TSC Consolidated 485 Tracker

NJ Oct02-PD said:
Thank you, Azazello and Ph2002, actually you guys just solve my problem without having myself calling TSC today. First of all, I did have an attorney handling my case. Secondly, Azazello just did the job for me today. I guess if I had called TSC today, I would have been given exactly the same answers. You guys just saved my time (and TSC's rep's time as well.) In fact, I called my attorney today and this is the direct quote: "....no news means good news, it normally takes half to one year to get an approval for my type of case...." So, I guess I will just .......wait.

It is in most attorneys' best interests to have their clients' cases take as long as possible so they can keep charging fees. Because once you get your approval, your relationship with the attorney generally ends, so of course they would like it to extend as far as possible. They're in this racket just as much as anyone else. I'd say go ahead an call TSC yourself - don't worry about wasting their time, that's all they seem to have anyway.
I wrote to Senator's office. When I called them they say 80% of the name check cleared by 60 days. I do not remember doing any crime but my name check is still pending. Is it something wrong? Every time I call TSC they say it is pending in security clearance. I am very much worried.

Any one can throw some light I would appreciate it.

Kolkata68 said:
I wrote to Senator's office. When I called them they say 80% of the name check cleared by 60 days. I do not remember doing any crime but my name check is still pending. Is it something wrong? Every time I call TSC they say it is pending in security clearance. I am very much worried.

Any one can throw some light I would appreciate it.

Mine is pending also. Something is wrong in the system in that they can take as long as they want to clear the security check.
THere is nothing to worry. Keep writing to the senators, congressman and if you pass one year after filing 485, file a WoM. Thats what I plan to do.
manishg_in said:
...... When I asked her specifically about my name check status, she refused to provide that information to me. .....

They have reason not to divulge security clearance info. Last time they did that sky fell down.

my I485 receipt date is close to yours, we will share our good news here if one gets approval.

My PD is Nov 2001, EB2, I485 receipt date 7/26.
antonioa77 said:
i have contacted TSC today concerning my EAD AND AP. they said that my ead wasn't yet assigned to an officer although it is past due by 2 weeks.

for AP , no approval nothing and they can't do anything bcs the date published yesterday is oct 16 whereas mine is oct 17. i feel that uscis people are useless. almost everybody are getting their AP anmd EAD in less than 1 month. maybe they are holding my EAD AND AP because of my pending namecheck.

Antonioa, I have similar case like you for my wife. We applied for 140, 765, 131 and 485 for me and last three for my wife too. October 3, 2006.

I got the approval of 140 in one week, 765 in two weeks and 131 after a long time January 13, 2007.

My wife got the approval for 131 in first month. And we are still waiting for her 765 approval. We also got the info pass for this case but no luck. Their reply was that regional office can not process any EAD case of TCS. Previously they used to issue EAD on the same day of info pass visit (after three months of application submiision).

I think there is no involvement of name check for EAD and AP, it is just matter of time.

Out of processing times


I have a similar situation like many of the recent posts here. After TSC published their processing times I called the NCSC and they told me my case is out of processing time and initiated an enquiry and told me to wait another 45 days. How hard I tried the rep didn't tell me about my namecheck status. i have called TSC also several times but no answer they say the case is under review, file is waiting to be adjuncated, or case is pending. I am really tired with these guys. I see several people who applied early-to-mid june pending like me. Please tell what should I do next. How to contact the senator or congressmen regarding this. My signature is below.

NJ Oct02-PD said:
Thank you, Azazello and Ph2002, actually you guys just solve my problem without having myself calling TSC today. First of all, I did have an attorney handling my case. Secondly, Azazello just did the job for me today. I guess if I had called TSC today, I would have been given exactly the same answers. You guys just saved my time (and TSC's rep's time as well.) In fact, I called my attorney today and this is the direct quote: "....no news means good news, it normally takes half to one year to get an approval for my type of case...." So, I guess I will just .......wait.
By all means, do call them!
As I said, this is just another excuse. Another person at TSC may be much more cooperative than the one I spoke to.
Besides, the more calls we place - the more heat they are feeling.
There was a ridicules piece on the "discrimination against Muslims in FBI name checks" the other day on CNN. Although this is obviously yet another leftish media blooper, all by itself it is good since it brings the FBI name check process to the spotlight. Hopefully, this will bring much needed changes sooner than later...
Azazello said:
By all means, do call them!
As I said, this is just another excuse. Another person at TSC may be much more cooperative than the one I spoke to.
Besides, the more calls we place - the more heat they are feeling.
There was a ridicules piece on the "discrimination against Muslims in FBI name checks" the other day on CNN. Although this is obviously yet another leftish media blooper, all by itself it is good since it brings the FBI name check process to the spotlight. Hopefully, this will bring much needed changes sooner than later...

what cnn exactly talked about in cnn about namechecks and arabs? is there a link or soembody who talked about that? can u tell us what they said?
Calling TSC to ask about the status of your case is just a wast of time. My feeing is that the person who aswers the phone serves like a front desk receiptionist, not immigration officer. These people know nothing about the cases and just look at the computer, tell you meaningless words. Your case is till as the way it is.

