TSC Consolidated 485 Tracker

Politicians care for illegals because 99% of them are Latinos and Latino community is huge factor to be considered during president elections. Legal immigrants are lobbied by big business it needs them, i.e. us. Latter category is not a factor during elections. Who cares about our impact on economy except for Lou Dobbs? :)


I'm sorry, but you don't know the facts. This is what the sensationalistic media and fear-mongering racist politicians want people to believe. The fact is that roughly half of illegal immigrants in this country are people from all over the world who come here legally and overstay their visa and simply don't return (see the library in aila.org). It's easy to segregate the mexicans and central americans and to yell they're pouring through the border by the millions!!! when the other fact is that they rarely stay. I know the restaurant business. I know a lot of mexican illegals. The flow across the border is both ways. They come here, save money (while getting federal and state taxes withheld from their paychecks) and go back within 2 to 3 years. Leave those people alone!

I too, will also stop my political postings with this one.

You have been a tremendous support. Finally after a long wait my case got approved. I would like to share my experience with you:

On Friday (03/16/07), my lawyer's office received a call from USCIS that my case has been approved. My lawyer was very surprised as USCIS usually sends a letter instead of calling. In the call, they mentioned about my letter. I had written two letters, one to my Senator and one to USCIS. I was stuck in name check. I explained them how I have made several efforts (like calling USCIS, InfoPass, etc.) and how I have a clean record (which most of us do) and why delaying my case will only hurt FBI (as they will not be focused on bad guys). My senator also followed up with USCIS (they were really good).

So for those skeptics who say don't make an effort, be positive and try all legal means available to you. I was also a non-believer on contacting USCIS or senators/congressmen.

By the way, my online case status did not show approval on Friday (just a LUD). Only today I got approval email.

On a lighter note, I was leaning towards democrats but now I am republican as my Republican senator's office was on the top of this. They even called me to discuss the issue :)

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)

Congratulations Msabir!

How long ago did you send the letters to USCIS and Congress member? Which state do you reside in? i.e. Who is the Senator??
To msabir

Congrats for your approvals. And thanks for giving the information
about the follow up letters you had written .

A few questions though

1) Whom in USCIS did you address your letter to?

2)Can you please cut and paste the format of the

3)Had you also initiated an inquiry to USCIS before
writing them a letter requesting expediting your case

1. Director of USCIS and Senator from my state.
2. It was a 3 page letter with personal information. There was nothing magic in the letter. I just described my efforts and case being more than 90 days past due and that my first and middle name is very common which is why, I believe, I am stuck in name check. I also described what I am contributing to US economy by writing award-winning software, etc (a little bragging about myself -- which I hate to do). Since everyone's situation is different, you can't just use the same letter and modify it.
3. Yes, I did an inquiry over the phone before sending the letter. They sent me standard response that I am stuck in name check. Then I did InfoPass and got same answer -- name check and there is nothing they can do about it.

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)

Congrats for your approvals. And thanks for giving the information
about the follow up letters you had written .

A few questions though

1) Whom in USCIS did you address your letter to?

2)Can you please cut and paste the format of the

3)Had you also initiated an inquiry to USCIS before
writing them a letter requesting expediting your case

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1. Director of USCIS and Senator from my state.
2. It was a 3 page letter with personal information. There was nothing magic in the letter. I just described my efforts and case being more than 90 days past due and that my first and middle name is very common which is why, I believe, I am stuck in name check. I also described what I am contributing to US economy by writing award-winning software, etc (a little bragging about myself -- which I hate to do). Since everyone's situation is different, you can't just use the same letter and modify it.
3. Yes, I did an inquiry over the phone before sending the letter. They sent me standard response that I am stuck in name check. Then I did InfoPass and got same answer -- name check and there is nothing they can do about it.

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)

When did you send the letters? i.e. how long did it take to see some response?
Thanks a lot msabir.One more question though..Did you put A numbers of your spouse/dependents in the same letter (s) or wrote separate letters for them or didn't do anything about derivate applicants vis-a-vis these letters.
1. Director of USCIS and Senator from my state.
2. It was a 3 page letter with personal information. There was nothing magic in the letter. I just described my efforts and case being more than 90 days past due and that my first and middle name is very common which is why, I believe, I am stuck in name check. I also described what I am contributing to US economy by writing award-winning software, etc (a little bragging about myself -- which I hate to do). Since everyone's situation is different, you can't just use the same letter and modify it.
3. Yes, I did an inquiry over the phone before sending the letter. They sent me standard response that I am stuck in name check. Then I did InfoPass and got same answer -- name check and there is nothing they can do about it.

