dump the guy any time.
welcome to america..equality till it hurts..both in the pocketbook as well as the heart !
abtoaajaa, goodsaint is right. I don't know about this case, but the other 3 .. I saw, had no connection with USA, but just a wild fantasy, fascination.

Consider this, a damn sexy, educated, hot lookin' girl, is damn sexy because she concentrates on things besides computers and money. (Like preen herself .. keep in shape?). She is totally fantasized by USA, but she and her parents don't express it, because .. "oh we're just fine here". Their view of USA is what they've seen in Movies, and they expect the boy to drive her from the airport in a mercedes convertible, to this big bunglow .. with butlers etc. .. where as the boy even though with a responsible a job and possibly a wonderful husband .. works for a desi consulting company, owns a laptop, a bed (maybe), clothes, and ironing board. Tries not to buy anything because he is saving for a house once he gets a GC, and tries not to do too much partying because, you know .. these dollars are worth a lot in India, plus he has parents to support, sisters to marry, and brothers to help.

But the girl, who hasn't seen the struggle here, hasn't been thru the fire to shine like gold, or the pressure to turn into a diamond, so she fails to understand his point of view. Whats more, life in America isn't all thats made out to be, she comes here on H4, the boy is trying to save his job by working long hours. Plus the boy is extremely happy and glazed by finally having a partner in life, and the girl gets too much attention from one guy, and nothing else. Over time, frustration mounts. She decides, America is good .. and America is what she wants, but with this dude stuck in her life for the rest of her life, she will never get the America she dreamed of .. unless .. she finds it on her own... and that is what she does.

Mind you, she fails to see his viewpoint because she hasn't been thru our struggle. Not that she is weird, but we are weird since this kind of struggle is unreal and not typical in most people's life. But it ends up making us so much better, but alone at the top.

... Conversely, (since you asked for marriage advice), you have the option of an ABCD...

ABCDs in 99% cases are here because their parents showed up here thru relatives or what not. Immigration used to be a LOT easier then. So they have NO CLUE what it takes to get a green card today. Again, we are talking about a group that hasn't seen struggle, even lesser than a desi girl has. Plus, it is sad to see that most of them are given to extremely mundane considerations like what kind of aftershave does he wear, versus his general attitude towards life. This is a generalization mind you, but y'know .. generalization because it fits the most. Most ABCD girls have a set idea about desi guys in their minds, and somehow it isn't cool to hang around with one in their friend circle. ..... again ..... they haven't been thru the struggle we have. Might I also mention, the dice is heavily loaded against Indian guys in numbers.

Then is the option of marrying an non-indian american. Hard to fit in our families, and in our culture and mindset. Thats a hot rock to hold, and I am not sure I can do that. But I'd be open to that idea, if someone nice comes along, but really not counting on it.

Silly advice: If you have the option, go to India, and lay it clearly in front of the girl that this is what America is, this is what you can expect. Try finding a girl who is not too glitzed by USA (Though they hide it well). Not too many will satisfy this criteria, but if one does, marry her and bring her here before GC. Remember, the number of cases that work .. are far greater than the ones that didn't.
.. IF NOT .. life is more than just marriage, just be rich and single and buy that mercedes S500 you've always wanted while your friends drive around in mini vans wiping dirty bums and tossing diapers. (Not to mention there's always mail order russian bride) Either way it's a win win situation, ...

BUT ...

I gotta share you a peice of advice 140 gave me. Marriage is lifelong, this GC struggle is temporary. Don't make a mistake now that will bother you for the rest of your life by being pressurized by a struggle that is temporary. In other words, whoever you marry, try thinking and evaluating her .. without GC on your head ( I know thats hard to do which is why I am gonna marry after I get a GC ).

I'd really like to hear other's views on this too.
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I have seen quite few guys getting fucked by so called Sati Savitries. Being from Bombay, I know how fucked up the girls can be? But I was shocked to hear from my friend abt his case... The poor guy worked his ass off for 5 years, struggled all his life, married some stupid bitch, and guess what??? He is in more worst situation, he definitely doesn't deserve this, noone does.
Its very easy to say, move on, get over it, or time heals everything. But thats all BS, once you are betrayed, how the hell you can trust any other girl???

I would rather marry someone born in USA, although she doesn't know shit abt greencards. Who cares??? Atleast she already knows what is USA all abt, unlike some indian chicks from India, who have some unrealistic ideas abt USA.

Well after all this is my opinion....