TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004

Re: ver 224

Originally posted by goastros
surprisingly the count for feb approvals went down after i put in the updated file from RR_67.


I checked few cases which changed status in this version of 02-003. Few are correct in the prev version and few are correct in the new version. Some changed from approved to card ordered or card mailed which probably are genuine change. But if we have few non approved ones marked as approved, it will never get corrected as we will never look at those again.

To me the best bet is
Next time who ever is doing the rescan in that range can put prev version or just blank all the columns other than SRC number in 02-003 before rescan, so that the rescan will take care of automatically.

ver 228

changes -
+ added new data for 01-268 from picsarus
+ rescanned 02-003 as per Pradha's suggestion.
+ started rescan , reached upto 01-200

Approval count for march is above 800
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changes -
+ started rescan , reached upto 01-253

Approval count for march is 837
Past three weeks - 606/456/381
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After the first approx. 1800 numbers - this date is also active in Feb (10 approvals) and March (16) so far.
Scanned from 02072-02083

I always failed to save the Xl file after scanning. Here is the way I got around problem.
I. Close XL file. You would get an option asking save the file.
Say 'Yes'.
2. Say 'Yes' to update the archive also.
3. Rename the file to the new version.
Now the new approvals for march 843.
ver 231

changes -
+ added new data for 01-269 from picsarus
+ added new sheets for 02-011, 02-012, 02-013, 02-014
+ added new data for 02-092, 02-093, 02-094
rescanned all active range

Totals - Feb/Mar - 45721 - 1834 (plus 490 transferred) / 903 (plus 242 transferred)

Past three weeks - 614/464/439

This definitely looks like a month that will beat Feb
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another observation

Not many saturday approvals lately. 3/6/04 had14 approvals. 3/13/04 had 0 up till now. This of course means the average approval rate is 90/day and more sustainable.
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Following pradha's theory a few weeks back about the "peak" of the TSC approval date moving to the right from the last month to this month, I plotted the no. of approvals from patiencelesstx's latest posting (phenomenal job, by the way, patienceless) against the ND date for Feb and March. So far, I am not picking up any discernible move of the peak to the right - maybe in a couple of more weeks?

For folks that think that I need a life - what can I say, you are probably right!
picsarus' observation confirms that TSC wants to focus on 2001 cases for right now. there's still at least two more months' work to go before they seriously run out of 01 cases.
my scan added and the changes I have done.

Scanned 01254 and 01255.

I was having problems with the old file that you folks scanned. It used to open up this URL
https://egov.immigration.gov/graphics/cris/jsps/caseStat.jsp and after scanning anywhere from 8-20 rows my scan would stop.

I was just cleaning up my old files and found the original version of this scan file and also the version that Dinnu modified (I think) to change the URL to https://egov.immigration.gov/graphics/cris/jsps/caseStat.jsp?textFlag=Y so that the page loads faster.

In this attachment I have used the text based URL and now everything seems to be working fine in my machine. I am able to scan without hanging and it scans pretty fast too.

You folks are the experts and there might be reasons why you have chosen to use the non text version of the URL.

Anyway here it is.

Please feel free to discard my changes and use the freedom version 231.zip file instead.
The only change I have done is to change the URL in two places in the macro


ps: I deleted the attachment because it was not working for high speed connections.
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welcome back TR22.
I was not aware we could use a text based url.that would obviously make it faster.
now tr22, did you just change the url from version 231 in the macro I485scan & multiscan and put it in ver 232. if so we are golden.
if not, and if you used the old files to create ver 232 then we will have to use the macros from ver 231 cos people like pradha & picsarus have made lot of changes in the macro recently.

good find, tr22.


We are golden. I took the version 231 and changed the URL in the two places that I mentioned and renamed to 232.


I wish I got approved. Knowing my luck my approval will probably after the offical approval date passed my date and then some. ;)

I am attaching the full scan for 01-269. Not too many numbers (approx. 2000) for this date and that's a good thing. Next up: 01-259.
Re: reply

tr22 and goastros,

I am sorry but the text URL is not working for me. Could you guys double-check on some known ranges? I am not getting anything scanning the known ranges or rescanning.

Let me know if you also see the same.

Originally posted by tr22

We are golden. I took the version 231 and changed the URL in the two places that I mentioned and renamed to 232.

I think I found the problem. At home where I have a slow connection it works fine.

At work (fiber optic) the connection is so fast that the next number gets scanned before the reply is displayed so no results are updated. So perhaps it is best not to use this URL and use whatever you folks were using.

I will delete the file from my posting so that it does not confuse other folks

Is the problem is fixed now ?. Can someone can run the scan from a high speed connection ?. I can start scanning, If you say so.

The problem is not fixed. Please use the version 231 that you folks have been using. I have removed the version 232 that I modified and posted.