TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004


+ Continued rescan from ver 233 & reached upto 01-278
+ Also rescanned Dec 01 data from 02-050 to 02-072
+ Added tirednconfused's more data for 03-172
+ Added picsarus' more data for 01-269.
ver 235

changes -
+ rescan and reached upto 02-026.
I wanted to see the approval count go above 1000..but it is still at 983. with Nov 01 to be rescanned.

good news is we saw some approvals yesterday for dec 01.
Now that the off. processing date is of july 01, people like longgc
& krishnakumar from may 01 can officially call & be adjusted.
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Data for Feb 05,2003 ie, 03-088

Here is the file, there are some changes in Feb and March of 04. Please add to the cons file.

what use is the date if people with older dates are still out there?
i know ur may 02 what is ur feeling on our dates coming? any takes on that;)
Re: reply

Originally posted by tr22
The problem is not fixed. Please use the version 231 that you folks have been using. I have removed the version 232 that I modified and posted.


I think I have a fix for the text version of browser. It needs text=Y only when you launch the explorer. You do not need it in subsequent queries( navigations).

We can even do that with the original one interactively ( that is how I got it). Once the explorer is launched you can click once on the Text/Graph selection on the left corner and it continues in text mode.

I thought it will make a big diffrence , but it didnot. I tried on dial up and it appears to be about 20% faster. As I know most guys scanning are on broadband/dsl and they even won't notice. It is hard to notice even on dial up. But I timed for about 500 each.

However it looks like this works , I tried on both dial up and a T1.

If you get a chance give a try. Nice to have another variant. If some one has a problem like Tr22 mentioned it may come handy.


Literally speaking yes you are right. From a statistical point of view November is fully covered. I still scan once in a while when I have some time and mood some of those left over ranges including Nov. ( So do few others except patiencelesTX who at times do in a bulk and gets so much of them, Thanks man, but it does not make sense for me to thank as it is so much his business as much as mine ). I feel with fair amount of certainty that I won't find more than another 100 or even less cases in November when fully complete (if at all it happens ) over and above the so far found 7051 cases.

However as it is a painfull and slow process to get the initial scan completed , would you like to help filling in some. I would prefer something outside the November zone as it is more or less complete. However if you are on SRC02-029 it will help too.

If you are willing to help in this process, open those sheets (including src02-029) and look at column I/J which will give you the from and to ranges already scanned. In most case you will also find the Max number upto which you may have to scan.

Please feel free to scan and post as induvidual sheets or into the consolidated file.

Thanks and hoping to see some more data added in those gaps.
atleast in those data ranges where people have specific knowledge of as their number belong there.

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We all owe you a big thanks as you delivered yet another wonderful feature even though it is your business. I tried this myself way back in last year but the graph does not look this great. (partly because there was not enough data)

Here is another idea on gauging when TSC will jump to new blocks. I have been monitoring how many RFE* are out there in the current block. For example, there are 2092 RFE* cases in 2001. Besides that there are 4800 cases. This tells me that we can expect bulk RFE's on next block after two months. Bulk approvals might come after three months.

Could you add some feature to show this perspective?
more thanks.

the text version fix works out fine for me. thanks to pradha and tr22. I know this is a faster way for me at home. I will do a test later.

also the file saving problem is gone. who do i owe the thank-you?
Just rescanned SRC 020345XXXX (ND of Nov 10, 2001)

.. 7 new approvals in the last 2 days.

6 cases were RFE related. 1 approval status changed directly from ".. 990-999 days" to "this case has been approved ...".

Hope this helps.
Updated scan SRC0203253000 - 54000

Please include the numbers in the consolidated file.

Approved/Completed Count 53
Misc Count 8
Received Count 17
Resumed/FP recvd Count 13
RFE sent Count 9
Transferred Count 16

This is not complete yet, probably another two days worth left to go. pradha - I will take 01-260 next. I checked 01-274 a few days back and looks like it may be similar to some of the October dates with lots of OS155A cases. Cheers.
Re: Re: One more view of the data

Originally posted by gatonegro
Not exactly. SRC02-029 needs a full rescan. There are numbers missing in the 5xxxx range. I know for sure. :)
gatonegro, looks like 02-029 is your date.
You can help in finding the missing numbers by scanning and post the data here.
Are you willing to help ?
RFE question

Here is another idea on gauging when TSC will jump to new blocks. I have been monitoring how many RFE* are out there in the current block


I am not clear what way we can look at RFE's. I too was pondering over that sometime back. Here is what my thought finally took me to.

It is tough to watch the RFE, as genuine RFEs vanish in approx one month time. Others are either wrong info or some crazy officer picked one file send an RFE and shoved the file back into the pile. That is the only explanation I can think of for those RFE's sitting there from 2002. Either way we will figure out nothing based on those stats.
May be immediate couple of week's RFE will give some clue to what can be expected in the next couple of weeks.

It was just my thinking. However if some pattern can be generated we can use that too to pass time ( We both have close to an year to go any way) . I was not very clear with your message

Goastros, any ideas in RFE direction??
