Unique Problem!

By the way for guys who didnt see the second post of mine. I am the wife ?? So acc to you guys my husband should leave me because

1) He loves me more than himself

2) I consider him the master of the house

3) Its my duty to be submissive and his duty to love me

4) His duty to be the breadwinner ( I can contribute to that and so can he to hosehold chores)

5) My priority will always be my huband,children,home, work in that order

If i were to be an womens lib like all of you suggest I guarantee anarchy . BTW I am educated in one of the most refined schools, have a decent job and can inbibe all the 21st century requirements without comprmising on the duty of a wife.

Its guys like you who cry out for womens liberation who needs to get thier heads checked. Well I am as liberated as a girl can get, I work, I earn, I cook,I love sports and take care of my home . My hubby works , loves me , thats all I ask of him .. and I still consider my husband the head of the house, is there a problem with that?

I feel sorry for you!

You need a life! And of course you must be jealous of those wives who have jobs!

Sue your parents...they did nothing for you other than give birth to you!

As i said I work.. probably you dont read too well.. And I would appreciate it if my parents are not brought into the picture. I love and respect them for the Indian values they have set in me.

well u chose ur priority in life..but in ur prev mail u said that

I tend to disagree on this. Yes a woman should have ambitions but all that after the first responsibility ie home. A ladyi s meant to set values,grow up responsible children, take care of her husband etc etc. This should be the first priority of every women.Ever wondered why our Grandparents lived good lives free of divorce etc? Simple its the women who knew where the priorities lie. Here guys want more money so they make the women work or women are career oriented and liberated or whatever and so what happens ? the home suffers. Money will come and go a home cannot be brought. A woman can make a home a home worth living. First and foremost all women should get thier priorities right- home first. Men should be the breadwinner and the master of the house. But he should respect his wife. Ofcourse just as when a man looses his joba woman can help out so too a man should help with household chores. But take it from me any house where the women has her home and children as PriorityNo1 is the home we all crave for.

I guess all this is what u think and no matter what ..u have no right to impose this on others.. there are girls who are do work and take care of the house but y shud they all consider the breadwinning/head of the household concepts that u derive ?? well i dont think u can speak for all of them ... none of us have a problem with what u think and what u want to do with ur life and home but hey, u hv a problem since u r trying to dectate terms for all the other females around here..

What the hell is going on here, can't a guy take a couple of days off without the forum degenerating into complete anarchy.

This is a immigration forum people. Not a place for the battle of the sexes.

First of all the premise of the thread is wrong. This should never have been posted here as it is a post-485 topic it belongs in the life after GC forum.

SillyMan I am suprised you let this thread go through. Free speach and all is fine but in context. This kind of discussion is open in a place like IRC, NOT in the 485 issues in CA service center forum! Please delete this thread, inspite of all the heat and hits it has received, it still doesn't belong here.

Regards to all who have expressed views and opinions on this thread. I respectfully disagree that these views and opinions regardless of how valid they might be, belong here.

Thanks! And please do not post any more on this thread!
This thread

Free speech is hella cool. Pertinent issues like these are most welcome as these are what make a community .. a community.

And Soumy is great, so please don't disparage her. I wish everyone was like her.

Anyway, this thread is definitly overdo at this point. I agree with tp72, that this is getting too .. umm non-pertinent. So any further messages in this thread will be deleted. So please don't post anything more in here.

Cheers. :)
Way to Go 140_takes


You have a very good suggestion. I thought Vipsha's info thread is going to be on the top, but this is beating every other thread. I think silly can delete it and no more of this.

please delete this thread if you can.

This forum is meant to share the info not a battle field.