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)


1-in which state r u?

2-what is the adress of the uscis director?

3-when did u send those letters and when did u hear that ur name was cleared?

4-what kind of attachments u added to ur letter? like I485 receipt, resume, FOIPA...??

5- so who do you think helped in clearing ur name, the ciongressman or USCIS director?
Yes, I put A numbers of myself, my wife and kid. Letters were sent about a 3-4 weeks ago. Few days after the letters, I received a call from my senator's office that I am stuck in name check and they are following up on this. Then I received a letter from USCIS for my 4 yrs old's biometrics (I knew that was a good sign). The day after that biometric, lawyer got a call from USCIS that case has been approved.

By the way, I was told on InfoPass that my case has been pre-adjudicated (legal term for pre-approved) in July 2006 (see LUDs) and the only thing holding it was namecheck.

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)

Thanks a lot msabir.One more question though..Did you put A numbers of your spouse/dependents in the same letter (s) or wrote separate letters for them or didn't do anything about derivate applicants vis-a-vis these letters.
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When my case got to be two months out of processing time, I placed an inquiry over the phone with customer service. The written reply from USCIS came in a month after that and simply asked for six more months and to not bother them again until then.

I explained all this in a letter to the Republican and the Democratic senator of my state and asked for their help simultaneously. Not a week had gone by and I had already learned via email communication with the Democrat's staff that I had cleared name check and that the case should be reviewed by a CIS supervisor soon. A few days later got a notice for my daughter's biometrics, one business day after that the case got approved for me, my daughter and my wife. All through this I never heard from the Republican's staff. Obviously this is just anecdotal and cannot be generalized. In fact, if you try it, you might just get the opposite result.

However, I'm ashamed to have requested help from the Republican. He was part of a do-nothing congresss that routinely let the illegal and immoral actions of the White House go by unchecked: Fabricating (i.e. lying to congress and the people) a case for armed conflict for the benefit of corporate contractors, the stripping of habeas corpus, illegal wiretapping, torture in clandestine prisons across the world, outing CIA operatives and putting their contacts and networks in harm's way solely for political reasons, selective dismissal of federal prosecutors for either prosecuting republican members of congress or failing to act against democrats, and the list goes on and on and will apparently get longer since now there is some oversight in congress.

I wrote to the Republican's staff to tell them that no further action was required on their behalf. I wrote to the Democrat's staff pledging my support for his party in 5 years' time, when I get my citizenship.

They "care" for illegals because they are the ones willing to try to come up with a reasonable plan to deal with that particular problem rather than the idiotic, racist, and red-neck pleasing idea of building fences and walls.


in which state r u? which senators helped u in clearing ur namecheck?

do u have a copy of ur letter?can u post it here?

from which country r u?
question on LUD

:confused: :confused:
My I-485 was received by TSC on 3/2 and we did finger print on 3/16, can anyone advise what's the next step. When do I expect to get a LUD? I'm so confused on the 485 procedure and hope someone can provide a link explains the whole scope.
Thanks a lot!
Senator's address?


So for those skeptics who say don't make an effort, be positive and try all legal means available to you. I was also a non-believer on contacting USCIS or senators/congressmen.
Would you please share with us what address did you send to the Senators?
Did you send to their Washington DC office or local office?
I contacted the local congressman's office and apprently it does not help at all.
Thanks and congratulations on your freedom!!!!

That's wonderful news, msabir! And thanks much for sharing your encouraging experience with all of us. It's great they obviously took your letter very seriously and did what they were supposed to do immediately.

