Transferred to Local INS office in Washington -Aug 15th RD

From where did you get this news. You mean, all transferred cases have been moved to Missousri. They will not do anything here. When your case was transferred. Can you explain in detail alongwith your RD/FD/TD etc.


yes they are moving in august , this time backlog is gonan be nightmere , VSC is dumping the files to Arlington office , knowngly they ill move , just to delay process , or they could have moved to Norfolk. this is a reward we are getting who ADJUSTING STATUS ...............i have seen a coworker who pretented as a n AMEGO , (didnt tell the right way he was entered) though he had visa , and later changed the name , been approved last November , interesting this is we both filed the same date , ...

lets just move on whatever we were doing , think we filed i-485 as dated today , its gonan be 18 months wait for ppl who transferred in 2004. i am telling u , i know alot , and if u remeber i was the first person who broke the ice and informed u guys abt their moving .

good luck to all
Thanks for your reply. But do you think that there is any way to get faster it like contacting Senator or Congressman etc....? Its very tough to maintain / retain the job at one place for a longer time with the same company..... Can't do anything without GC....?

Thanks again...
Received Plastic Cards


I am happy to report that my wife and I received our plastic cards within 5 weeks of our approvals. As some of you may remember, we had our interview and approvals on 5/24/04 at the Arlington, VA local office. We received the welcome letters(I-181) along with my Green card on Monday and received my wife's Green Card today. Interestingly our files seem to have gone to Vermont after the approval instead of Nebraska where we originally filed our 485s. I-181 approvals were mailed out of Vermont and the cards out of Corbin, KY.

I thought I would probably not visit this site very often after the approval, but I dont think that's probably gonna happen. I will keep visiting the site and try to share any information that I may have which can prove helpful to other members.

Once again, I would like to thank each and every person on this forum for all the great information and insight. Thanks to Rajiv for his wonderful efforts to help the immigrant community.


RD 12/11/01
ND 12/14/01
RFE 7/11/03
TD 11/03
Interview and Approval: 5/24/04
I-181s received: 6/21/04
Cards Received: 6/21/04 & 6/25/04

Who will get an interview notice?
The lawyer office or personal applicant or sending to both sides?

I worry it may be sent to my previous lawyer or to my old address though
filed AR-11and G-28 form to VSC before, and confrmed it changed.
The transfer notice to my family cases were sent to the previous lawyer not to my current
lawyer's office, even it was not delivered to me.

TD: 6/07/04
I think they send the interview notice to you directly....but that is only when they really DO WORK.
Their moving day is a month ahead, and it's a great excuse for them to not to work....and rolling a dice on our life. I'm so sick of all this...
I dont think the lawyer will receive the interview letter, atleast my lawyer didn't. Applicant definitely receives the letter with the interview date and time, and a list of all the documents required. Usually they send a finger printing appointement also along with the interview letter, to be completed before the interview.

Transfered EAD as well!

Thank you so much for your answer.

I have one more question.
My EAD application also was transfered to Washington DC office just after transfer of our I-485s. It's now passed 90days from the RD.

Can I get i-EAD at same day by walk-in?
Are there anyone who experinced this case? I would appreciate you in advance for your answer.
gcdilemma said:
Can I get i-EAD at same day by walk-in?
Are there anyone who experinced this case? I would appreciate you in advance for your answer.

Yes, I think you can. Here's H1blayoff's recent experience(6/23).

Got I-EAD from Local office


Just back from the local office. The experience was not worth sharing.

Reached there around 7 am and saw that 150 people were already in the queue. By the time we got in, the lady started telling people that the tickets for the day have been consumed and no more tickets were available. This actually put me back in seat. But later on the supervisor came in and asked for people who have come for IEAD and took us to the second floor. Gave all of us some numbers and asked us to first wait in queue. After an hour when nothing happened, they asked us to sit and told us that our number will be called as EAD-#.

Around 11:30 our number was called, they asked to show EAD receipt notice and asked us to go to room # 100. Went there and found people waiting. Basically the lady who asked us to go to room #100 was the one who popped in there and gave us a stub to sign and put our fingerprint on. After an hour she took our photos and finally gave us our IEAD. We were out by 1:30.

First of all the office is understaffed. Two counters for other applications and one counter for IEAD. They take atleast 20-25 min per applicant. I would ask people to go there around 5 am so that they get done quickly.

