TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004

Re: One more view of the data

Originally posted by pradha

Does that count sheet serve any purpose now. Intially it was to look at which month is having less data (Of course it has the consolidated % s now). If it is not usefull we may drop that. I have not updated that sheet this time. Also the RFE Column. To look for RFE the last week column should work, thouh not permenantly available. Have a look any way?

pradha, I find the counts sheet very helpful.
It gives me monthly figures. for eg - we know the frustration in finding more data for Oct01.
We have just 1360 cases against Nov 01's 6526.
But the % of approvals is very good indicator to tell me how TSC is doing.
How to update this counts sheet is still tough for me.
by the way, did you guys look at the members xls file.
EB2_ has put a macro in there, maybe such a macro can be
added to this counts sheet ??

As per RFE, the only thing that comes to my mind, is if we can make use of the previous status/date columns between RFE rec'd/Sent & then approved/completed. if anyone wants to do that.
This is if you want to find the no of days between these status per case right ?
if you look at the rfe tracker file started by stones, it shows certain IIOs have shown some consistency.
the other thing that comes to my mind is no of RFEs to no of approvals.
If we can establish any relation and figure out if TSC has some set rule or something that they have to send RFE to "x" no of cases.
Re: Just rescanned SRC 020345XXXX (ND of Nov 10, 2001)

Originally posted by jaysee
.. 7 new approvals in the last 2 days.

6 cases were RFE related. 1 approval status changed directly from ".. 990-999 days" to "this case has been approved ...".

Hope this helps.
Jaysee, where is the file ?
it certainly helps if you can post the file or scan from the all_scans.xls.
Also Jaysee, pradha was asking if the Transferred status ever changes ? i kind of remember in feb, you went thru something like that before you got approved right ?
can you comment on pradha's question ?
if it was not you, then i apologize.
Re: 01-259

Originally posted by picsarus
This is not complete yet, probably another two days worth left to go. pradha - I will take 01-260 next. I checked 01-274 a few days back and looks like it may be similar to some of the October dates with lots of OS155A cases. Cheers.


I did for the most part of 01-274 and found some in the later part ( above 52000) . Will finish the rest sometime.


I am attaching the scan for the first ~ 1600 numbers. BTW - I completed the scan on 01-259, there were no more 485s, so the previous version that I posted is the full scan.

Nice to see lots of activity in TSC; I hope this rate of processing goes on.

Till now the maximun number of cases in one day were 708 ( SRC01-279) .. I scanned this series long time back ..and I am still waiting to see if someone beats this figure.:) :)

Here are the days in decreasing order:
SRC # Member _______ Total_485_Cases
SRC01-279 eb2_I485_RD0901....708
SRC02-038 pr..........................699
SRC02-037 rkmanam................666
SRC02-036 pr.........................603
SRC02-035 faitas / pr .............556
SRC01-257 Ayansgp ...............512
SRC02-031 w8nc ...................508

On a more serious note if the number of cases in one day goes beyond 730 please adjust the formulas in the summary sheet.

Best Regards & Good luck.
ver 240

I started the rescan and reached upto 01-255.
Totals Feb/Mar - 47950 1884/1230

Still the active region from mid-august 01 to dec 01 needs to be rescanned since 03/17.

+ picsarus' data for 01-260
+ raju badmash's data for 03-020
+ rrk's data for 03-020.

next person take it from 01-256.
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next version

I rescanned upto SRC02-034
Approvals for March - 1331

That is 100 more than yesterday's rescan , quite surprisingly considering we have not seen any new approvals from forum members.
I hope it picks up more...and then start with 2002.
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Re: goastros

Originally posted by tombaan
what is ur feeling when can we see 2002?

I dunno , maan... But the news from GCCare's rescan is very encouraging. can someone continue the rescan in dec 01 or jan/feb 02 ?
Looks like TSC is on 01/2002

Ladies & Gentlemen.

It sure looks like TSC is slowing starting with Jan 2002.

So far 15 approved, multilple RFE's & Transfers.

This means, all the 2001 filers are close, to the end of the tunnel.
ver 246

Completed rescan for Nov 01. resscanned upto 01-208.
After seeing 4-5 approvals yesterday on the board, we shd feel optimistic that Mar count could beat Feb count.
Total for March is 1400 ( exact).
I think TR22's theory that last week was spring break in texas
and the activity may have slowed down last week might be True.
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Hi Goastros

>>we shd feel optimistic that Mar count could beat Feb count.
>>Total for March is 1400 ( exact).

What is this Number 1400 , No of 485 cases responded in March or Totally from Jan thro March.

**Responded -> Online Approval + RFE+Interview