well, name check is a black hole , brightstar was interviewd way before i was . And he was told that name check are pending , till today he didnt hear anything. these congress men and their clerk dont call federal agencies just for the sake of name check , i never requested any expedite name check through these people , thay are v good in immigration but when it comes to federal agencies , they dont wanna involves , i think after 9/11 things are pretty weird , why they do name check , NO clue and if they do AT WHAT STAGE (at least i couldnt figure) i wanna telll u one thing which i am disappointed in ur draft (above to FBI) where u mentioned abt the laws and the section and u asked them to furnish ur request. thats v rude to them , u dont teach them laws ....... u knwo what i am saying , when i requested name check i used HUMBLE REQUEST word and i was very polite and gave a touch in my draft that OUR NATIONAL SECURITY is THE first piroity as shoudl come first. not like i was teaching them ant the law , if i were the person u are writing i wouldnt even look at that fax, that was a simple FOIA . that has nuthing to do with name check. let me tell u one more very interesting thing. NEVER EVER request FOIA report , it will slow down ur name check process (instead we might think it will speed up) u are giving more work for them to do. let them do ur name check first ,
be very polite and dont write more than 2 lines and also CC that letter to ur officer who took ur interview , just as a reminder that u are concern and this will make them stop watching at clocks and do some work .
FBI will not tell u any status of ur name check with 8-10 weeks window(means u filed at least 10 weeks ago) my postal letter worked and that response came after one month.
there is no power that can make them fast this process overnight , u have to be very patient and keep in mind , from today u may be able to hear something within 3 months , dont hurt to make up ur mind .
yes i couldnt find any appointmet for passport stamp , so i had to ask one of my freinds to give me his already taken appointment for the 22nd of dec,
good luck and do wht u think will work for u the best