TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004

75 Approvals!

I just rescanned first 4 days of Jan'02, found atleast 75 approvals on 31 March. But the sad fact is whenever I am trying to save my XL, I am getting GPF error. I am not able to upload the file.

Just wanted to share it with you guys. Felt happy to see approval after approval as the scroll bar moves down. Somebody at the water cooler is saying Fridays always good. It is true !!

We all will be there soon!
That is great news, gc_asprirant_11.
Since we are in april now. we will start a new thread & rescan all the way to the end.
I have scanned upto nov.
Pls take it from there.

I will send a request Jaxen to put the new thread on top.

Pls don't post anything in this thread.