TSC Discussion and Tracker --- Feb. 5, 2002

NO Change in my case status..Wondet whether case was assigned

 I am completely confused. What do they mean when they say the case is assigned. It\'ll be 3 weeks today since case has been "asigned"?
Those lazy guys
My case is transferred to NSC on Feb 06 2002

My case is transfered to NSC on feb 6
RD July 26the 01
ND Aug 1 01

Any idea how long it is going to take for the transferred cases in NSC.
Grrrrrrrrrr TSC

The AVM is still playing the old song 200-275 days. It looks like after transfering the EB3 cases(August 2001) TSC will claim that they have completed the cases till 08/01 in the coming report on tuesday (02/12/2002).

PD 09/01/1998 (Damn it is too loooooooooong)
ND 08/20 2001
my case was transferred to NSC ...

EB-3 non RIR ND 08-07-01/
transferred from TSC to NSC. Should we get a new receipt notice? or the final decision? what does it mean that the case has been assigned?
my case # does not even appear at the NSC automated service...
Need help

My case ND 07/16/2002, EB3, It\'s look like TSC processed/Transferred all July EB3 cases. Mine is not approved yet. Please suggest me what to do now?
TSC director at radio station for interview on Feb 9 at 4pm on radio desi masala

This from the communities.msn.com/TexasImmigration website.
Guys in DFW call in to the show and ask the questions.

 I am not in DFW but I hope someone asks these questions ?
1. The complete lack of reasonable uniformity in the processing time at TSC versus all the other centers. Is TSC not part of INS ?
2. Processing cases in random order regardless of their receipt date. Also people with earlier receipt dates have got later notice dates and so wait longer. This is a reflection of the inept mailroom system. People with receipt dates 2 months later are getting RFE/approval and people who filed earlier hear nothing, even within the same company and identical cases. There has to be fairness and a first come first serve policy, not randomness to produce fake processing time reports. I think this is probably the worst feature of TSC.
3. What is the purpose of having EB1, EB2 and EB3 priorities according to the Immigration Act, if they are processed in reverse order. And why should EB3 only be transferred to other centers to speed them up. If it were fair and according to the law, EB1 and EB2 cases should be given their due priority and transferred to the faster centers.
RFE needs to respond within 12 weeks. Do 12 weeks mean 12 weeks in business days?

I got RFE from TSC according to the AVM on Feb 7. Although I have not received it, I heard that I need to respond it within 12 weeks.
My question is that how to count 12 weeks? In business days for simply regular days.
Thank you for your help.
No Title

Hi USA_lover !

Sorry to hear that you have RFE from TSC. Hope it will be alright and you will be ok as soon as you send reply.

AS you know I also have two RFEs from TSC. These 12 weeks are from date of issue all the way through 12 weeks. There is no weekend days etc. are included but 12 week is quite sufficient time.

Good luck to you

EB1 I-140 approved

I just heard that my EB1 was approved on Jan 31, 2002 on AVM though my lawyers are still to receive the approval notice.

My ND was 13 Feb 2001.

Wish all EB1 I-140 waiters all the best !
are there any EB2-RIR cases trasferred to NSC.

are there any EB2-RIR cases trasferred to NSC? Or they just still under TSC and confined to it?
case: SRC-01-261-XXXXXX
ND: 09/04/2001