Enjoy your new life! :)


You have been a tremendous support. Finally after a long wait my case got approved. I would like to share my experience with you:

On Friday (03/16/07), my lawyer's office received a call from USCIS that my case has been approved. My lawyer was very surprised as USCIS usually sends a letter instead of calling. In the call, they mentioned about my letter. I had written two letters, one to my Senator and one to USCIS. I was stuck in name check. I explained them how I have made several efforts (like calling USCIS, InfoPass, etc.) and how I have a clean record (which most of us do) and why delaying my case will only hurt FBI (as they will not be focused on bad guys). My senator also followed up with USCIS (they were really good).

So for those skeptics who say don't make an effort, be positive and try all legal means available to you. I was also a non-believer on contacting USCIS or senators/congressmen.

By the way, my online case status did not show approval on Friday (just a LUD). Only today I got approval email.

On a lighter note, I was leaning towards democrats but now I am republican as my Republican senator's office was on the top of this. They even called me to discuss the issue :)

LUDS= 05/12, 05/30, 07/25, 07/26, 03/16, 03/19
AD= 03/16 (phone call), 03/19 (email)
That's wonderful news, msabir! And thanks much for sharing your encouraging experience with all of us. It's great they obviously took your letter very seriously and did what they were supposed to do immediately.

Enjoy your new life! :)


i remenber that u were stuck in namecheck. how did u clear ur namecheck? did u contact someone? who and how long it took since u sent ur letter that ur name got cleared?

can u give details about ur case?

i remenber that u were stuck in namecheck. how did u clear ur namecheck? did u contact someone? who and how long it took since u sent ur letter that ur name got cleared?

can u give details about ur case?

If U guys think. Name check is everything..think again
I am sitting here with Name check cleared for last 4-5 months..Priority date well within...and filing date is well within processing time...

Only issue the case is under review!!!!!!

so I don't check my status anymore for at least a week...

there are some unknown reasons also to delay or approve the cases
Cards in hand

Greetings to all. We finally received our cards - they had been mailed to our attorney last week.

For those who have not read my previous posts:

1. I was stuck in name check for a few months.
2. I did not request any help from politicians, but did consider it.
3. I did submit an inquiry to USCIS when I realized I was outside of normal processing time. They replied in writing about a month later, with the confirmation that we were stuck in background check.

Wish everyone an expedited solution to your cases.
Greetings to all. We finally received our cards - they had been mailed to our attorney last week.

For those who have not read my previous posts:

1. I was stuck in name check for a few months.
2. I did not request any help from politicians, but did consider it.
3. I did submit an inquiry to USCIS when I realized I was outside of normal processing time. They replied in writing about a month later, with the confirmation that we were stuck in background check.

Wish everyone an expedited solution to your cases.

Congratulations MGPY06!!!!!

You and I filed our petitions at the same time (see my signature). So I would be very interested to know:

(1) What was the most recent time you knew that you were stuck in the background check?

(2) Did you do anything special to resolve the background check delay?

(3) If you don't mind my asking, which country are you from? Were you ever required to go through NSEERS (special registration)?

Many thanks and congratulations!
infopass infomrmation

i just had a infopass appointment in local immigration office
i spoke to immigration officer regarding my case

i asked him , my case is beyond processing time and no info about my GC approval, then he asked my EAD and took A# number
and informed me that my case is stuck with background check, he told me my case is pre-adjudicated, once it clears from FBI name check, i may get info within 2 weeks

so finally i am also in the Name check Ocean....
dont know when i'll be comingout this mess:confused: :confused: :mad:
I am not sure what it means ( and most probably it does not mean anything) but I got an LUD yesterday (3/19/2007)... First once since 9/9/06.
My husband did not get anything since 9/9/06...


I 485 - RD 7/13/06.
Greetings to all. We finally received our cards - they had been mailed to our attorney last week.

For those who have not read my previous posts:

1. I was stuck in name check for a few months.
2. I did not request any help from politicians, but did consider it.
3. I did submit an inquiry to USCIS when I realized I was outside of normal processing time. They replied in writing about a month later, with the confirmation that we were stuck in background check.

Wish everyone an expedited solution to your cases.

so u r sayin that ur namecheck got cleared alone (without any help) after a wait of like 14 months?
so u r sayin that ur namecheck got cleared alone (without any help) after a wait of like 14 months?

That's how I understand it happens. If you're stuck, there's nothing to do but wait to become un-stuck. Some cases get stuck for 5 months, some for 5 years and others anything in between.