When I asked the Information officer abt my pending I-485, she questioned back asking me if I had taken a number. This means I have to come in early so that I get a number and wait with everyone else even to ask for status on my case. Really pathetic!!.

I hope I don't have to go there once again. The only time I will have to is for the interview wherein I will have an appointment so they can't deny us entry.

By the way they gave us IEAD valid for one year.

All the best to people waiting, have a good weekend

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Thank you again. I will try next week.
Is there any specific day to get iEAD?
Or we can try any day from Monday to Friday?
No, don't go on Monday. They give iEAD only from Tuesday to Friday between (8-11.00 AM). Be there around 7.00AM and should be out by 11:30 AM with iEAD. Take all the concerned documents alongwith you..All the best.


Thank you so much. Otherwise I should waste my wholeday off.
Yes, I will try any day from Tueday to Friday. All the best.
Our cases have been transfered to Arlington, VA local office in Jun 2004. Our RD is 07/02/2002 (VSC). Appreciate any details from people who attended interview and any special situations like using AC-21 and etc.
Also appreciate if anybody can provide the list of the documents (both company & beneficiary) that are mentioned in the interview notice to submit during interview. This will give ample time to prepare for un anticipated situations in this market.
Okay to NOT renew EAD?

i have been waiting for my 485 to process for a long time now. my 485 RD is 11/2001. already did my second fingerprint and second EAD. my case was trasnferred to Arlington on December 30th, 2003. By the way it looks, it is very doubtful that I will get an interview scheduled before the end of this summer.

My second EAD is about to expire on July 30th, 2004. I am considering NOT renewing it because I am simply sick and tired of renewing and renewing especially if I am supposed to be done with this whole process long ago.

Anyway, I know that if I don't renew EAD, I cannot work which is just fine by me. I am thinking about just taking a break from July 30, 2004 until they schedule me an interview and grant me a decision.

Will NOT renewing for my THIRD EAD and not working for a few months before the interview jeopardize my chances of getting an approval for the green card?
I believe, that you must to extend your EAD. On interview they mostlikely would ask your paystubs. If you do not work, you do not have them.
Marusia said:
I believe, that you must to extend your EAD. On interview they mostlikely would ask your paystubs. If you do not work, you do not have them.

thanks for the reply. yeah, i can totally understand that. however, i have my pay stubs for the past 4.5 years i have been working waiting for the green card at the same company without ever changing my address. i just thought maybe it would be okay to miss out a couple of months.

i guess i will still renew my EAD this month. but judging by how Arlington office is operating or the lack of operating due to its coming move, i doubt i will get my EAD renewed before 7/30/04. so most likely i cannot work legally until i get my third EAD renewal.

oh well. i am just frustrated.
gonna Renew

i did post the same question on the big INS 485 issues in VSC center since there are generally more replies and visits there. anyway, everyone who replied strongly recommend the renewal of EAD A.S.A.P. so i am gonna renew and not taking any chances in raising flags. :(
What's the point of taking risk at this stage....after all the waiting, you don't want to ruin by one stupid step. I can totally understand your agony, but just for the safe side, I strongly recommend you to renew your EAD. Specially all the moving going know what that means. This people have no sense of efficiency as you experienced. I might have to get ready for 4th EAD for myself soon.
Best wishes..
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Thanks cmyk55!

yeah, i just called my lawyer to renew the EAD for me. i decided to get the lawyer to renew to hopefully speed up the process and minimize any problems. i did consider renewing the EAD myself to save a few bucks, but at this stage, i think i just want to get it over with and ease my pain too!

cmyk55 said:
What's the point of taking risk at this stage....after all the waiting, you don't want to ruin by one stupid step. I can totally understand your agony, but just for the safe side, I strongly recommend you to renew your EAD. Specially all the moving going know what that means. This people have no sense of efficiency as you experienced. I might have to get ready for 3rd EAD for myself soon.
Best wishes..
Please advise.

Our cases have been transferred to Miami Local office in (Nov, 2003) as per congressman's office based on my old address at the time. We haven't receiveid any info on this from USCIS todate. I actually moved to Virginia and got my address updated in Apr 2004 of course I did not know of the transfer then. Now the congressman's office intiated action to get my file transfered to Arlington, VA local office.

Can I approach Arlington, VA office and request my file to be transfered from Miami ? To take an appointment is it a must to have any confirmation of file transfer ? What do I need to take to the local office? Please advise.