Trip to Canada

Very good point CI_Asylee. I think this had something to do with the extra search. Perhaps they wanted to see if you actually lived in the USA or if someone mailed your GC to you to come back.

I've been to Canada about 15 times in the last 2 years - always by land - and my car was only searched once. And that search was a random search initiated by the CBP computer and lasted about 10 minutes. So I am a bit surprised about this story. You should try to get your A-File to see what was put in your records - just for the heck of it.

Where you driving a rental car by chance?

Probably, but my car has Ohio plates, my DL says my address in Ohio, I had a hat with big O on it meaning OSU Football team, they searched my car and defenetly saw original pay stubs with stated address of my Employee and my address on it.

Do you know How can I get my A-File?
Do you know How can I get my A-File?

I sure do shadow26 - Follow the directions below from the USCIS web site. You can also follow this link to go there directly:

I recommend that you use the Form G-639 instead of writing your own letter. As always, be sure to make a copy of everything before you send it. Don't forget to send it with a copy of your DL and get the form notarized to confirm your identify. Your local back will be able to do this for your without a fee.

Also, send it via delivery confirmation so you have a record of your submission. Be prepared to wait for more than 1.5 years for your records. But no matter how long it takes, it will give you peace of mind - especially prior to applying for citizenship.


How to Make a FOIA or PA Request

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, provides that any person has a right to request access to immigration records, except those records exempted by the Act (e.g., classified national security, business proprietary, personal privacy, and investigative).

The Privacy Act of 1974 (PA), 5 U.S.C. § 552(a) provides legal permanent residents and U.S. citizens a right to protection of and access to records filed and retrieved by their name or personal identifier.

As required by the FOIA, ALL REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. Form G-639 may be used for this purpose, but is not required. A link to this form can be found on this page. A letter including the criteria below is sufficient. Requests must be for access to existing records. The FOIA/PA Program Office will not “create” records for the purpose of a FOIA or PA request. The following four steps outline “How to Make a FOIA or PA Request:”

1. On your written request, include a daytime phone number so that we may contact you. Fees in searching, copying and reviewing records may apply, see below.

2. Provide as much information as possible on the subject matter. This will help expedite the search process.

3. Verification of Identity, Guardianship, Accompanying Persons, and Amendment requests are requirements for making a request for records of a personal nature. Requests for disclosure of records on individuals other than yourself require consent or proof of death.

4. Mail requests for USCIS records to the National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office, P. O. Box 648010, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010.

Mail requests for human resources information to: Customs and Border Protection, Burlington Human Resources Office, 70 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403-6813.

Certifications: Certification of Nonexistence of a Record involves an agency decision. Requests for this service should be addressed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ATTN: Records Services Branch, 111 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., 4th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20529.

Requests are deemed to constitute an agreement to pay any applicable fees that may be chargeable up to $25.00 without notice. Most requests do not require any fees; however, if fees exceed $25.00, we will notify you beforehand. Do not submit fees with initial requests.


Thank you for the information with regard to FOIPA access. Questions:

1. After CIS finish their FOIPA committment per your request, will they put your written request of this matter ( such as the filled Form G-639 ) into your A-file folder ? The guideline says " The FOIA/PA Program Office will not “create” records for the purpose of a FOIA or PA request." .... Anyway, will any future IO know you have made request in the CIS database for a specific matter ?

2. Which address should we use ? - The guideline says
"...4. Mail requests for USCIS records to the National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office, P. O. Box 648010, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010.

Mail requests for human resources information to: Customs and Border Protection, Burlington Human Resources Office, 70 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403-6813."

3. What is the meaning of " human resources information " ? How can CIS have our human resources information other than our employer's HR file ?
MGTGirl........i know.
What im saying is, those who already have a GC on hand, please use GC with NP to travel, but do not use RTD + NP + GC...... that will freak out any IO .
I lost when you said " But most of us asylees can't use our passport because it has expired and can't renew it from our COP's embassy. "
Not even with GC on hand your embassy will issue you a new NP?

Hi fasaavedra,

I don't know about you but in my case, I asked asylum against the government of my COP and right now my COP doesn't even recognize me as a citizen of its country. So they will definitely not issue me a passport or renew my old one. Actually even if they did, I don't want to set foot in their embassies. One day I went there to get a visa stamp for my aunt who lives far from the embassy, and going into the embassy freaked me out! The only time I'd go to COP and their embassies would be when I become a citizen. So yeah, I have to wait a long time for that!
Time will change


Sorry to hear about your experience. There will be a day when we will get rid of the IBIDS in both places and our people will leave in peace and mutual respect, either together or as good neighbors. The violations of the rule of law perpetrated against you folks in retroactively denying your citizenship rights and confisication of property will be remedied. You guys work on getting rid of your nutcase and we will work on ours.


Hi fasaavedra,

I don't know about you but in my case, I asked asylum against the government of my COP and right now my COP doesn't even recognize me as a citizen of its country. So they will definitely not issue me a passport or renew my old one. Actually even if they did, I don't want to set foot in their embassies. One day I went there to get a visa stamp for my aunt who lives far from the embassy, and going into the embassy freaked me out! The only time I'd go to COP and their embassies would be when I become a citizen. So yeah, I have to wait a long time for that!
Yeap last Saturday, I was waiting GC, so when I got it, I packed my stuff and here I am on the road again)
Those officers on US POE was wondering about my short trip and asked me like Did you drive so far to stay in Canada for 1 day. A day before trip I was in Albany, NY then moved back to Ohio to celebrate my birthday, next day I was driving from Columbus OH, entered Canada through Niagara Falls, just to see both side of Falls and and I went to St. Catharine, picked up my buddies and gone for good to Montreal, had a good time there, you know, and phone call made me come back to Albany, so they were wondering about "too much driving" at short period of time, and why Ive entered through NY instead of Niagara Falls or closer to my home POE. They few times were asked me about my trip and POE and even trip before Canada. They were trying to catch me on something and made me a little bit nervous. Next time I'll wrote down exact time of crossing the border on the paper, and everything I've eat that day and the weather condition on the road. Lets say officer asking the question:

When and where you entered Canada?