Azazello said:
Besides, the more calls we place - the more heat they are feeling....
---I dont think the call or the number of the calls will be passed to the processing officers, who may not be aware of how many calls have been placed.

Azazello said:
By all means, do call them!
As I said, this is just another excuse. Another person at TSC may be much more cooperative than the one I spoke to.
Besides, the more calls we place - the more heat they are feeling.
There was a ridicules piece on the "discrimination against Muslims in FBI name checks" the other day on CNN. Although this is obviously yet another leftish media blooper, all by itself it is good since it brings the FBI name check process to the spotlight. Hopefully, this will bring much needed changes sooner than later...
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antonioa77 said:
for AP , no approval nothing and they can't do anything bcs the date published yesterday is oct 16 whereas mine is oct 17. i feel that uscis people are useless. almost everybody are getting their AP anmd EAD in less than 1 month. maybe they are holding my EAD AND AP because of my pending namecheck.

we were told that our case is waiting for security check as well, but both mine and my husband's EAD got approved less than 1 month. I think TSC just giving you some guess of the case; otherwise, they cannot explain why your EAD and AP have not yet been approved.
antonioa77 said:
what cnn exactly talked about in cnn about namechecks and arabs? is there a link or soembody who talked about that? can u tell us what they said?
No link, sorry. Just saw the thing in a gym while on a treadmill.
A usual left-wing bull - a new great conspiracy theory about Muslims being discriminated against in FBI name check process.
Evidently, those people would do anything and everything to put up their agenda, yet in this case they are useful idiots since they are attracting the attention to the over-all FBI name check backlog problem.
antonioa77 said:
i have contacted TSC today concerning my EAD AND AP. they said that my ead wasn't yet assigned to an officer although it is past due by 2 weeks.

for AP , no approval nothing and they can't do anything bcs the date published yesterday is oct 16 whereas mine is oct 17. i feel that uscis people are useless. almost everybody are getting their AP anmd EAD in less than 1 month. maybe they are holding my EAD AND AP because of my pending namecheck.
I would say don't bother those guys unless your PD current and out side of processing time, and plus that you can get a senator who "really" wiling to help you.

They seems have a black list to put certain people they dislike in it to suffer.
What can you do? I guess nothing but wait..

Folks, my PD has always been current and I am more than 60 days past due the currect processing date for I-485 at TCS. I called them like a month ago. They gave me a inquiry case number and asked to call back in 45 days. I have not heard from them yet. I guess I am stuck in namecheck.

I am thinking to contact Congressmen or Senators, but what can they do? They will just ask USCIS for the status and USCIS will say that they are waiting to get the namecheck done by FBI. If they ask the status from FBI, FBI will say that they have my case in the queue and it will be processed FIFO bases.

Is there anything you can do to expedite when your PD is current and more than 30 days have passed the posted TSC processing dates?

EB2/ 485 RD=05/08/2006, PD current, Rest of the world.

GYC said:
I would say don't bother those guys unless your PD current and out side of processing time, and plus that you can get a senator who "really" wiling to help you.

They seems have a black list to put certain people they dislike in it to suffer.
Spouses Card Not approved........

I know they take some time to approve Spouse's Card after primary approval. In my case its been more than 2 months and the dates (both PD and RD) are favourable to us. Is anyone else in the same boat..??????

Please respond
Azazello said:
No link, sorry. Just saw the thing in a gym while on a treadmill.
A usual left-wing bull - a new great conspiracy theory about Muslims being discriminated against in FBI name check process.
Evidently, those people would do anything and everything to put up their agenda, yet in this case they are useful idiots since they are attracting the attention to the over-all FBI name check backlog problem.

about CNN namecheck program, can u tell which day was that? and what is the name of the program? it will be great if u can provide with that info, if u still remenber.

what exactly they said and who were the people on that show? what they do?
GYC said:
I would say don't bother those guys unless your PD current and out side of processing time, and plus that you can get a senator who "really" wiling to help you.

They seems have a black list to put certain people they dislike in it to suffer.

my AP and EAD RD are outside the TSC processing date. even if u r current and they are past due ur RD, if u talk with them, what they will do? nothing. they will tell u stupid things and tell me sory u r stuck in namecheck, which i know that i'm stuck in.