Answer will be like

11.34 am on March 30th of 2007 thru the boot #4 of Niagara Falls POE, the Canadian officer name was John Doe. etc.

instead of
yesterday morning via Niagara Falls.

I really don't mention time when Ive entered, and they asked me exactly the time.
After they asked me about when I get my GC, and get the answer like last Saturday I found it at mailbox. They asked me really stupid question -
Have you ever visit your COP after I get my GC.
(Wake up guys, I am driving and I am not a batman it's like 10,000 miles away.)

I'll never go through that POE anymore. I'll better spend one more hour of driving toward Vermont's POE

2 things shadow. I just came back from Germany and I was asked tons of questions but I was in a friendly mood with the officer. I didn't do anything wrong so why be scared? If officers show you attitude, you smile and take it because people who show attitude they give them hard time.

It doesn't mean you become Immigration's bitch, however, my point is, having 2 passports(rtd+np) is like having 2 identities plus add a GC to it, it creates another identity...So first of all, when traveling to canada by road, you keep your RTD or RP or NP at home because by current rules you only need your GC...A license can also serve as another identity proof.

So they were just doing their job. WHen I came back, I had a GC, NP, RP and the officer went line by line on each document and verified...I asked him why and he said he is verifying that no one else took over my identity..even though come on GC picture is impossible to alter...

So they do their job and just be patient..You haven't done anything wrong so you shouldn't be scared.
hi Wantmygreencard and everyone! :)

So i was planning to go to Canada this year with my green card and re-entry permit.. from what you're saying , I should be ok with just the green card?

Yeap last Saturday, I was waiting GC, so when I got it, I packed my stuff and here I am on the road again)
Those officers on US POE was wondering about my short trip and asked me like Did you drive so far to stay in Canada for 1 day. A day before trip I was in Albany, NY then moved back to Ohio to celebrate my birthday, next day I was driving from Columbus OH, entered Canada through Niagara Falls, just to see both side of Falls and and I went to St. Catharine, picked up my buddies and gone for good to Montreal, had a good time there, you know, and phone call made me come back to Albany, so they were wondering about "too much driving" at short period of time, and why Ive entered through NY instead of Niagara Falls or closer to my home POE. They few times were asked me about my trip and POE and even trip before Canada. They were trying to catch me on something and made me a little bit nervous. Next time I'll wrote down exact time of crossing the border on the paper, and everything I've eat that day and the weather condition on the road. Lets say officer asking the question:

When and where you entered Canada?

Answer will be like

11.34 am on March 30th of 2007 thru the boot #4 of Niagara Falls POE, the Canadian officer name was John Doe. etc.

instead of
yesterday morning via Niagara Falls.

I really don't mention time when Ive entered, and they asked me exactly the time.
After they asked me about when I get my GC, and get the answer like last Saturday I found it at mailbox. They asked me really stupid question -
Have you ever visit your COP after I get my GC.
(Wake up guys, I am driving and I am not a batman it's like 10,000 miles away.)

I'll never go through that POE anymore. I'll better spend one more hour of driving toward Vermont's POE

Hey buddy what were you doing in St Catherine...its like a "redlight" district of Montreal..... :p
Maybe officers were jealous of you for that... :rolleyes: :D
The funniest exchange I have had to date at a US-Canada crossing was when I was driving back from Toronto to Boston in my STi. As I slowly pulled into the booth, the officer sticks his head out and asks me "Do you really get 300 ponies on this from just 4???(referring to number of cylinders)". For a second I did not even realise what he was asking. Once I did, I nodded. He took my docs, scanned them and returned them without taking his eyes of my car. :)

Thank you for the information with regard to FOIPA access. Questions:

1. After CIS finish their FOIPA committment per your request, will they put your written request of this matter ( such as the filled Form G-639 ) into your A-file folder ? The guideline says " The FOIA/PA Program Office will not “create” records for the purpose of a FOIA or PA request." .... Anyway, will any future IO know you have made request in the CIS database for a specific matter ?

2. Which address should we use ? - The guideline says
"...4. Mail requests for USCIS records to the National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office, P. O. Box 648010, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010.

Mail requests for human resources information to: Customs and Border Protection, Burlington Human Resources Office, 70 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403-6813."

3. What is the meaning of " human resources information " ? How can CIS have our human resources information other than our employer's HR file ?

Sorry it has taken me this long to respond to your questions. I have been away from this site for a few weeks. :)

1. No - there will be no records of your requests placed in your A-File. However, Lee Summit will have it in their records - which is fine. Either way, it is your right to request your file at any time.

2. I sent my request to the National Records Center at Lee Summit. That is where all files are supposed to be housed. I noticed in my A-File there were several mini files that have been merged together. Which is great, as this prevents me from having multiple files out there. I had my asylee file, my I-485 file, etc.

3. Disregard the HR portion of it. You should submit your request to the NRC and ask for your A-File in its entirety.

Hope this helps.